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Babestation On This Day....

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M-L-L Offline
The Last Straw

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Post: #351
RE: Babestation On This Day....
On This Day 5th February:

2016 Computer hackers try to steal $1 billion from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York using Bangladesh banking codes.
They steal $81 million before a typographical error alerts authorities....

From 2018, no doubt causing many keyboard mishaps, was Beth on bsx

[Image: image-263F_5A7F86A5.jpg]
03-01-2020 02:20
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M-L-L Offline
The Last Straw

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Post: #352
RE: Babestation On This Day....
On This Day 6th February:

1935 The board game "Monopoly" goes on sale for the first time.

From 2016, collecting £200 for passing Go is .... Lori Buckby

[Image: image-08E4_56B68CCD.jpg]
03-01-2020 02:22
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M-L-L Offline
The Last Straw

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Post: #353
RE: Babestation On This Day....
On This Day 7th February:

1845 British Museum, London: The Portland Vase, thought to date to the 1st century BC, is shattered into more than 80 pieces by a drunken visitor.

From 2015, drunken BS viewers were viewing....

Beth unleashed

[Image: image-BDA2_54D67723.jpg]


[Image: image-3B44_54DD22E8.jpg]


[Image: image-0535_54DE432D.jpg]

and in 2016,

Delia Rose

[Image: image-3DB0_56B7687B.jpg]


[Image: image-ACC4_56B75D7E.jpg]
03-01-2020 02:24
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M-L-L Offline
The Last Straw

Posts: 11,146
Joined: Sep 2013
Post: #354
RE: Babestation On This Day....
On This Day 8th February:

1969 Meteorite weighing over 1 ton falls in Chihuahua, Mexico.

(Whether any small dogs were casualties is not recorded.)

From 2015,


[Image: image-9EBA_54D92743.jpg]

Delia Rose

[Image: image-CF86_54D919F0.jpg]


[Image: image-CE9C_54D92B45.jpg]


[Image: image-38EC_54D78D7F.jpg]


[Image: image-9955_54D7D690.jpg]

and, almost where we came in ....

(14-02-2019 11:45 )qwerty125 Wrote:  
(13-02-2019 21:41 )M-L-L Wrote:  .... if I'd "designed" this, turns out it would have been better if I'd started it just a day earlier, so then I could have included a cap of Paige Turnah putting her phone in Caty Cole's arse crack.

Right - that's it. I demand someone invents a time machine right now! We only need to go back a few days...

Anyway, this is a great idea for a thread - keep it going!

....finally, here's Caty Cole and Paige Turnah, not living up to the suspense in all probability laugh .....

[Image: image-348C_54D7CEEB.jpg]
03-01-2020 02:25
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M-L-L Offline
The Last Straw

Posts: 11,146
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Post: #355
RE: Babestation On This Day....
On This Day 9th February:

1997 Broadcast of the 167th episode of "The Simpsons" making it the longest-running series in cartoon history.

From 2014, for the final time here's....DOH!....

Lolly Badcock

[Image: image-C1E1_52F6CCAF.jpg]

And with this post that's near enough - (barring some missing days here and there without caps annoyed what's up with April M-L-L, hardly any over 5 years you slacker Huh ) - pretty much 365 posts of nostalgia.
With my caps collection well and truly scoured, for anyone in the dwindling band of forumites still paying attention you'll no doubt be relieved to read that I don't propose to over-extend this thread beyond it's already expired sell-by-date in a futile bid to become the forum's longest running thread Big Laugh

If anyone else feels mad enough to take up the baton heron in (no not heroin) and offer their own memories, their more than welcome....otherwise, just let this thread slip down to the nether regions of the Babestation General section and be justly forgotten. Wink

03-01-2020 02:28
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The Silent Majority Offline
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Post: #356
RE: Babestation On This Day....
(03-01-2020 01:34 )M-L-L Wrote:  And for whatever reason, a few people have been kind enough to follow all this nonsense and to even vote it for an award, which is a bit much to be honest

Hey, what are we saying here? bladewave People didn't know what they were really voting for?
Have we learnt nothing in the last 3 1/2 years?
The people have spoken, and the will of the people needs to be respected. After a particularly fractious awards campaign the forum needs to come together and move onwards as one, to greater and better things.
The losing side must accept the result and.......... oh wait, you didn't lose, I'm talking a load of shite Blush

Well I've enjoyed the thread anyway. It's been good, well done Smile

(03-01-2020 01:34 )M-L-L Wrote:  all this nonsense

And nonsense is what we're all about here Tongue
(This post was last modified: 03-01-2020 21:51 by The Silent Majority.)
03-01-2020 06:17
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Doddle Offline
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Post: #357
RE: Babestation On This Day....
Ah, it was fun while it lasted Tongue
(03-01-2020 02:20 )M-L-L Wrote:  On This Day 4th February:

1960 Premiere of Lionel Bart's musical "Fings ain't wot they used t'be". Wink

^ Any connection with babeshows is entirely coincidental laugh

From 2015,



Clive James Wrote:Reality is a useful brake on megalomania.
03-01-2020 08:25
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M-L-L Offline
The Last Straw

Posts: 11,146
Joined: Sep 2013
Post: #358
RE: Babestation On This Day....
On This Day 29th February :

( Wink A narrow window of opportunity this, given this poster's not been active on the forum much more than 5 years )

1960: the first Playboy Club, featuring Bunnies, opens in Chicago.

56 years later, who did M-L-L bother to check out on BS duties ? .....

[Image: image-EFB3_56D9F107.jpg]

Wink...and that really is your lot, I'll leave the last word to "the usual suspects"...Wink
29-02-2020 10:25
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