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Big Brother!

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Rammyrascal Offline
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Post: #721
RE: Big Brother!
its apparently a double eviction tonight so think lisa and david will go (according to ladbrokes they are the top two to go tonight)

ive said right from the start i want sophie to win and hope she does (and not because ill win £15 if she does)

a member of the Piper Niven Cult
01-09-2009 18:45
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skully Offline

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Post: #722
RE: Big Brother!
I hope you're right about the double mate, I think the last few days would be a bit of a laugh without those two...all they do is smoke and drink tea all noo na noo laugh

Ad eundum quo nemo ante iit.
Tha thu 'nad fhaighean.
01-09-2009 18:53
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Wazo Away
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Post: #723
RE: Big Brother!
Finally The Witch is out should have been out sooner but glad she is out at last.
01-09-2009 21:13
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BriWizzle Offline
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Post: #724
RE: Big Brother!
Looks like it isn't a double eviction after all, can't believe David is through to the final but glad Lisa is gone! Smile
01-09-2009 21:18
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Deb x Away
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Post: #725
RE: Big Brother!
Finally Lisa's gone, then Cool David's fairly pointless in there now. It's not difficult to predict who the next person to leave will be...
02-09-2009 14:57
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skully Offline

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Post: #726
RE: Big Brother!
She was evicted with 68% of the vote...kind of says it all really, lol, she only survived this long through luck and due to the tactical voting that was going on. I think she got the worst response from the crowd too laugh

I agree, David is fairly pointless, but I think he'll try and have a laugh with the others.

I'm thinking/hoping it'll run like this...

5- David
4- Siavash
3- Charlie
2- Rodrigo
1- Sophie

Although I don't like the dumb act, I think Sophie's been a decent housemate (not just because of her awesome boobs, lol), she has a few of the best moments of the show for me, the bad singing, the falling about drunk and most importantly...telling Kris that he can fuck off on national tv...let's just hope he doesn't try to smarm his way back into her good books, which you know he will!

Sophie to win!

Ad eundum quo nemo ante iit.
Tha thu 'nad fhaighean.
02-09-2009 15:23
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Deb x Away
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Post: #727
RE: Big Brother!
David must surely realise he won't win now...Rolleyes

I'd agree with that ordering, skully, but Siavash might possibly finish a bit higher. He's been more interesting than Charlie at least, for me.

And yup, Sophie to win, for all the reasons you've listed Cool. She's also broken rules sometimes, and can take a joke, too.

I think this is one of my very favourite moments of the show this series, just for the slapstick value,and the unexpectedness of it:

(Also, I suspect Rodrigo has gained some popularity through his friendship with her...Wink They're quite the little double act)
(This post was last modified: 02-09-2009 15:35 by Deb x.)
02-09-2009 15:33
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Phoenix Offline
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Post: #728
RE: Big Brother!
(02-09-2009 15:23 )skully Wrote:  I'm thinking/hoping it'll run like this...

5- David
4- Siavash
3- Charlie
2- Rodrigo
1- Sophie

Bump Charlie to 5th and thats that way i would like it to finish Smile
But i think you've got it there, although as Deb said Siavash might finish higher
02-09-2009 16:03
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Rammyrascal Offline
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Post: #729
RE: Big Brother!
according to the bookes sophie is 1/4 with siavash runner up at 4/1 on and based on their odds the order out is

1st david 2nd charlie 3rd rodrigo 4th siavash and sophie last out and winner.

my fav bb moment this series is sophie's pie jesu singing

a member of the Piper Niven Cult
02-09-2009 16:33
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stevesworld Offline
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Post: #730
RE: Big Brother!
Any room for me on the "Sophie to win" bandwagon? LOL
She's definately most deserving of the top spot for not having a gameplan, or indeed an clue...! Bounce I've done alot of laughing watching her, so she certainly is entertaining.

Fishy smell where BB's choice of episode for re-enactment is concerned! No chance of extra sympathy for (the jilted) Siavash, no mention of the fact he cheated on someone who he was clearly in a relationship with. He played it MAGNIFICENTLY. Like a true Pro!

I would much rather prefered to have seen an episode showing Charlie and Rodrigo Bitching about each other and having goes, but alas, no.

I can hope all I like, but Charlie won't be out first. I dislike him more everytime I see him. He's like some f'ing sob story from the X-factor, "I'll use the money to help me old mum". - PLEASE don't get me wrong, I think that's very admirable by itself, but Charlie is a vindictive, vengeful, bullying, spiteful, back stabbing shit stirrer and deserves fuck all, bar possibly a flathand to the ear! ALSO, was anyone more annoyed than him about the surprise nominations?

David is as David does, an easily led numpty who is fiercely loyal, could have been alot different if he hadn't sided with Lisa...

Rodrigo annoyed has been entertaining, but not always in a good way, so that goes against him now...

What the hell is going on here... Is this a cross section of our culture now? The only straight man is imported, the only straight woman is so enhanced she can only sleep on her back (Siavash should be doing cartwheels), Two gay men one as camp as the other, and as if we don't have enough, another import who goes both ways....! I hadn't realised how boring I must be... Surprised

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03-09-2009 00:41
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