RE: Memories of Childhood
Whilst watching the excellent 63UP(ITV) last week I noticed for the first programme 7UP they treated the kids to a visit to the zoo, a nice party and a trip to an adventure playground with zip slide, climbing things and other paraphenalia that we used to see regularly in parks. Can you imagine that today? Kids playing with planks of wood, climbing old sheds and whizzing around on concreted areas on roundabouts? No, neither can I; today's youth are so molly-coddled and pampered and parents are so worried about health and safety they are virtually wrapped up in cotton-wool. Did we care that we fell over, got the odd graze or bruise OR had a fight with someone and got a bit battered(well maybe that one is bad enough to worry anyone) - on the whole no, because it was a way you learnt, through experiences(I mean as a young child I went to have a pee in a field and ran straight into a load of nettles!!-luckily some dock leaves were found) good or bad and that also toughens you up for your next big adventure-school!
Do you relate to that? Did you do stupid things like balance on a wall or jump off a high place and land in a heap. I'd like to hear your experiences as we all have them. Maybe you got bashed by a swinging conker or fell into a river OR maybe you were the more adventurous type and camped outside, lighting fires and cooking food like a Cub Scout. Let us know.
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