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It’s ok to stereotype men and portray masculinity as inherently toxic, apparently...

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Rake Offline
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Post: #1
It’s ok to stereotype men and portray masculinity as inherently toxic, apparently...
(This post was last modified: 16-01-2019 10:26 by Rake.)
16-01-2019 10:21
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lancealot790 Offline
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Post: #2
RE: It’s ok to stereotype men and portray masculinity as inherently toxic, apparently...
Gillette are just the latest big company trying to show their right on credentials by pandering to the pc brigade. Unfortunately for for them by insulting the very people who buy their products they have gone a step too far and hopefully it will lead to a boycott of their products.
16-01-2019 10:45
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Rammyrascal Offline
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Post: #3
RE: It’s ok to stereotype men and portray masculinity as inherently toxic, apparently...
If there was an advert that portrayed women in a similar way there would be mass outrage & calls for the ad to be banned. It’s an awful ad that says all men are basically lecherous perverts who treat wonen badly

a member of the Piper Niven Cult
16-01-2019 10:58
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terence Offline

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RE: It’s ok to stereotype men and portray masculinity as inherently toxic, apparently...
it's a great advert and some people have either misunderstood it or worse, are incredulous to the existence of toxic masculinity.

rammy, you've missed the point completely.

i know gillette are a faceless, soulless corporation, but they got this right and should be commended for that. imo.

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16-01-2019 11:24
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lancealot790 Offline
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Post: #5
RE: It’s ok to stereotype men and portray masculinity as inherently toxic, apparently...
Have to disagree with you on this one Terence, gillette have got this completely wrong and it could be their Gerald Ratner moment.
16-01-2019 11:34
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The Goatman Offline
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Post: #6
RE: It’s ok to stereotype men and portray masculinity as inherently toxic, apparently...
What has shaving got to do with sexual harassment ? Do women find shaving offensive... all this #metoo bullshit in my experience of life women are cold blooded self obsessed gold digging arseholes and act as if they don't ever do anything wrong

Guess i will be getting Wilkinson Sword from now on

Justice For Skyline
(This post was last modified: 16-01-2019 12:05 by The Goatman.)
16-01-2019 12:00
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Rammyrascal Offline
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Post: #7
RE: It’s ok to stereotype men and portray masculinity as inherently toxic, apparently...
(16-01-2019 11:34 )lancealot790 Wrote:  Have to disagree with you on this one Terence, gillette have got this completely wrong and it could be their Gerald Ratner moment.

Agree, it could be a Gerald Ratner moment for Gillette

a member of the Piper Niven Cult
16-01-2019 12:20
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skully Offline

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Post: #8
RE: It’s ok to stereotype men and portray masculinity as inherently toxic, apparently...
It's doing what they intended, getting people talking and taking notice of it and the brand, whether you agree with it or not.
It's a risk but a calculated one, brands who do this expect push back and sometimes boycotts, but long term they benefit from them.

I get it, but I'm not a huge fan of companies who are selling stuff trying to put a message across, do they really care, doubt it.

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16-01-2019 12:23
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Rake Offline
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Post: #9
I also hope it’s their Gerald Ratner moment.

The ludicrous caricature stereotypes they portray of men behaving badly in the advert would rightly be condemned if they were depicting women.

In fact I wonder if Gillette will produce a counterpart advert aimed at women?

There could be ludicrous stereotypes of women gossiping over the watercooler about hunky Peter from accounts with his tight arse, then bitching and backstabbing about a slutty secretary in the typing pool Who got off with Peter at the work Christmas do, who they are obviously jealous of, followed up by bursting into tears when having a difficult meeting with clients and generally being over emotional, then tottering around after work guzzling Prosecco in high heels in a bar singing girls just wanna have fun....Snogging several drunken city guys before returning home and nagging their husbands relentlessly about Having a new kitchen put in....

Got to admit that given the maxim of there is no such thing as bad publicity is then it’s certainly been successful
(This post was last modified: 16-01-2019 12:31 by Rake.)
16-01-2019 12:29
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HannahsPet Offline
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Post: #10
RE: It’s ok to stereotype men and portray masculinity as inherently toxic, apparently...
Maybe its a way to kill piers morgan have him so outrage the king gammon trys a cut throat razor and slits his throat Tongue Tongue Tongue

Think they should be more concerned why does it cost a lot more for womens razors than it does for men razors

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(This post was last modified: 16-01-2019 13:17 by HannahsPet.)
16-01-2019 13:12
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