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Studio 66 Daytime Queen 2018 - The winner!!

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ShandyHand Offline
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Post: #11
RE: Studio 66 Daytime Queen 2018 - The winner!!
The responses of 830, NtO and Rake (as well as of SA here) offer some very interesting points on this subject. My thoughts are very much follow up ones to their valuable primer material...

Assessing a babe's popularity in any way via publicly available data is always going to be a tricky business. Twitter/Insta following? Only Fans subscribers? Or is one the video viewer methods outlined above a truer assessment of a girl's popularity? One has to define what crowd one is looking at and, then, if they are the crowd one should feel concerned with counting! (Surely clicks on somewhere like TVgalleries are in some way worth more, as likely to be from consistent babeshow fans, than more random views on some unrelated tube site say?) 

But as to the specifics of this particular vote, I have to say 830 and NtO's posts neglect the feel I often get from our annual awards and babe votes. If I may be so bold, there's always been a faint air of forum politique about these for me. This arises from several factors I think.

First, to be frank, I judge trying to assess these awards, at least as they are currently, as a true popularity contests is a little astray. They are competitions - usually formed of multiple head to head knockout pairings until a winner is drilled down to in the end. If two heavy hitters arbitarily get drawn against each other early on, one will inevitably lose out while often a babe of potentially inferior popularity can progress easily elsewhere. So, quite deliberately, by design, these competitions are not straight popularity polls. (I will say no more on format as I know the topic has been done to death in the past and the subject is one of constant thought from the tireless organisers of these things.)

Then we have the tricky matter of voter awareness and tolerance. Maybe the fans of a particular babe have missed the chance to vote in enough numbers as they were unaware of the early rounds or they simply got bored by the, it has to be said, repetitive standard format. Does that mean the babe's current popularity should be viewed as somehow less than those that got further in the competition? Perhap's the eliminated babe's fandom is less populated by voting hungry obssessives?! Wink No, NtO has made a valid point about larger fandom awareness; this is a major reason the same names are seen winning these votes time and again I feel: The same users are around these votes all the time and so are voting for the same familiar names to float to the top. Sometimes the selection produced is valid; other times not so much.

In fact for me that points to another failing of these competitions... they seem as if they are organised with the pleasure of serial voters and the competition setters in mind! They encourage an incestous and obsessives type observance of voting. As such they are prone to cliques and block voting. If they can be said to represent popularity at all, they represent not popularity on the forum even but popularity amongst guys that can be bothered to vote. Multiple times in multiple rounds.

There is then the question of how representative such voters are. Are forumites/posters even representative of babeshow fans in general? What are the voters' baises? What are their viewing habits?

The crucial combo of competition format and the most prolific regular voter type sometimes, I feel, produces not winners who have been exceptional in the year under consideration but those who have a sort of homogonous general appeal; babes that have achieved a broad name value that will get them through multiple rounds of voting....

Simply, the answer to much of this, if one wants a better assessment of popularity for instance, is for the word to be gotten out more. That at least would ensure the votes are more broadly representative. Only by ensuring one's voter net is cast as wide as possible (maybe by publishing a notice of these things on twitter?) can one negate, as much as possible, the vagaries of the issues outlined above.

As to why this latest award went the way it did: Well, unremarkably, the 66 restriction of a 66 award brought out a more 66 orientated crowd of voters to my mind! I think Evelyn's crowd pleasing shows have set her apart for a certain type of babeshow fan this year. Rebecca's eye catching but more standard teases (the officially scheduled and advertised variety note), with her mighty fine full breastage on show for the first time, ensured a varied, pleasured and vote ready audience for sure. But for the 66 fanboys in the know, the Eve shows illustrated the most improved day babe in terms of fta visuals. These segments were the dirty open secret that kept aficionados glued to their TV sets in a way not seen on the shows in years. 

That's why the Eve vote feels different; a breath of fresh air in fact. These were the guys I was saying, in my previous post, were inspired to vote, perhaps for the first time in one of these things. Eve can do that to you you know! Wink

Babeshow n. - Live Adult Entertainment genre based around premium-rate phome sex chat lines. Scantily-clad female presenter induces callers and users to other inactive services from three-walled set in a TV studio. Largely softcore Tease format influenced by standards and strictures of free-to-air TV platform..
(This post was last modified: 30-12-2018 16:01 by ShandyHand.)
30-12-2018 15:59
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Charlemagne Offline

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Post: #12
RE: Studio 66 Daytime Queen 2018 - The winner!!
I'm bemused how simple little competitions have become so intense

I'll go through how things are run on the forum.
The Forum Admin team are responsible for the Hall of Fame (which is run by Babelover) on our behalf and our assitance.
The Forum Awards for the members
The UKAP awards where we gathered the nomination

But from the formation of the forum the members themselves wanted to start their own awards. They created their own, which included their own nomination and voting systems. These systems have been passed on from one member to another organising member.

Don't forget that the awards are a way for the members to be involved.
I've seen in posts that we should only allow regular posters, but one of the aims of the awards is to encourage more members to have their say. We encourage all members to vote, including the girls themselves (if they are forum members ) and also the girls representives.

If we wanted to be truely fair to have which was the best girl, we would probably asked Studio66 who was their biggest earner of the year
But we don't it's run for the forum by the forum.

It's been mentioned that people haven't been aware of the competitions. Where have they been this award has been running for a month.

I'll give you notice for next year.
The Hall of Fame awards will be from early November. The Ultimate babe will start around the last week in November and Studio66 awards will be at the start of December. You have now been informed.

Evelyn & Lola were both just winners of their competitions, so well done to them both

And finally I'll repeat. The contests are a bit of fun

30-12-2018 18:18
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830ResAtDorsia Offline
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Post: #13
RE: Studio 66 Daytime Queen 2018 - The winner!!
Just to add some more detail to the estimates I made before, I went through my gfycat (maybe I'll try the same for my imgur pics, but that will take absolutely forever) and did the numbers for many of the girls I upload most often. Here's the averages (these are all for gifs posted in caps & vids threads, didn't include anything from chat threads, foot fetish, daytime nipslips, etc.):

Evelyn - 19,100
Clare Richards - 9,100
Aemelia Fox - 3,100
Saskia Jade - 5,700
Anastasia Harris - 3,700
Heather Kay - 5,700
Hannah Martin - 3,700

Ashley Emma - 11,400 (closest to Evelyn, but very small sample size skewed by one gif that got 21,000+ views)
Rebecca Kelly + Clara Jasmine 2-4-1 - all of those are hovering around 10,000-11,000 views

The estimate I had before of Evelyn getting 2-20* the views should probably be closer to 2-10*, though her most viewed gifs do get nearly that much more interest than some other girls. Some of the newer or younger girls on BS or S66 tend to get view counts around 1,000-2,000 (Kiki, Jasmin, Eva Ray, etc.). The bigger nightshow names (Dannii, Tori Lee, Lori, Nicole Snow, Kandi Kay, Lola) would get anywhere from 6,000-12,000, so prob close to Clare's #, but maybe slightly lower for most.

Some other things beyond just popularity go into this though. For example, if my post ends up being the last one on the page, it'll get 2 or 3 times fewer views than if it were in the top half of the page. Also, Hannah Martin is difficult to accurately judge since her threads are all hidden, even some forum members likely aren't aware of how to access them. Her numbers are still pretty high considering that, I imagine they'd probably be close to Clare's # as well otherwise, possibly higher.

Here's another way to put it:

I have 184 gifs on gfycat, 19 of Evelyn
9 reached 20,000+ (7 are Evelyn, 6 of those are past 25,000 now)
14 reached 15,000+ (10 are Evelyn)
42 reached 10,000+ (16 are Evelyn)

The single highest viewcount belongs to a Heather Kay nipslip which is now past 30,000 views. However, an Evelyn nipslip I posted got 23,000 views in a matter of 4 or 5 days before being deleted.

Just my gut feeling based on these numbers, interest in discussion threads and on the chatboxes, viewcounts of other guys' videos here and elsewhere, I'd say that Evelyn and Ashley Emma are the two most popular girls on the shows. I'd say that Heather Kay is the most popular of the new girls that have joined the shows in the last couple of years. This is all just my opinion though, and who's really to say for sure - there's no one specific way to gauge how popular these girls are. One interesting thing for Evelyn though is that she's the only girl I mentioned that has pretty much zero online presence outside of the shows. I think this only adds to her appeal.

I'll add that some of the most popular types of videos are daytime nipslips, debuts or comeback shows, finales (at least if it was publicized as such), foot fetish (recently posted the same Clare gif in both her thread and the foot fetishone - got almost 70% of its views from the foot thread), and topless tease hours, doubly so for unexpected ones like the Paige Phillips one or the Rebecca/Clara 2-4-1. Shower and baby oil shows prob would be too. POV's too I'd imagine, too bad you can't even record the BS ones from the webstream anymore and S66 hardly ever does them these days.

And just for some more numbers, here's the top 10 countries for download counts on my openload files:

GB 5652 / 73.26%
IE 443 / 5.74%
IT 274 / 3.55%
DE 195 / 2.53%
US 164 / 2.13%
FR 96 / 1.24%
ES 70 / 0.91%
AU 68 / 0.88%
BR 54 / 0.7%
IN 52 / 0.67%

At the end of the day, how big of a deal is it though? Only thing I care about is my favs putting on shows that do it for me in my happy zone. The awards are just supposed to be some fun little thing for the forum. Don't think there's anything suspect going on, just some guys voting for one contest and not voting for another. Or using their own criteria that may vary wildly from another voter's. I think Evelyn, Rebecca, Lola, Scarlett, Saskia (Jesus, how many of these votes are there?Big Grin) are all deserving winners. That said, Evelyn is a saint, and I will fight any man, woman, or child (including babies) who disagrees (semi-srs) Wink
(This post was last modified: 30-12-2018 18:47 by 830ResAtDorsia.)
30-12-2018 18:37
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lovebabes56 Offline
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Post: #14
RE: Studio 66 Daytime Queen 2018 - The winner!!
(30-12-2018 18:18 )Charlemagne Wrote:  I'm bemused how simple little competitions have become so intense

I'll go through how things are run on the forum.
The Forum Admin team are responsible for the Hall of Fame (which is run by Babelover) on our behalf and our assitance.
The Forum Awards for the members
The UKAP awards where we gathered the nomination

But from the formation of the forum the members themselves wanted to start their own awards. They created their own, which included their own nomination and voting systems. These systems have been passed on from one member to another organising member.

Don't forget that the awards are a way for the members to be involved.
I've seen in posts that we should only allow regular posters, but one of the aims of the awards is to encourage more members to have their say. We encourage all members to vote, including the girls themselves (if they are forum members ) and also the girls representives.

If we wanted to be truely fair to have which was the best girl, we would probably asked Studio66 who was their biggest earner of the year
But we don't it's run for the forum by the forum.

It's been mentioned that people haven't been aware of the competitions. Where have they been this award has been running for a month.

I'll give you notice for next year.
The Hall of Fame awards will be from early November. The Ultimate babe will start around the last week in November and Studio66 awards will be at the start of December. You have now been informed.

Evelyn & Lola were both just winners of their competitions, so well done to them both

And finally I'll repeat. The contests are a bit of fun

Thanks Charle!! I'll set the awards up for next year now!!Tongue Tongue Big Grin

02-01-2019 10:11
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Charlemagne Offline

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Post: #15
RE: Studio 66 Daytime Queen 2018 - The winner!!
^ Good news as I've commited you to run it early this December Smile

02-01-2019 10:46
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lovebabes56 Offline
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Post: #16
RE: Studio 66 Daytime Queen 2018 - The winner!!
Well, they'll be asking to vote all year round next!! Tongue Tongue

02-01-2019 19:40
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