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JonnyBgood Offline
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Post: #1
It isn't getting in the news, people are to busy rubber necking the Russian smokescreem to sit up and take notice. Not forgetting the fear of being branded a racist for even mentioning it... but the Telford sex scandal, kids being groomed and raped by Muslim nonce gangs, nothing getting done because no one wants to upset the left.

But don't worry, Russian spies make a better story...
16-03-2018 16:07
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SecretAgent Offline
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Post: #2
RE: Telford
(16-03-2018 16:07 )JonnyBgood Wrote:  It isn't getting in the news, people are to busy rubber necking the Russian smokescreem to sit up and take notice. Not forgetting the fear of being branded a racist for even mentioning it... but the Telford sex scandal, kids being groomed and raped by Muslim nonce gangs, nothing getting done because no one wants to upset the left.

But don't worry, Russian spies make a better story...

Actually there was a good discussion on the lunchtime politics show on BBC yesterday specifically about Telford with Jack Straw, an ex senior legal guy from northern England (an Asian) and a woman whose background I forget. All 3 I recall were clear that there was a cultural problem with Pakistani men.
16-03-2018 16:46
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JonnyBgood Offline
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Post: #3
RE: Telford
(16-03-2018 16:46 )SecretAgent Wrote:  Actually there was a good discussion on the lunchtime politics show on BBC yesterday specifically about Telford with Jack Straw, an ex senior legal guy from northern England (an Asian) and a woman whose background I forget. All 3 I recall were clear that there was a cultural problem with Pakistani men.

I am glad thr BBC have found time in the busy schedule to stick the conversation in a lunch time political chat.
I guess they will consider that a box ticked. But we all know Auntie woll not accept anything going against the grain when it comes to multiculturalism.

This report should be getting exposure but it isn't. Not even close.
16-03-2018 22:28
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SecretAgent Offline
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Post: #4
RE: Telford
Put your anti BBC predjudice to one side and watch the item on iPlayer. It did not pull any punches on the Pakistani men cultural issue.
16-03-2018 22:43
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southsidestu Offline
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Post: #5
RE: Telford
An interesting debate on this on Sky News' The Pledge, particularly between Maajid Nawaz and Afua Hirsch, the two of them are a lot more thoughtful than the likes of Carole Malone and Michelle Dewberry, in fact Malone is so bad she makes Nick Ferrari look moderate but I digress

Nawaz talks about how there are two tiers of paedophilia, Tier 1 that covers what you might call one to one paedophilia between a perpetrator and a victim(s) and Tier 2 where it involves multiple victims being groomed by gangs in the case of Telford. Tier 1 paedophilia is carried out 87% - 100% by white males, tier 2 is carried out 84% by South Asian men mainly Pakistani/Bangladeshi Muslims. As a liberal Muslim he advocates that this culture comes from religious conservativism where it was stated that there was no age of consent so long as the girl's father consented etc and that liberal Muslims need to challenge this ideology. As someone who is not of any faith I wonder can a line be drawn between religious conservatism and religious extremism and if so where does that line exist? Also for people like Nawaz how does he reconcile being a liberal whilst adhering to a 1,500 year orthodoxy ? Same goes for Christians like Tim Farron

Another problem is that years of austerity has brought cuts to our police and social work services which has greatly impacted on their ability to combat these issues. We've seen it with terrorism and now we are seeing it with violent crime

If i could find a girl that had the looks of Gal Gadot, breasts of Sophie Mudd with Demi Rose's ass, the personality of Jessica Ennis, the grace of Kendall Jenner on the red carpet and then behind closed doors the raw sexual energy of Nicole Snow i'd know i was dead and gone to heaven, so i'll just take Demi Rose's ass and Nicole's sexual energy
17-03-2018 01:07
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babefan2012 Offline
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Post: #6
RE: Telford
It will just be brushed under the carpet by the Political correct multiculturalism lovers. They’ll just say such great comments such as “they’d have been raped by white men” , “it’s not all Muslims” or “they bought it on themselves” etc, etc. Islam is beyond questioning pretty much. Say what you want about any other religion but you can’t dare criticise Islam. It’s a religion of peace!!

I have no idea what I'm doing here but I'm here!!!
17-03-2018 01:59
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Jack the Nipper Offline
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Post: #7
RE: Telford
I also watched the The Pledge debate & Maajid Nawaz who is co-founder of Quillium Foundation (a group that tackles muslim extremism) certainly pulled no punches in what he called an 'endemic problem in his culture' as what Southssidestu mentioned Nawaz stated that 84% of child grooming gangs were of mainly of Pakistani or Bangladeshi origin.He has also mentioned previously that these scumbags wouldn't groom girls of their own culture for fear of being dis-owned by their own community but instead choose vulnerable white girls as they are perceived to be 'easy meat'.
As for The Pledge show itself I do have a lot of time for panellists Nawaz,Nick Ferrari & Michelle Dewsberry but cannot stand June Sarpong or Afua Hirsch (how thoughtful can she be stu when she has campaigned to have historical statues removed when they may have had an inkling of involvment during the period of the slave trade).

Any when you have various countries that have no legal 'age of consent' where effectively 10,11,12 years old girls can marry (mainly through forced marriages) fully fledged adult males then Rotherham,Rochdale,Telford & no doubt many more come as little surprise.

Whilst Government cuts may have had an effect on resources as regards to policing or social services but these services & the police largely turned a blind eye to these vulnerable young girls because they chose either to not believe them or not want to believe them (because being vulnerable meant they were effectively worthless in their eyes)for fear of causing damage to community relations between different faiths & cultures & basically through fear of being labelled racist (which seemed a bigger priority in their eyes).

The truth is the police & social services in all these cases let these girls down through pure ignorance,they even labelled the girls as 'child prostitutes' although I fail to see how a child can be a prostitute as they are below the age of consent meaning sex with a minor is rape plane & simple.

Chemical castration for these paedos & nonces or the Japanese torture technique were the guilty persons bollocks are placed in a vice & tightened unto their bollocks pop/explode are the only options I'm afraid.
17-03-2018 02:38
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Jack the Nipper Offline
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Post: #8
RE: Telford
(17-03-2018 01:59 )babefan2012 Wrote:  It will just be brushed under the carpet by the Political correct multiculturalism lovers. They’ll just say such great comments such as “they’d have been raped by white men” , “it’s not all Muslims” or “they bought it on themselves” etc, etc. Islam is beyond questioning pretty much. Say what you want about any other religion but you can’t dare criticise Islam. It’s a religion of peace!!

A religion of peace wouldn't advocate arranged/forced marriages & treat men superior to women in their courts or stone people to death for being homosexual or have family members carry out 'honour killings' (I could go on).
17-03-2018 02:45
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lancealot790 Offline
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Post: #9
RE: Telford
The government has decided that there will not be a public enquiry into the telford scandal as it would be far to embarrassing to the relevant authorities.
17-03-2018 12:13
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babefan2012 Offline
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Post: #10
RE: Telford
(17-03-2018 02:45 )Jack the Nipper Wrote:  
(17-03-2018 01:59 )babefan2012 Wrote:  It will just be brushed under the carpet by the Political correct multiculturalism lovers. They’ll just say such great comments such as “they’d have been raped by white men” , “it’s not all Muslims” or “they bought it on themselves” etc, etc. Islam is beyond questioning pretty much. Say what you want about any other religion but you can’t dare criticise Islam. It’s a religion of peace!!

A religion of peace wouldn't advocate arranged/forced marriages & treat men superior to women in their courts or stone people to death for being homosexual or have family members carry out 'honour killings' (I could go on).

Yes I know all that, that’s why I said you can’t criticise it!! It’s the sheer stupidity of some of these idiotic left wingers love Islam. The overwhelming evidence shows it’s an awful religion/ideology which should never be protect from the clear factual failings of it. We are a Western Country their views do not mix. They don’t like any white women really they think there scum and considering how they treat their own kind that’s alarming.

I have no idea what I'm doing here but I'm here!!!
17-03-2018 12:41
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