(16-09-2009 22:41 )mas0887 Wrote: Not one Steve Vai, John Petrucci or Steve Ouimette? For shame. People are (mostly) just posting famous riffs instead of people that are actually ridiculously skilled at their trade, obviously there are excepions to what people have posted like Hendrix and Satriani but the fact Steve Vai is not mentioned here yet it pretty abysmal. Anybody that knows guitars will have him in the top 3 at least..
Quit with the whining & post something then. Incidentally, the thread was all of 4 hours old when you chirped up.
16-09-2009 23:55
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Many moons ago, someone suggested to me that Allan Holdsworth was a true great & on the strength of that information, I bought an album & hated it.
This is a-typical of his work & technically brilliant it maybe, but if anyone can tell me why this isn't just pretentious sh*t, I'd be grateful...no actually I wouldn't. Keep your enjoyment & explanation to yourself.
(16-09-2009 22:41 )mas0887 Wrote: Not one Steve Vai, John Petrucci or Steve Ouimette? For shame. People are (mostly) just posting famous riffs instead of people that are actually ridiculously skilled at their trade, obviously there are excepions to what people have posted like Hendrix and Satriani but the fact Steve Vai is not mentioned here yet it pretty abysmal. Anybody that knows guitars will have him in the top 3 at least..
Quit with the whining & post something then. Incidentally, the thread was all of 4 hours old when you chirped up.
I said the people, do the research yourself, last time I took the time to post a shit load of youtube vids it was all but a complete waste of time so I didn't fancy doing it again. And while it was only 4 hours old it was nearly a page long, so enough people replied for me to post what I did. Are you just pissy because I said the people that had posted already did not post that many that were truly godlike? I did not say that they were shit, they just do not stand tall as some of the best guitarists of all time, very talented yes but not the greats. Did you take that as a personal slight upon your choice? Chill the fuck out man.
Plus Freebird I absolutely love that guitar duel, and I know that Karate Kid was only faking but I would love to actually watch Steve Vai himself play that Classical piece at the end, as soon as a watched that film I rewound to that part like 5 times to listen to it, and what Vai actually finishes his bit with, the dude is just too talented.
You're not for this world, this world is for you.
18-09-2009 01:02
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(16-09-2009 22:41 )mas0887 Wrote: Not one Steve Vai, John Petrucci or Steve Ouimette? For shame. People are (mostly) just posting famous riffs instead of people that are actually ridiculously skilled at their trade, obviously there are excepions to what people have posted like Hendrix and Satriani but the fact Steve Vai is not mentioned here yet it pretty abysmal. Anybody that knows guitars will have him in the top 3 at least..
Quit with the whining & post something then. Incidentally, the thread was all of 4 hours old when you chirped up.
I said the people, do the research yourself, last time I took the time to post a shit load of youtube vids it was all but a complete waste of time so I didn't fancy doing it again. And while it was only 4 hours old it was nearly a page long, so enough people replied for me to post what I did. Are you just pissy because I said the people that had posted already did not post that many that were truly godlike? I did not say that they were shit, they just do not stand tall as some of the best guitarists of all time, very talented yes but not the greats. Did you take that as a personal slight upon your choice? Chill the fuck out man.
Plus Freebird I absolutely love that guitar duel, and I know that Karate Kid was only faking but I would love to actually watch Steve Vai himself play that Classical piece at the end, as soon as a watched that film I rewound to that part like 5 times to listen to it, and what Vai actually finishes his bit with, the dude is just too talented.
there's only two guitarists who are godlike, they are jimi hendrix and stevie ray vaughn, steve vai dosnt come remotely close to these two.
18-09-2009 13:06
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