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The Advance of the Far Right

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babefan2012 Offline
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Post: #11
RE: The Advance of the Far Right
No idea why but here’s my two cents.

Freedom of speech is exactly that free to speak as you see and feel. Regardless of how unpalatable it may be to some. Whether you agree or not. It’s up to the individual to decide. Ultimately there is a limit to freedom of speech for example highly racist language on a par with actual Nazi Germany from the 30’s and 40’s and the loonies who advocate for pedophilia to be leagalised. True freedom of speech doesn’t exist here. If it did simply questioning the fact that such a small minority in our country make up a disproportionate amount of the crimes there accused and how it’s not being reported wouldn’t land you in jail.

But there’s my two cents.

I have no idea what I'm doing here but I'm here!!!
(This post was last modified: 29-07-2018 21:35 by babefan2012.)
29-07-2018 21:16
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southsidestu Offline
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Post: #12
RE: The Advance of the Far Right
As for the comment Sadiq Khan barrister to terrorists, it would do people well to know about Cab Rank

In summary Cab Rank is a rule that stipulates that a barrister has to accept any work in a field in which they profess themselves competent to practise, at a court at which they normally appear, and at their usual rates.

The law is in place to ensure that everyone receives representation regardless of their public image and what crime they are accused of committing. Sadiq was legally obliged to take their case

Free speech does not mean consequence free speech, it is not a say whatever you want and get away with it card. We live in a free and open society but that society has a criminal justice system. You can't go around assaulting people, stealing from people, vandalising property, committing fraud, raping people, murdering people in a free society. It is a paradox, without law and order we cannot truly be free. Our actions are regulated by the law, why should our words be held to a different standard?

As for the comment of Islam not being a race, I have friends that are Indian I have been out with them and witnessed them having Islamophobic abuse hurled at them. They were Hindu. So why did they have Islamophobic abuse hurled at them? They have brown skin. I also have another Indian friend who has had Islamophobic abuse hurled at him? He's Christian. Why did he have Islamophobic abuse hurled at him? He looks like a Muslim. In the 1990s Britain accepted Muslim refugees from former Yugoslavia escaping the genocide of Milosevic, Karadzic & Mladic. One of them was a young Rita Ora, another two were the parents of Dua Lipa. Two of Britain's biggest solo female artists right now are the children of Kosovo Albanians escaping the genocide of Muslims. I have no idea whether Ora or Dua Lipa are practising Muslims but I do know to the three men aforementioned that it wouldn't matter, practising or not they would of been deemed Muslim because they had Muslim heritage and had they been in the wrong place at the wrong time the would of been killed. Rita Ora and Dua Lipa do not get subjected to Islamophobic abuse, whether they are or not, like my friends, because they do not look Muslim to British people

This is not the only time in history this has happened of course. It did not matter if you were an atheist who had Jewish parents. It did not matter if you had one Jewish parent, one Christian parent and you chose to be Christian. The Gestapo came for you, took you away, made you wear the Yellow Star and sent you to the gas chambers. Has anyone visited a concentration camp? I have. I have been to Auschwitz. I have walked through gates of the infamous Birkenau train station. I have seen a pile of bags & suitcases with the prisoners names on them, why did the have their names on them? They were told they were just being processed and they were going to get them back. I have seen a pile of several thousand pairs of glasses, removed from the dead. I have seen a pile of hair, big enough to fill your living room, scalped from prisoners. Ever wondered why they shaved their heads? They wove the hair to make socks for the German soldiers. The Nazi's literally walked over the Jewish people. I have stood outside the hospital where they performed experiments on the prisoners, it's right next to the wall riddled with bullet holes where they executed people by firing squad. I have seen the pictures of prisoners receiving medical examinations, they make the kids in Michael Buerk's Ethiopian famine report look healthy. I have stood in the spot where pregnant woman were sent to the gas chambers because they were deemed not fit to work and I have seen the scratches on the walls of the gas chambers where they desperately tried to get out.

They did this to worshippers and non worshippers alike because they viewed the Jewish people as a race, they called the Jewish people a race and I have seen where the scratches on the walls made by that race as they were executed in the most brutal of ways. So do not fucking tell me that religious bigotry is not racist

If i could find a girl that had the looks of Gal Gadot, breasts of Sophie Mudd with Demi Rose's ass, the personality of Jessica Ennis, the grace of Kendall Jenner on the red carpet and then behind closed doors the raw sexual energy of Nicole Snow i'd know i was dead and gone to heaven, so i'll just take Demi Rose's ass and Nicole's sexual energy
29-07-2018 21:28
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Rake Offline
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Post: #13
RE: The Advance of the Far Right
Words aren't rape or murder, pal. Stop conflating words and actions, verbal abuse and crimes against humanity. Undermines your credibility and legitimacy yet again.

There's a world of difference between some ignorant idiots hurling verbal abuse at your pals and the evil, systemic, industrial genocide of the gas chambers. There's also a world of difference between that verbal abuse and the Islamo-fascist Islamic State beheading and burning alive prisoners, throwing gays off rooftops, murdering Yazidis, raping and enslaving their women as sex toys and domestic slaves and beheading soldiers in Woolwich and cutting the throats of people on a Saturday night at London Bridge. How about condemning that?
29-07-2018 22:05
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southsidestu Offline
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Post: #14
RE: The Advance of the Far Right
Ah whataboutism's lesser known brother howaboutism the level of debate put forward is truly embarrassing.

Of course words are not the same as actions, I did not suggest that saying things would require the same level of punishment as doing things. I did not say that hurling abuse should be treated the same as rape, I just didn't put it in there because I thought it was so blindingly obvious. The point I made was that our actions are regulated and therefore our words should be too, that does not mean that they should carry they same punishment just as nobody advocates that you should be sent to jail for the same amount of time for punching someone as you would murdering them because they are both crimes caused by actions

As for the effect of words, actions do not happen in a vacuum, all the Islamic terrorists that have committed crimes did not just wake up one morning and decide to murder people. They were incited by the words of radical Islamic preachers like Abu Qatada & Abu Hamza, I am sure you supported the house arrest and extradition of these two individuals because of the damage their words can do

Darren Osborne the Finnsbury Park terrorist who murdered Makram Ali did not wake up one morning and decide to kill Muslims. He was, as heard in his court case, incited by the words of Tommy Robinson and members of Britain First

Before the Third Reich started rounding up Jews and sending them to concentration camps there was Kristallnacht, it this act, leading to the death of 91 individuals, that was the catalyst for our accepting of Jewish refugee children on the Kinder Transport. Again it was incited by words

If i could find a girl that had the looks of Gal Gadot, breasts of Sophie Mudd with Demi Rose's ass, the personality of Jessica Ennis, the grace of Kendall Jenner on the red carpet and then behind closed doors the raw sexual energy of Nicole Snow i'd know i was dead and gone to heaven, so i'll just take Demi Rose's ass and Nicole's sexual energy
(This post was last modified: 29-07-2018 22:45 by southsidestu.)
29-07-2018 22:43
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Whynot Offline
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Post: #15
RE: The Advance of the Far Right
Blaming an entire religion for the actions of a disgusting minute fraction seems to be fair game to the far right. Although I’ve yet to see any of them stand outside Celtic Park calling the fans there Pedos for being Catholic.

It should be noted after the sick fuck ploughed into innocent men outside their mosque they didn’t turn on him! The Iman protected him as they wanted justice in court!

I hate injustice and liars
29-07-2018 23:39
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ShandyHand Offline
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Post: #16
RE: The Advance of the Far Right
I lean more towards your side of the fence in politics in general by the looks southside but like a lot of the left you adopt an authoritarian tone when you compromise free speech as you do. Incitement to violence is a very specific case and, of course, it is good and proper that it should but prosecuted, but the Hate Speech laws of this country have been made a joke. Prosecuting sieg heiling pug dogs on youtube and alike trivilises the crime and our court system. Why is it the little man that is being sought to pioneer these cases through our system? (Is it the platform that is equally the target here?)

Politicians paying lip service to free speech but curtailing freedom of expression left right and centre, no platforming people just because they find their views repugnant and adopting an equivalent censorial stance to so much that offends their morals. What price free speech if it is only fit to support views that you agree with? I cant stand Trump but would Khan have let the blimp of himself fly alongside the baby Donald if the funding for it have got off the ground?

Babeshow n. - Live Adult Entertainment genre based around premium-rate phome sex chat lines. Scantily-clad female presenter induces callers and users to other inactive services from three-walled set in a TV studio. Largely softcore Tease format influenced by standards and strictures of free-to-air TV platform..
29-07-2018 23:42
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babefan2012 Offline
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Post: #17
RE: The Advance of the Far Right
Dude it’s a babe channel forum you clearly put a lot of effort into your posts and fair enough but considering what else you could be looking at on here I find strange. Tommy Robinson and Britain first have accounted for 1 maybe 2 attacks whilst Islamic Hate preachers across the world have accounted for well an uncalculable amount of attacks across the world yet the far right is on rise. I’m not saying I’m in favour of any said similar “revenge” attacks happening just stating a view.

Hitler and his language towards the Jews was deliberately inflammatory and by and large unfounded aswell as abhorrent. He blamed them for why they lost the First World War, he blamed them for why he couldn’t get into art school. He hated the fact they were successful hardworking people and he was a failure. None of what he said about the Jews was anyway correct.

So comparing someone however tenuous like Tommy Robinson to Adolf Hitler I don’t buy. One is one of the worst people to have walked the planet the other is someone who questions the unquestionable, why is not enough being done in this country to tackle Islamic terrorism and sex gangs.

I have no idea what I'm doing here but I'm here!!!
(This post was last modified: 29-07-2018 23:59 by babefan2012.)
29-07-2018 23:56
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southsidestu Offline
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Post: #18
RE: The Advance of the Far Right
Ok so Shandyhand

The reason why I take a tough stance on hate speech is because it affects certain people differently, mainly those who have mental health issues. You and I hear hate speech and we can disagree with it, condemn and ultimately shrug it off but a person who has a mental illness could interpret it very differently. Darren Osborne was incited by Robinson and Britain First and he was on medication for depression. Thomas Mair also suffers ill mental health, his home was found to be stuffed with far right books and Nazi memorabilia. Dylan Roof the Charleston Church shooter who marched in there with a Rhodesia badge on his jacket had mental health problems. As I said, shit does not happen in a vacuum, people with mental health don't just wake up one morning and decide they are white supremacists. I will point out that my Father is a retired Psychotherapist and accredited mental health expert and my sister has a degree in criminal psychology so whilst I am by no means an expert I have talked about these issues with two people who are very much in the know

With regards to the pug it did seem extreme but it should be noted that the judge deemed it not a joke so he was not sentenced on the grounds of making comedy about something and he was not convicted of a hate crime he was convicted of gross offence which is lower on the spectrum. I personally feel it was in very poor taste you don't get to engage in antisemitism and then say it was all just a joke because you have a pug, that is weak sauce

As for the no platforming, the right to free speech does not extend to the right to a platform. We have a right to speak out but we do not have a right to speak at a University, or on the radio or have a column in a newspaper. Most of the instances of no platforming are carried out by private organisations exercising their right to do so. If someone is no platformed at a University it is not an infringement of their freedom of speech, they could go down to the Uni stand an inch outside the grounds and give that speech if they wanted to and nobody would arrest them for it. By contrast our nations public broadcaster has decided to give Nigel Farage a season ticket to Question Time as well as giving Nick Griffin a go


I am watching the babeshows as I do this, currently looking at Ashley Emma's bare arse after having watched Becky's amazing breasts. I also have uploaded pics of Babeshow babes Macie & Sitara and Maya Jama in British Celebs Section

Actually the number of attacks carried out by Islamic extremists is calculable. Here is a graph of data carried out by Europol showing religiously motivated attacks (not all of which are Islamic) in blue vs non religiously motivated in red, you can see that only a tiny amount are carried out by religious extremists

image host

A similar picture plays out in the United States

image host

The reason why it seems that so many attacks are carried out by Islamic Extremists is because they are co-ordinated and planned over a period of months by groups such a ISIS who have experience in this area so tend to be more affective and have a larger death toll. On top of that studies by Georgia State University have found that Terrorist attacks carried out by Muslims receive 5 times the media coverage as non Muslims as shown in this article

I would argue against not enough is being done to tackle Islamic terrorism as there are more plots foiled than carried out they just don't get the same amount of coverage. Actually looking at the bar graph above the majority of Islamic terrorist attacks are foiled where as the majority of right wing attacks are not. Also the sex gangs are not an Islamic problem they are Pakistani/Bangladeshi cultural problem. If it was Islam there would be Easter European, Indonesian, Malaysian, African, Middle Eastern sex gangs as the all get taught from the same Qu 'ran but they don't run sex gangs

As I said to Shandyhand Robinsons language does not need to be inflammatory, violent or threatening because hate speech can have the same affect on people with mental health problems as violent speech may have on those without. Robinson is not a free speech advocate questioning the unquestionable he is an agitator, a bigot, a racist, convicted fraudster who as twice pleaded guilty to contempt of court

And now I am on Ella Jolie

If i could find a girl that had the looks of Gal Gadot, breasts of Sophie Mudd with Demi Rose's ass, the personality of Jessica Ennis, the grace of Kendall Jenner on the red carpet and then behind closed doors the raw sexual energy of Nicole Snow i'd know i was dead and gone to heaven, so i'll just take Demi Rose's ass and Nicole's sexual energy
(This post was last modified: 30-07-2018 01:23 by southsidestu.)
30-07-2018 01:21
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babefan2012 Offline
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Post: #19
RE: The Advance of the Far Right
Why do I bother. So what I’ve learnt is Tommy Robinson is the worst man in the world, ever and less terrorist attacks with Islamic tones happen then right wing attacks, except the “right wing attacks” could simply be an idiot putting a pork joint outside a mosque whilst people dying by being driven at and or stabbed are less common and thus less terroristy. Am I right?? please correct my horribly incorrect racist comments. I’m not worthy!!!BounceBounceBounceBounceBounceBounceBounce

I have no idea what I'm doing here but I'm here!!!
30-07-2018 07:12
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terence Offline

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Post: #20
RE: The Advance of the Far Right
tommy robinson is a cunt.

that is all.

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30-07-2018 09:28
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