When I was a kid in the 90's, I went to a summer camp where they took us on field trips everyday - usually to different beaches/waterparks or hiking spots in my state. Every goddamn day, the bus driver would play this song on repeat. Wouldn't play anything else:
I think I've still heard that song more than any other. Sometimes I still wake up in a cold sweat hearing Faith Hill's grating voice searing through my head.
Another thing I remember from when I was 8 or 9 years old. I went to the store to get some Pokémon cards. Came back home, opened them shits up, and first card I see is a Charizard, aww yeah. Open up the next pack, and there's another fuckin Charizard. Shit. Just. Got. Real.
So I go to school the next day thinking I'm hot shit, I got two Charizards and all these other little bitches got none. Well word spread fast and by recess, kids were gunning for me telling me they're gonna beat my ass after school if I don't give up them shiny Charizards. Nothing came of it though - think it was because I was in some honors program for kids that could read at their grade-level, so we were isolated from the rest of gen. pop 99% of the time & we got to go home a half hour earlier than the rest of the school. I don't think I've ever been as popular with girls as I was at 9 years old with two Charizards.
One last thing I can remember as a youngster in the 90's. First day of kindergarten they gave us some bomb ass sausage breakfast pizza. I thought it was a good idea to eat this with orange juice and chocolate milk. This was some tasty shit I must say.
By naptime, was feeling a little woozy. Something wasn't sitting right, the fusion of flavors was coming back on me. I was a shy kid and too nervous to ask the teacher to use the bathroom, so I thought I'd chance it and see what happens. Big mistake. 5 minutes later, the levees broke, fukkin shit everywhere. Like a bomb went off, that class cleared out quick.
Thing is though, I got to go home early and watch some Ren & Stimpy so it was a pretty good day in my view. I realized then and there that I could just have "an accident" and go home early everyday. Pretty much the only thing I learned on my first day. So my first week of school, I intentionally pissed or shit myself everyday. A few other kids started doing it too. Actually worked for a while too until the teacher caught on and realized that I did not have some digestive disorder and that I was doing it on purpose. No regrets.
19-11-2018 19:01
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We didn't have trading cards here to begin with but then some bright spark decided to issue them and the craze took off with Pokemon and of course here football(Or soccer to you in the US of A) cards/stickers from Panini. You also had the new phenomenon(that we experienced with stickers in the 80s) of swapping with your mates and "got, got, oh need" ringing around playgrounds again. Seems odd that some information on a small piece of card can drive people into frenzy.
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So long, farewell, auf weidersehn, goodbye, adieu, syonara, ha su chin and CHEERIO!
(This post was last modified: 19-11-2018 19:18 by GMach1.)
19-11-2018 19:18
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I recall Panini getting into trouble in terms of bad sales in the early 90s in the UK.I think it was the 90s anyway, what saved them was they struck up deal with the then World Wrestling Federation which was still very popular in the UK thanks to Bret Hart and The British Bulldog despite the steroids/sex scandals.The wrestling stickers sold like hotcakes and Panini made it through the bad patch.
(This post was last modified: 19-11-2018 21:53 by rpj316.)
Yes there was a documentary about that last year and I think the Wrestling match up saved them from bankruptcy. My only beef with Panini was the fact you never got the ONE sticker you needed AND the stickers were getting more and more expensive-Remember Top Trumps? Even they were cheaper at one point.
LIVERPOOL-Champions League & UEFA Super Cup AND
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So long, farewell, auf weidersehn, goodbye, adieu, syonara, ha su chin and CHEERIO!
19-11-2018 20:37
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I remember top trumps,I had loads of different packs as they were so cheap in those days.I had cars,trucks,super heroes/villains,fantasy and dinosaur packs.You can get a retro collection of the topics I just mentioned from a website called winning moves.