Congrats to anyone that actually persevered the other night. The ending that Rammy describes sounds way better than anything that went on in the first two hours plus.
TheProf is spot on for me... Admittedly, I did give up just after midnight this time, but from what I've seen of Cara's last two nights shows I was left with only one thought: It's remarkable how such an amazingly hot woman can make her shows feel absolutely perfunctory. From outfit choice to willingness to strike poses and inspire a response from her audience, Cara's late shows have become just so severely lacking. Babeshow fodder fit only for the easily pleased, obssessed with only one thing.
With a top babe there are indications from the moment she steps on set how the show is going to go. If guys care to cast their minds back to night shows where they felt almost compelled to get involved they'll realise how important those initial moments of a girl's entrance can be to that feeling. That should be a babe of Cara's calibres opportunity to 'wow'; to present some little aspect of fantasy that she hasn't put on the shows before or to play to her strengths in terms of some fetish scenario or other. These early minutes should stir and be ripe with possibilities.
A night babe's outfit and early body language can set her up for so much, it can define her session. It should shout 'let's play'! When combined with that twinkle of caged energy about to be released there should be a compelling anticipation of the reveals and uncoverings to come.
Cara's recent entrances have been just flat. Her mundane outfit choices and substandard spark the last two times out have spoken to none of the above.
A one point in a little way in the other night she tossed the phone aside seemingly in mock frustration at the lack of callers. She quickly picked it back up to show those behind the camera that she was only joking and then struck her first proper pose of the night. Bang - she immediately got a call. What a surprise!

Much too soon thereafter though, she settled back into a more familar rountine, seemingly satisiified at the reaction she had gotten.
So much for the old idea that Cara's night shows should be events then (was that ever anything more than an idea on this forum I wonder?). She is selling herself way short atm; getting by almost entirely on her outstanding body. She clearly has no need or inspiration to try harder than she does. One babe that's purely coasting.