If you wanted to interact and be social when you were young you went to a nursery, school or in this particular case, to someone's house after school. I remember arranging to go to various people's houses when I was young. It was good because on those days you got a lift so you didn't have to stand around waiting for a bus to go home in the pouring rain and you also got fed. I went to a friends' house one afternoon and we ended up building a LEGO Technic set-the chassis if you remember that one(posted on the Images thread) and at the same time we also had one of my favourite meals- spaghetti bolognese and ice cream to finish. Another friend of mine invited me back to his house and we ended up building LEGO stuff and listening to records(vinyl) which was also good.
One of the best things I did though was go to my best friends' house each December and record a tape which we would then send to an old schoolfriend of ours who had emigrated to Australia(Perth) when we were in secondary school. Each time I would go over armed with records and sound effects stuff and a diary of the year to read out. I listed all the things we had got up to over that year and we tried to match that with an appropriate record or sound. It was great fun cueing up records, a Christmas tape and sounds and at the same time telling our friend about the year here. At the end of each tape(started in 1987) we would wish him a Merry Christmas/Happy New Year and say that one day we might get over to see him-not that we could afford to at that time. However, one year that DID come true but he came to see us in 1992-my friend had arranged for him to stay at his flat and they both surprised me one weekend. We went bowling and he had this huge television camera-style camcorder and he filmed a lot of things. He also went sight-seeing. At the end of his visit we said goodbye and as usual said "might see you over there one day" as we also did on the cassette done at the end of the year. Little did I know it would be sooner than I thought.
Come 1993 my best friend came to me and asked me how much money I could get my hands on. I had some savings and had a slight windfall with some shares that had come to me-Abbey National gave its members 100 shares BUT some got more, and I managed to get 200 shares(not by nefarious means I assure you, it was a mistake by the Bank) It got investigated but I managed to keep mine and I sold those to pay towards my ticket to Australia plus I got a bit of help from my grandma and family.
(The trip has been outlined in detail on the Everything 90's thread)
I am glad to see that today's kids still go to each other's houses but I suspect that is to play on computer games or sit and scroll idly through the Internet - still gets them out of the house!