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Favourite superhero movies?

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The Goatman Offline
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Post: #1
Favourite superhero movies?
Thought i'd start a thread about your favourite superhero movies
Here are my top ten

1.Batman begins
2.X-men days of future past
3.Guardians of the galaxy
4.Man of steel
5.Batman (1989)
7.Thor Ragnarok
9.X-men 2
10.The dark knight

It will be good to see everybody elses Smile

Justice For Skyline
21-12-2018 12:02
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Goodfella3041 Offline
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Post: #2
RE: Favourite superhero movies
This actually turned into a nerdish game for my family last Xmas. Spreadsheets were involved and seedings were based on a weighted formula of box office and Rotten Tomato scores. After much heated debate, the Goodfella family finally concluded that these are the top-ten superhero movies (I would include the charts and diagrams, but don't know how!)

1. Dark Knight
2. Batman Begins
3. Avengers
4. Dark Knight Returns
5. Iron Man
6. Captain America: Winter Soldier
7. Spiderman 2
8. Guardians of the Galaxy
9. Thor: Ragnarok
10. Iron Man 3

(note that it obviously excludes anything released in the last 12 months, although I think only Infinity War might have crept into the top-10)
21-12-2018 12:33
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rpj316 Offline
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Post: #3
RE: Favourite superhero movies
I can't do a top 10 but my all time favourite is Superman : The Movie(1978).

I don't think the essence of a superhero character has ever been captured as perfectly on film as it was on this effort from Richard Donner.
21-12-2018 14:14
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Post: #4
RE: Favourite superhero movies
In no particular order:

1 - Avengers: Infinity War
2 - Black Panther
3- Logan
4 - The Dark Knight
5 - Thor: Ragnarok
6 - Deadpool
7 - Doctor Strange
8 - Captain America: The Winter Soldier
9 - Guardians Of The Galaxy
10 - X-Men: Days Of Future Past

....but this list will no doubt change as soon as Captain Marvel is released into the cinemas! Looking forward to seeing that one, aswell as Avengers: Endgame. Smile
21-12-2018 18:33
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Sm© Away

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Post: #5
RE: Favourite superhero movies
Guardians 1 = best ever
Infinity War
Civil WAR
Avengers 1
21-12-2018 18:50
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Jack the Nipper Offline
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Post: #6
RE: Favourite superhero movies?
My Top 10 atm are;

1)Guardians of the Galaxy
2)Unbreakable (the one with Samuel L Jackson as Mr Glass)
3)Avengers;Infinity War
4)Thor Ragnarok
7)Iron Man
8)Avengers;Civil War
9)Black Panther
10)Captain America;Winter Soldier
21-12-2018 19:39
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barcount Offline
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Post: #7
RE: Favourite superhero movies?
The Shadow (1994)
Mystery men
Dreamcatcher (2003)
Evil Dead II
Memoirs of an invisible man
Dark city
22-12-2018 03:16
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