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RE: Elite TV/Studio 66 - General Chat & Discussion
^The trouble with trying to analyse what's going on bts at the channels, based on what we see and hear, is that it's sometimes hard to discern what is strategy from what is just the day to day whims. What is policy from what is just regular judgement (in)action of babe(s) or the individual studio manager for the shift. Even when there's 'word' from the insider, it might have to be interpreted for spin or judged on how general the comments might be beyond the (normally) individual babe providing the info.
Time can give a certain perspective to an insider descision or change; as can an obvious and consistent application of any change by several babes. Those things add weight.
That said, with this switch to an 8pm start for "nights", the context seems persausive enough that I think that we may posit a couple conclusions from it to look a going forward. IMO, its likely purpose is threefold...
1. Enhancing profitability and resource use.
The big intent here is presumably to make 'nights' (and night babes) more productive. While also granting them more social hours of working. An earlier evening start cuts down on use (it seems) of relatively wasted resources in the wee small hours when less punters are awake and tuned in (i.e. a lot of night crew hours can now, presumably, end shift at 2 or 3 am with less babes to provide for). (We heard last year that at least one daytime producer finished his shift at 8pm even back then; night time prods are evidently already in the building well before 10pm, as such I wonder if the 8pm start is reflected bts.)
Further, following on from a lot of "breakfast babes" (as gallery calls them) already doing teases from 4am and some day shifts already finishing well before 10pm, in the past week or two, some day babes have been starting as early as 10am instead of the nominal 11am. So it's a general trend that they too are drifting towards earlier hours. It would seem everyone is trying to maximise their efficiency time wise and slot together even if it's in less rigid form than previously.
2. Further enhancing 66's entrance into the predominant online era.
AV's arrival may have been postponed for now at least (2-4-1s dropped?), but the switching of more babes to web onlys continues. The use of 8pm as a nightime start befits an enviroment that no longer needs to be fully tied to TV regulations based around the 9pm watershed.
3. Continued management of customer expectation.
The change blurs further the what (and at what time) a punter can expect of a "night show". As such it would seem a move designed to allow babes to put on basically any kind of show they wish, fta... with less standing to customer comeback based on what has gone on before at that time of night. Longterm, no watershed equals no actual definition of what "nights" is or should entail anymore. (Anyone who has watched nights of late on 66 can imagine how desirable that would be to the providers with, more and more, the 'content heavy' visuals being saved for behind the paywall.) No minimum requirements.
Babeshow n. - Live Adult Entertainment genre based around premium-rate phome sex chat lines. Scantily-clad female presenter induces callers and users to other inactive services from three-walled set in a TV studio. Largely softcore Tease format influenced by standards and strictures of free-to-air TV platform..
(This post was last modified: 03-07-2019 17:44 by ShandyHand.)
03-07-2019 17:42 |