(31-01-2019 17:01 )BarrieBF Wrote: I think it's reasonable to describe this site as 'small' in that it obviously isn't in the same league for pornography as the major tube sites, which get millions of visitors a day. After all it was 'small' rather than just plain small.
Yes, thank you Barrie for your appreciation of the naunce of language. 'Small' as in unlikely to feature in the BBFC's Top 50 of porn sites was what I had in mind. The regulator has said these 'big' sites will be their first priority.
(31-01-2019 17:19 )admin Wrote: The BBFC held an event and we attended.
All pornographic websites are being given the same information. Nobody will be given guidance that is different to what we've been given.
And the boots on the other foot as regards language here.

I'm sorry I misunderstood "face to face" as implying an individual conversation. But regardless you seem to be assuming that we (forumites not yourself apparently) have certain knowledge that, to me, we can't even really take an educated guess at here. Like...
1. This site is regarded as "pornographic" then is it? The rules say more than 30% of the site has to be (visual I think) porn? How are they measuring that then? Does this place really qualify (especially with, as was mentioned above, the bsx caps gone)?!!
2. You say all sites are given the same info. I never doubted it. But my point is not all sites are created equal and as such one that are concerned about this may not actually qualify.
3. I guess I was asking re the operators if you were aware of how much they think they are already covered for the new rules?
Of course, the current operator websites have credit card gateways in place that could be adapted to be more encompassing; they even have AV gateways on their sites I believe (because of their VoD regulations wasn't it)...
I assume what guys mainly want to know is are the operator sites going to function the same way after AV? Or are there plans to split off daytime material for instance? Can AV be just applied at night time?! (Even there though there is something odd about the night shows now being classed as pornographic. Under the existing Ofcom rules these shows are not allowed to be visually "explicit" and show anything long enough to be classed as an "adult-work" [which requires pin encryption] and yet now we are being told, presumably, that they are "pornographic". Porn but not explicit. So Page 3 was porn then?!)