The Last Straw
Posts: 11,146
Joined: Sep 2013
RE: Babestation On This Day....
On This Day 19th April:
1911 George Bernard Shaw's "Fanny's First Play" premieres in London.
(  the things those Edwardians* could get away with eh ? )
104 years later, it's doubtful Ms Claydon could get away with a premiere of any such type of play during the daytime .....?
(*Yes I know it was actually George V that was King in 1911, but "Georgian" sounds too 18th century).
19-04-2019 09:31 |
The Last Straw
Posts: 11,146
Joined: Sep 2013
RE: Babestation On This Day....
On This Day 21st April:
1820 Danish scientist Hans Christian Orsted is the first to identify electromagnetism, observing a compass needle.
195 years later here's Beth exercising her own particular form of magnetism on BS viewers....
21-04-2019 10:12 |
The Last Straw
Posts: 11,146
Joined: Sep 2013
RE: Babestation On This Day....
On This Day 23rd May:
1618 The Second Defenestration of Prague: two Catholic Lords Regent and their secretary are thrown out of a window and amazingly are not seriously injured by the 70 foot (21 metre) fall. The event triggers the Thirty Year War.
2015 Both Lori Buckby and Maddie Rose are on telephone duty in the BS studio....it's not recorded if any BS viewers were breaking their windows (or TV screens) as a result.
23-04-2019 20:01 |
The Last Straw
Posts: 11,146
Joined: Sep 2013
RE: Babestation On This Day....
On This Day 25th April:
1684 A patent is granted for the thimble.
331 years later, to my knowledge it isn't recorded if a patent has been granted for the "hand thong"...
25-04-2019 18:42 |
The Last Straw
Posts: 11,146
Joined: Sep 2013
RE: Babestation On This Day....
On This Day 30th April:
1952 Mr Potato Head is the first toy to be advertised on television.
63 years later, BS's form of "advertisements" seems to be a bit more influenced by peaches...?
30-04-2019 17:48 |
The Last Straw
Posts: 11,146
Joined: Sep 2013
RE: Babestation On This Day....
On This Day 1st May:
1955 Showgirl Linda Lawson is crowned "Miss-Cue" in the Atomic Pageant, after the Operation Cue test is repeatedly delayed by high winds.
60 years later, here's Hannah C; unfortunately not on the BS pool table, because that would just be too on-the-nose.....
01-05-2019 18:35 |
The Last Straw
Posts: 11,146
Joined: Sep 2013
RE: Babestation On This Day....
On This Day 2nd May:
1945 Berlin - German army surrenders and Russians raise the Red Flag over the Reichstag.
2015  Much to the forum's chagrin, Lori Buckby isn't yet ready to yield the Babestation capital to other occupying forces.....
02-05-2019 07:06 |