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Changes to the Reputation System

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munch1917 Offline
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Post: #21
RE: Changes to the Reputation System
Personally don't care much for reps, never have done, but just one thought I'd throw into the mix :
can the reps be made upgradeable, but not downgradeable.
In other words, you can add extra points, but you can't take points back once given. This might help avoid some of the abuse and petty squabbling that has occurred in the past with both negative reps, and with reps being removed.

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07-07-2017 10:52
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terence Offline

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Post: #22
RE: Changes to the Reputation System
^there is a case for that. i've had people remove reps from me for different reasons but i've never felt the need to reciprocate. they earned the rep and the action of removing their rep from me doesn't warrant me removing mine from them. if that makes sense?

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07-07-2017 10:57
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hops1 Offline
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Post: #23
RE: Changes to the Reputation System
To (mis) quote Charlton Heston....."I'll give up my rep when you pry it from my cold, dead hands" lol
07-07-2017 11:04
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Regenerated Offline
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Post: #24
RE: Changes to the Reputation System
The changes do seem to make sense in regards to cappers, video makers and picture posters being rewarded more strongly for their efforts than commentators.

That's in no way a criticism of comments, I have repped people before simply for comments and have received the same in return, it's just I feel that the caps and vids of the shows generally require more time and more work to get them right. Word posts can easily be edited with the on screen basic functions. If someone uses up more time and computer space with editing and saving caps and vids, I feel that would deserve a higher award.

I would just also offer a word of caution to put in place a safeguard to avoid petty squabbles and disputes about reps. Munch mentioned the points awarded being upgradeable but not downgradeable - that seems a good idea. Also the Forum Awards at the end of each year should still continue. I'm sure you guys had no intention of stopping those, it was just a thought in case people began using extra point reps as a substitute for voting in the awards.

Interesting thread with plenty of ideas, been a good read.

07-07-2017 14:30
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terence Offline

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Post: #25
RE: Changes to the Reputation System
^the much loved and eagerly anticipated end of year awards will stiill happen mate. no need to worry! Tongue

as for munch's idea, it is a good one in principal but admin has said it wouldn't be technically possible to implement anyway. clear guidelines will be posted as to hopefully stop any arguments or miss use of the new system.

Chuck Norris has tested positive for coronavirus (COVID-19). the virus is now in quarantine for 14 days.
07-07-2017 14:35
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BarrieBF Offline
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Post: #26
RE: Changes to the Reputation System
The problem I can see is from older reps given by people who no longer visit the forum. They would automatically be devalued in this process, as it wouldn't be possible for them to be upgraded. That means that members who have been here a long time, wouldn't benefit as much as newer members, who could potentially see all their reps improved.

I think a better improvement would be to automatically make some people's reps more valuable than others, so a rep from an established member would be worth more than a rep from a newcomer. Under the existing proposal a newcomer could sign up and go on a rep giving binge with maximum points handed out every time and skew the system entirely.
07-07-2017 15:14
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Charlemagne Offline

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Post: #27
RE: Changes to the Reputation System
^ You mention about newbie's just joining to add reps.
One way of stopping this is to restrict newbie's from giving reps until they are established. It would also stop them being coerced.
(this is only my opinion, it's not what is being suggested)

07-07-2017 15:25
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hops1 Offline
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Post: #28
RE: Changes to the Reputation System
Surely reps do not have any intrinsic value.....let's set up a system where they can be traded as per any other commodity?!? Lol
07-07-2017 15:28
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ShandyHand Offline
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Post: #29
RE: Changes to the Reputation System
^ Something for nothing based purely on how well you're regarded, what is this a babe's wishlist?! ... Show disembodied puss on cam too and you'll go far. Wink

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07-07-2017 15:41
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M-L-L Offline
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Post: #30
RE: Changes to the Reputation System
Wink Ah... the old "You might want to return that rep I gave you" PM's.
How I miss receiving those Winklaugh
07-07-2017 17:13
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