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SNES Mini Classic

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Jack the Nipper Offline
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Post: #11
RE: SNES Mini Classic
I'm really pleased with the release of the mini SNES (one of my favourite consoles of yesteryear) but trying to get a pre-order of one is like finding hens teeth.
Nintendo as always clearly haven't learnt lessons of the past ie Wii,WiiU & the classic NES release where supply is nowhere near enough to meet demand & hence leads to the parasites mopping up the very limited stock with no interest in the console other than flogging them off for 3,4,5 times the retail price (like the ticket touts).

Anyway,I certainly agree that the games that come with console are impressive & the standouts for me are definitely Super Punch Out,F-Zero,Mario Kart,Super Ghouls & Ghosts,Street fighter 2.
Even though I haven't managed to pre-order a mini SNES I've already jumped gun & have compiled a list of SNES games I'm trying to order through various websites.
Games like Super Tennis,Super Smash TV,Zombies ate my Neighbours,Mystical Ninja, Super Star Wars,Final Fight etc.
I did manage to to buy Super Tennis & Smash TV both with box & instructions for a combined £22 so far.
30-06-2017 12:10
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BaddaBing Offline
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Post: #12
RE: SNES Mini Classic
I had load of problems with Nintendo upon pre-ordering the mini NES last year. They cancelled and then re-raised my order three or four times, took money from me, gave it back, took it went on and on. All ended when they said there had been a problem processing my payment and that I'd have to re-order but oh, surprise surprise, they were permenantly out of stock.

I'd love the SNES version, the original was the first system I ever put any serious time in to, but not sure if I can handle another episode of Nintendo's bumble fuck approach to supply and demand and customer service.

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30-06-2017 12:22
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Jack the Nipper Offline
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Post: #13
RE: SNES Mini Classic
I'm still unable to pre-order the mini SNES at the moment but I'm a persistant son-of-a-gun so I'll keep trying.I've been window shopping on various sites for SNES games & some of games prices are taking the piss,some for between £200-£300.
I did manage to bag myself a couple of bargains though Alien 3 boxed for £13 & International Superstar Soccer (ISS) boxed for £10.
04-07-2017 21:37
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Jack the Nipper Offline
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Post: #14
RE: SNES Mini Classic
I've been looking on various websites for snes games too pick up at bargain prices & I managed to pick up Killer Instinct (unboxed) for a fiver,Super Tennis (boxed with instructions) for £6,both Megaman X & Ghoul Patrol (both unboxed) for a combined total price of £28.Bargain considering I've seen Megaman X selling on a few sites for £50+ unboxed & boxed copies for £150+.
The main bugbear of mine about the SNES was that the games came in cardboard boxes that never stood up to wear & tear unless you kept them locked away untouched.
I have come across a few websites though that make the laminated SNES game box covers with the same game design art work for a fiver.

I never knew until a fortnight ago that Ghoul Patrol is a sequel to one of my favourite games Zombies ate my Neighbours,all be it that Konami sold the license for the game to Lucas Arts.Looking on You Tube Ghoul Patrol didn't seem to fair as well as the first game where games reviewers main gripe seem to be re-spawning baddies & generally tinkering around on the gameplay (not in a good way).
04-08-2017 12:14
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Jack the Nipper Offline
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Post: #15
RE: SNES Mini Classic
I found out to my cost that the Classic Mini SNES has no cartridge slot (even though it looks like having one in the picture) & so it will not play any old cartridge games.The only games you can play are the 21 games installed on the console (theres not even a download option to order other games online that didn't make the 21 list)so if your unhappy with the list of games buying it will be pointless.
Considering I've spent £60 on old SNES games (what a bollock-ache) I might just buy an old SNES console instead of the new mini-SNES.

They claim that the mini-SNES will have a rewind feature on games where you can repeat parts of the game you've failed/died/couldn't complete as a nugget on consolation.
23-08-2017 14:59
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Hayzie Offline
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Post: #16
RE: SNES Mini Classic
For anyone still interested in getting a snes mini forvthe regular price, heres a site that alerts you to when new stock has arrived at various sites.
22-10-2017 13:32
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*Kal-El* Away

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Post: #17
RE: SNES Mini Classic
My brother bought me one for Christmas it’s tiny can’t wait to play it tho.

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26-12-2017 01:35
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*Kal-El* Away

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Post: #18
RE: SNES Mini Classic
The only couple negatives is I wish it came with a little more games and the biggest issue they give you a usb cable to power it but no plug luckily I have loads of spare Apple plugs about.
Other then that really enjoying it and the selection of games, there’s certain games I never got to play along with a few classic games which held a lot of memory for me. Can’t believe how small it is tho and the controllers feel perfect.

"No Clark I know Everything About You, I Didn’t Just Borrow Your DNA, I Have All Your Memories All Your Thoughts......Every Last Twisted One of Them”.
(This post was last modified: 26-12-2017 07:16 by *Kal-El*.)
26-12-2017 07:14
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Jack the Nipper Offline
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Post: #19
RE: SNES Mini Classic
I got to play on my Mini SNES for the first time for a few hours on Christmas Day & like Kal-El says the lack of a proper 230v power adapter was a bit shitty although I have several Ipad adapters that managed to fit.The few bugbears I have were the lack of length on the controller cables,the inability to play other games other than what's installed on the console but also screen-wise where the graphics aren't full screen so there's either the choice of thick black borders or the screen option of a decorative border.

I managed to play Super Punch-Out,Super Ghouls & Ghosts (still harder than a coffin nail to play through),Mario Kart (still as good as ever) & Super Street Fighter 2 (still in my opinon has the iconic best in-game music ever) & they all played just as good as I remembered them.
26-12-2017 18:14
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*Kal-El* Away

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Post: #20
RE: SNES Mini Classic
The Super Famicom Mini has Super Street Fighter along with a couple different games to the UK version.

"No Clark I know Everything About You, I Didn’t Just Borrow Your DNA, I Have All Your Memories All Your Thoughts......Every Last Twisted One of Them”.
26-12-2017 18:26
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