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Don't Really Watch Babeshows Anymore

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greenray Offline
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Post: #1
Don't Really Watch Babeshows Anymore
I only used to watch them at weekends and days off anyway,but didn't bother for a couple of weeks,and I haven't gone back and I barely miss them. I might be tempted by a Dannii or Clare show,but that's it.
As for the forum,I do check BSX and Red Light caps cos they are a bit more explicit,but most of time on here is now spent on the Celebrity/News/Music/Sport/TV Film threads.
06-09-2017 20:19
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M-L-L Offline
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Post: #2
RE: Don't Really Watch Babeshows Anymore
^ They've always been a repetitve format, and familiarity breeds indifference.
For me this has been exacerbated by the more static poses /restricted camera angles in use over the last year or so.
This place is useful for catching up on appearances by those of my favourite performers who now only come on the shows every so often now; and for some of the slightly more unusual shows that would otherwise be missed by those of us who cannot stay up every night to 4am on the off-chance one of the babes will nip into the shower - many thanks for the generous and dedicated forum members who continue to capture and post these increasingly rare moments of variation.
(This post was last modified: 10-09-2017 11:28 by M-L-L.)
10-09-2017 11:28
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Nadam Offline
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Post: #3
RE: Don't Really Watch Babeshows Anymore
Lost interest too, hardly ever watch these days.

The return to nights of Mica would change that, as would more night shows for Scarlett Jones and Alexa Brooke!
(This post was last modified: 10-09-2017 22:29 by Nadam.)
10-09-2017 11:38
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greenray Offline
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Post: #4
RE: Don't Really Watch Babeshows Anymore
Having said that,I was drawn like a moth to a flame to a naked Lola Knight last night. Rather nice.
10-09-2017 19:50
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xJ4Kx Offline
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Post: #5
RE: Don't Really Watch Babeshows Anymore

I was just about to make a thread on this I've not posted for a few weeks I still check the caps and videos posted on here sometimes not that they get posted much anymore.

I haven't even watched the channels for a few weeks I don't no what it is I just don't feel bothered to watch them like, I used to be really looking forward to seeing x or whoever was on but now I basically forgotten about them I just go to bed wake up and occasionally look in the morning when If I remember lol
19-05-2018 17:11
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babefan2012 Offline
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Post: #6
RE: Don't Really Watch Babeshows Anymore
Yeah losing interest as well. Apart from a select few. For me it’s the restrictions which have been put in place by the channels themselves, i.e BS no boobs for free for weeks on end for new babes. It gets tiresome quickly after the first babe or two. Second is the pervcam obsession. Done right it’s ok but too much focus on it and it well spoils the show.

I have no idea what I'm doing here but I'm here!!!
19-05-2018 19:52
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Rake Offline
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Post: #7
RE: Don't Really Watch Babeshows Anymore
The problem is it is 1 step forward then 2 quick large strides backwards for the Babeshows these days. A glimmer of excitement and maybe a new babe or 2 that piques interest...then it is snuffed out; and the babes are either rapidly dropped never to grace the screens again or are forced to conform to the safe industry ideal in order to get repeat bookings.
(This post was last modified: 19-05-2018 20:08 by Rake.)
19-05-2018 20:07
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xJ4Kx Offline
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Post: #8
RE: Don't Really Watch Babeshows Anymore
Yeah I think it was a slow decline watching the shows for me but for years unless I had been on a night out come back and just fell into a coma lol I hadn't really missed a night watching them it's weird thinkin about it and writing it on here but I am getting the feeling it's not just me and it's not like I am watching porn or cams etc just in general not bothered about watching it
19-05-2018 21:44
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arcalliber Offline

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Post: #9
RE: Don't Really Watch Babeshows Anymore
glad I'm not the only one lads

been a babechannel viewer for about 10 years, been busy the last couple of weeks so finally got a free night and after getting in had a quick look for a girl to phone....and fuck me...just scrolled through and nothing even peaked my interest.

Then had a realisation, I don't think I've even phoned this year! can't remember the last time I did.

I've had some great calls/experiences over the years, even punted a few girls back in the wild west years.

But now most of the girls I used to like have moved on, the ones who haven't are shadows of their former selves (not entirely their fault, I know but still) and the channels are so focused on the pervcam/private cam stuff they seems to disregard everything else

I'll admit this a a personal problem of mine that I just haven't remotely desired any new girl that has popped up but I'm 26 now I'm getting old lol.
They just haven't captured my attention like back in the day (probably due to being so muzzled I guess)

so yeah, I'm sure I'll pop back every now and again to phone an old fave but other than that...pretty much done with the channels.

maybe I'll have another go at finding that elusive "love" everyone's talking about, been single since september for fuck sake lol

anyway, shared thoughts?
14-06-2018 23:51
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