A clever comedy from director Robert Hamer about a widower who decides to send his 20 year old son to Paris in order to find companionship in the opposite sex.The sharp dialogue is brilliantly brought to life with strong performances by Alec Guinness,Vernon Gray and Odile Versios.
08-08-2017 12:10
Posting Machine
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loved it better than the first didnt managed to see it in cinema cos of things getting in the way.
True Supporter of Girls and Not Channels !!!!!
I always Keep getting accused of thinking the world revolves around me. . i know it doesnt . . it revolves around the sun which shines out of my arse !!!!!
(This post was last modified: 08-08-2017 17:57 by HannahsPet.)
08-08-2017 17:57
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Adapted for the screen by the Coen brothers based on the non fiction book by Laura Hildenbrand.Retelling the story of American Olympic athlete Loui Zamperini,who after being called up to fight in the second world war,survives the crashing of his bomber only to end up facing the brutal reality of life in several Japanese POW camps.Brilliantly directed by Angelina Jolie with a compelling lead performance from Jack O'Connell.
Pretty good Bond film but gets a little silly when it goes to outer space. Roger Moore kills it with the one liners and when you can get away with a character called Doctor Goodhead
Pretty good Bond film but gets a little silly when it goes to outer space. Roger Moore kills it with the one liners and when you can get away with a character called Doctor Goodhead
I agree it's an enjoyable film but the outer space stuff is unbelievable. After the spy who loved me, the Bond producers planned to film for your eyes only next but the global success of Star Wars they thought Bond in space should be the way to go.
09-08-2017 22:28
Tractor boy
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Oh dear,I had such high hopes for this.Adapted for the screen by Luc Besson from the 1975 volume "Ambassador Of The Shadows" it unfortunately falls short of that significant achievement.Completely underwhelming on all levels except visual effects and even both leads struggle with the clunky dialogue,especially Dane DeHaan.There's so much potential here,so the solution would maybe to switch director and recast.Stick with the comics or watch The Fifth Element,both are much better than this.
(This post was last modified: 10-08-2017 13:52 by rpj316.)
10-08-2017 10:08
Jack the Nipper
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Supernatural horror set in the real life legendary Aokigahara Forest,based at the foot of Mount Fuji in Japan where people go to end their lives & thus is believed harbour the after-life & supernatural presence for hundreds of years.
A young woman Sara Price (played by Natalie Dormer) gets horrible premonitions & vibes that her identical twin sister Jess (also played by Natalie Dormer) is in danger in that sort of twins psychic ability apparently have.Sara visits Japan were here sister Jess has been working as a teacher & Sara receives reports that Jess was last seen going into the Aokigahara Forest (the suicide spot) but Sara believes Jess is still alive & is merely just in the forest.
Sara receives word from the locals that evil spirits lurk in the woods & will lure you to your death should you venture off the path & in a nutshell she goes out searching for her lost sibling.
The legendary woods certainly have that authentic haunting & creepy look about it as well it's renowned history as being a real life suicide spot is well shot throughout the film & as for the story itself it does start off slow it does however pick up pace in the second half of the film with a good twist at the end.An okay film 7/10.
10-08-2017 14:11
Jack the Nipper
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I found the film title a little miss-leading (the were were no Abbatoir's in the actual film)as I was anticipating a Texas Chainsaw Massacre type film before reading the write-up for the film.
Anyway this horror/thriller focuses on a young reporter Julia (played by the beautiful Jessica Lowndes) who investigates the death of her sister Amanda who's death is shrouded in mysterious circumstances.Leads to her sisters death takes her to her childhood town of New English where the sisters both grew up as children before they were separated for adoption.The townsfolk of New English are certainly strange to say the least but it seems other murders have been carried out in this town in similar fashion to her sisters death which all lead to a creepy looking ghost-house.The film plays out like at times a bit like cult classic House on Haunted Hill but fails poorly in comparison.
I'll be honest I was a little too enchanted by Jessica Lowndes & her character (did I mention she's insanely beautiful) that I did lose focus of the story at times but not enough to say this film was a bit disappointing with a mish-mash,confusing storyline.
As a film rating Jessica would certainly warrant 10/10 but blinkers off this film is a 4/10.
(This post was last modified: 11-08-2017 23:57 by Jack the Nipper.)
11-08-2017 11:50
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A jobbing actor takes promotion work for a superhero film called Captain Avenger,he then foils a robbery whilst wearing the suit and sets out to fight crime for real,soon coming to the conclusion that he's in way over his head.A precursor to the recent trend of have a go hero films like Super and Kick Ass with a brilliant lead turn from the late John Ritter.With good support from Anne Archer,Bert Convy and Kevin McCarthy.
(This post was last modified: 11-08-2017 19:07 by rpj316.)