Just to add some more detail to the estimates I made before, I went through my gfycat (maybe I'll try the same for my imgur pics, but that will take absolutely forever) and did the numbers for many of the girls I upload most often. Here's the averages (these are all for gifs posted in caps & vids threads, didn't include anything from chat threads, foot fetish, daytime nipslips, etc.):
Evelyn - 19,100
Clare Richards - 9,100
Aemelia Fox - 3,100
Saskia Jade - 5,700
Anastasia Harris - 3,700
Heather Kay - 5,700
Hannah Martin - 3,700
Ashley Emma - 11,400 (closest to Evelyn, but very small sample size skewed by one gif that got 21,000+ views)
Rebecca Kelly + Clara Jasmine 2-4-1 - all of those are hovering around 10,000-11,000 views
The estimate I had before of Evelyn getting 2-20* the views should probably be closer to 2-10*, though her most viewed gifs do get nearly that much more interest than some other girls. Some of the newer or younger girls on BS or S66 tend to get view counts around 1,000-2,000 (Kiki, Jasmin, Eva Ray, etc.). The bigger nightshow names (Dannii, Tori Lee, Lori, Nicole Snow, Kandi Kay, Lola) would get anywhere from 6,000-12,000, so prob close to Clare's #, but maybe slightly lower for most.
Some other things beyond just popularity go into this though. For example, if my post ends up being the last one on the page, it'll get 2 or 3 times fewer views than if it were in the top half of the page. Also, Hannah Martin is difficult to accurately judge since her threads are all hidden, even some forum members likely aren't aware of how to access them. Her numbers are still pretty high considering that, I imagine they'd probably be close to Clare's # as well otherwise, possibly higher.
Here's another way to put it:
I have 184 gifs on gfycat, 19 of Evelyn
9 reached 20,000+ (7 are Evelyn, 6 of those are past 25,000 now)
14 reached 15,000+ (10 are Evelyn)
42 reached 10,000+ (16 are Evelyn)
The single highest viewcount belongs to a Heather Kay nipslip which is now past 30,000 views. However, an Evelyn nipslip I posted got 23,000 views in a matter of 4 or 5 days before being deleted.
Just my gut feeling based on these numbers, interest in discussion threads and on the chatboxes, viewcounts of other guys' videos here and elsewhere, I'd say that Evelyn and Ashley Emma are the two most popular girls on the shows. I'd say that Heather Kay is the most popular of the new girls that have joined the shows in the last couple of years. This is all just my opinion though, and who's really to say for sure - there's no one specific way to gauge how popular these girls are. One interesting thing for Evelyn though is that she's the only girl I mentioned that has pretty much zero online presence outside of the shows. I think this only adds to her appeal.
I'll add that some of the most popular types of videos are daytime nipslips, debuts or comeback shows, finales (at least if it was publicized as such), foot fetish (recently posted the same Clare gif in both her thread and the foot fetishone - got almost 70% of its views from the foot thread), and topless tease hours, doubly so for unexpected ones like the Paige Phillips one or the Rebecca/Clara 2-4-1. Shower and baby oil shows prob would be too. POV's too I'd imagine, too bad you can't even record the BS ones from the webstream anymore and S66 hardly ever does them these days.
And just for some more numbers, here's the top 10 countries for download counts on my openload files:
GB 5652 / 73.26%
IE 443 / 5.74%
IT 274 / 3.55%
DE 195 / 2.53%
US 164 / 2.13%
FR 96 / 1.24%
ES 70 / 0.91%
AU 68 / 0.88%
BR 54 / 0.7%
IN 52 / 0.67%
At the end of the day, how big of a deal is it though? Only thing I care about is my favs putting on shows that do it for me in my happy zone. The awards are just supposed to be some fun little thing for the forum. Don't think there's anything suspect going on, just some guys voting for one contest and not voting for another. Or using their own criteria that may vary wildly from another voter's. I think Evelyn, Rebecca, Lola, Scarlett, Saskia (Jesus, how many of these votes are there?

) are all deserving winners. That said, Evelyn is a saint, and I will fight any man, woman, or child (including babies) who disagrees (semi-srs)