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Game Of Thrones

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The Goatman Offline
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Post: #711
RE: Game Of Thrones
Absolute dog shit... it was like a watching different show Sad
20-05-2019 09:22
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lovebabes56 Offline
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Post: #712
RE: Game Of Thrones
^And no baby dragons?

20-05-2019 09:39
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Clit Eastwood Offline
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Post: #713
RE: Game Of Thrones
The dwarf did it.... eek
20-05-2019 10:01
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The Goatman Offline
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Post: #714
RE: Game Of Thrones
Who was the green eyes Ayra was meant to kill ?
Why did drogon burn the throne ?
Why didnt greyworm or his army kill jon after he killed dany ?
Why did they all sound weird in this episode ?
How did they rebuild kings landing so quick ?
20-05-2019 10:30
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Rammyrascal Offline
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Post: #715
RE: Game Of Thrones
Going to be a behind the scenes documentary about the final series called Game Of Thrones: The Last Watch on Sky Atlantic on Bank Holiday Monday 27th May at 9pm

a member of the Piper Niven Cult
20-05-2019 20:01
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Bandwagon Away
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Post: #716
RE: Game Of Thrones
So all those years of watching and this is where we find ourselves at the end.
It's been a great series overall, and I suppose in some respects the ending was always going to be underwhelming with such a monumental build-up.
But I have to agree with most that it just feels rushed and there was so much more potential for so many stories to unfold that will never be discovered now.

It just seems like a heck of a long way to come for such a damp squib.

(This post was last modified: 20-05-2019 20:37 by Bandwagon.)
20-05-2019 20:35
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southsidestu Offline
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Post: #717
RE: Game Of Thrones
Whilst I agree that the last two seasons were a bit rushed, they definitely should of gone for the usual ten episodes, the overall narrative of the story was in line with what the show has always been.

Game of Thrones has never been a show about good vs evil, there are no heroes and there are no villains, there are only people making decisions some are good and some are bad, some heroic and some villainous. The show has never been about black or white it has always operated within the grey areas. This is exactly what we got, Daenerys saved the Seven Kingdoms from The Dead only to sack King's Landing, which was wrong but there would be a lot less innocent lives, none in fact if it was not for her. It is also why at the end the so called hero of the show "turned villain" and the "villain" was humanised as she cried in her brothers arms, made terrified & vulnerable at the actions of the "hero". As it was alluded to in the final episode everyone has there own idea of what is right, does that make it so. Was Robert's rebellion right? Even if it was not based on a lie and Lyana Stark had been kidnapped and raped was avenging her and dethroning The Mad King worth all those that died in the war?

Deanerys' arc has always been heading this way, right from the first season she didn't flinch when her brother had his head melted and she tied the witch doctor to Khal Drogo's body and burned her alive. She burned the Warlock and The Unsullied slave master, she fed one of the slavers to Rhaegal and Viserion, burned The Khals alive, crucified people, burned their fleets in Merheen bay. It was only when Tyrion advised her otherwise did she take a route away from The Mad Queen but it was always her natural impulse. Her vision in the tower in season 2 depicted her walking through the Throne Room destroyed and covered in what was thought at the time to be snow because of the White Walkers but perhaps it was really Ash. Bran had a vision in season 4 of the shadow of a dragon flying over King's Landing, we got that exact shot in the penultimate episode with Drogon. In this season and season 7 Daenerys was taught lessons in showing mercy. She took Tyrion's advice on how to play out the war with Cersei and as a result, she lost her allies: Olenna, Elaria and Yara. She agreed to meet with Cersei at King's Landing after Euron killed one of her Dragons with the offer of surrender only for it to be returned with the beheading of her best friend. When the bells signalling surrender rang out across the city asking for mercy she probably thought, fuck this shit I have seen this movie before and it always ends badly for me. I'm to do what Jorah and Olenna always told me to do and the only thing that has brought me success in the past. Be a Dragon.

So whether it was her natural impulses, the lessons she was taught in the war for the Seven Kingdoms or through visions, Daenery's actions have been steadily crafted over the last eight seasons. However as Tyrion pointed out we chose not to see it because we were won over by her sense of right and her beauty (the conversation he had with Jon whilst imprisoned was really the writers having a conversation with us). Nobody would ever think that a person that looked like she did was capable of what she did and whilst she put herself forward as the hero, The Unbreaker of Chains it should be noted that pretty much all tyrants, dictators, autocrats and strongmen portray themselves as liberators. That's an important lesson for as all especially in these times of populist nationalism.

As Ramsay Bolton said to Theon in Season 3 "If you think this has a happy ending, you've not been paying attention"

If i could find a girl that had the looks of Gal Gadot, breasts of Sophie Mudd with Demi Rose's ass, the personality of Jessica Ennis, the grace of Kendall Jenner on the red carpet and then behind closed doors the raw sexual energy of Nicole Snow i'd know i was dead and gone to heaven, so i'll just take Demi Rose's ass and Nicole's sexual energy
20-05-2019 21:33
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Tumble_Drier Offline
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Post: #718
RE: Game Of Thrones
(20-05-2019 10:30 )goatman222 Wrote:  How did they rebuild kings landing so quick ?

All together now....

"Bran the Builder...

Can he fix it?

Bran the Builder...

Yes he can!"

I can't be bothered to dissect it scene by scene as i have sleeping to do, but this final season has at least given the sort of people who spend their lives dressed as Jon Snow (even though they weigh 30 stone and rarely see daylight) something to be passionate about... signing a petition as many times as they can Wink

Only 3 things in life are certain. Death, Taxes and lesbians will never look how they do in porn movies.
(This post was last modified: 20-05-2019 23:39 by Tumble_Drier.)
20-05-2019 23:38
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TickleTheOrc Offline
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Post: #719
RE: Game Of Thrones
Game of Thrones - How to Ruin a Great Show

I'll just leave this hear to explain why people are not liking the GoT ending. It can be summed up as bad writing. Plain and simple.

When the show writer still had GRRM books as source material. Things were weird and interesting... after they got ahead of the books.... well.... Things got generic....
You can also look at the show writers body of work... and see why things aren't looking too good for star wars if they are the ones writing the future scripts.

I'm for visually stimulating shows.
21-05-2019 06:43
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Charlemagne Offline

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Post: #720
RE: Game Of Thrones
Last nights Thronecast was just plain weird.
Jamie East in a supposed Brothel, I won't miss him.
But I will miss Al Murray's characterisation of Bran the Broken.. brilliant, even if Al was pissed Big Grin. And I'll certainly miss Hannah Waddingham's lovely long legs.

21-05-2019 07:58
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