Thank you for the rep and your thoughtful response.
I think in this age of Trump and social media this concept of a polarised for or against with no grey is rapidly taking hold; its a very salient point when the girls rail against those terrible people on the forum (and the White Knights leap in to agree with them). Gun control, the NHS, fox hunting, Babestation vs Kerrie Lee, you're told you must pick a side and sit neatly in your allocated box.
This is why a forum is so good. You've got to stand your ground and open your argument to scrutiny. Even Terence at his most grumpy doesn't ban you for hold a contrary view

. Too easy to do social media and then you just end up with a series of sheep to reinforce your world view
As some of you may be aware I've met a good number of babeshow girls over the years and I can honestly say all of them were pleasant face to face. A few I've seen a couple of times and so you start to get to know a bit more about them. With 2 exceptions (and you'll have to allow me a bit of generalisation here - apologies) what we are talking about is working class girls, often young mothers, with no real understanding of what they want to do with their lives, and no real world view or aspiration to get one.
There are some babeshow girls who are clearly bright; Scarlett and Caty Cole have got the education that should allow them to move onwards and upwards but as another poster noted will their past impact their future. Their are a number of former pornstars that have written very good articles on the stigma of their careers (Bree Olsen was one, and I think Sam Bentley has also written a few cracking articles on the subject). But there are so many that seem stuck and just getting older (Clare Richards retired to pursue something fantastic but it didn't work out so she's still ploughing away, seemingly going nowhere).
I think one thing they need to get their heads around is that most of us in our work careers can expect to earn more as we get older (okay ignoring the latest kick in the balls on living standards continuing to fall). Babeshow girls can only ever expect to earn less and that is being hit further by failing TV format. Not a lot of them get that. Becoming a hairdresser is babeshow equivalent of a 1970s footballer opening a pub

Meeting young Emma

. I work in a job where people (clients and my own teams) run at me screaming, out of control and blaming the world for their ills. They are armed with half truths and ill thought out postures. I did a bit of coaching (do the course, its one of the few things that sounds like management bullshit but actually isn't) and generally you let them talk themselves out, and then start the leading questions to query where they are at. She might come in all guns blazing, but it wouldn't last and then we'd have one of those old fashioned thing from pre-social media, email and texting, called a constructive conversation
Ultimately I guess I feel a bit sorry for some of these girls; they have expectations that are never going to be met.
But there are some who you do have to admire. I give you (for some of the old timers on here) Rebecca Jade. From following on Twitter and Insta, she is super fit running Ultra-marathons and entered for the likes of Tokyo because shes running some serious times, got a lovely little lad, nice house in South wales with her partner, a deaf dog and just oozes contentment. But then she never had hissy fits, was always polite and professional and just got on with the job. Perhaps there is something in that....
(23-11-2017 18:16 )ShandyHand Wrote: Character comes through despite confining oneself to tweet length doesn't it.
Hairbald's contender for post of the year above highlights the vast division between your average babe and articulate thinking potential punter. A chasm now externally stoked by industry intransigence and conceit.
His exchange with Emma C on twitter shows how a babe will brook no contention, how quickly a guy is consigned as a "weirdo" and hints at more on the generalised feelings that the babes behind these recent tweets have for their crowd...
Babe offers bravado filled 'bet they would never say that to our faces'; punter offers reasonable and polite counter that can't be shouted down or cursed at. Babe promptly shuts down exchange... After hairbald's posts this week does anyone actually believe he would not say what he had to say if he and Ms.C stood chest to ample busom?! He is certainly no ranting keyboard warrior. But Ms.C didn't want her vapid assumptions challagened - whilst posting about ours! Here's the thing though: It's not the average punter who is the relentless self-publicist is it; which individual puts more evidence of their personality and lives online? Whose assumptions of the individual are less likely to be generalised here?
And yet these babes would have it that we are the one's who lack knowledge and awareness of the other. I have seen the more thoughtful posters on here acknowledge that there may well be things that we don't comprehend in why the babes do what they do. I have never seen any reciprocal doubt of any kind from said babes. They think they have us down pat in a few trite phrases... We are not the ones who are showing we have closed our minds to the other.
It would seem that punters are one homogenious block to many that these idols; a totally known quantity. Ms.C not saying "all" presumably just allows for the traditional totally submissive payer and, the even more worthless ,whinging freeloader groups in her mind; the latter now augmented by the scourged quisling uploader ranks. I have yet to see any babe offer an acknowledgement of even a third category - let alone any further shades of grey - in their vision of their audience. That fact alone says how far beneath respect we are here.