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Review of last night's show

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Geriisgreat Offline
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Post: #4831
RE: Review of last night's show
Just like Sunday night /Monday morning last night was just dreadful viewing no changes at all from priya imogen and kiki stuck to the same thing all the time i just gave up and fast forwarded my recordings

Lovely cali garcia may have left but loving caty cole v2 Beth jess and atlanta
09-07-2019 18:42
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Geriisgreat Offline
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Post: #4832
RE: Review of last night's show
What a difference last night was compared to last couple just shows when you book 3 girls who always provide a great night it works with added appearance of Taylor rose despite stating shes no limits put in a reasonable show with a little oil

Lovely cali garcia may have left but loving caty cole v2 Beth jess and atlanta
10-07-2019 19:02
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Geriisgreat Offline
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Post: #4833
RE: Review of last night's show
After the highs of Tuesday night last night was pretty mixed
Good points jess and Sarah Louise again very good
Average alice as much as she is fairly good with variety she just can't stop all this mr p shite
Scarlett as much as she's our queen of the year im still not convinced by this year so far i find her very limited and lacking some new things

Lovely cali garcia may have left but loving caty cole v2 Beth jess and atlanta
18-07-2019 19:03
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trains55 Offline
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Post: #4834
RE: Review of last night's show
Hi all
Last night (for me) was one of those nights when I wondered why I bothered to record! Jada (not one of my favourite girls) was her normal self and got her tits out ONLY! Lynda (again not a favourite) went topless and braless but didnt do anything for me AS USUAL! Jess was (as usual) reliable and put on a good show: starting fully naked in one section! And Caty usually very good seemed as if she was being restrained only going topless: UNUSUAL for her as she normally goes naked! Strange! But at least it was nice seeing "new" girl Sophie Ellis who seemed very nice with nice tits which she got out! So not a GREAT night for me . Hopefully tonight might be better!? Thanks.
28-07-2019 07:26
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Geriisgreat Offline
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Post: #4835
RE: Review of last night's show
Im with you trains only really jess stood out for me whilst caty seemed to be pulled back a bit whilst a minor improvement from lynda in something different as for jada the footage i got of her was just a waste of time

Lovely cali garcia may have left but loving caty cole v2 Beth jess and atlanta
28-07-2019 10:16
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qwerty125 Offline
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Post: #4836
RE: Review of last night's show
28th July: yes, it's a very nice wall, now put the girl back on.

BN: 00:00 Priya, 01:35 Beth, 03:00 Clara, 04:00 Priya.
BS: 23:30 Beth, 01:10 Clara, 02:00 Bella, 03:35 Beth, 04:35 Clara, 04:50 Beth.

Sundays can be quiet ones, but as I hadn't watched BS TV for a while I was looking forward to it. Priya was reasonable, pretty much sticking to her usual routine - good if you like that. There was a nice section where she was sitting side-on while naked with her hand stroking away. Beth was good, wearing a maid(?) outfit (though any maid wearing that would probably be fired!) in one section, and not much else the rest of the time. She sure looks nice when reclining on her back while naked.
My favourites of the night were Clara and Bella. Clara didn't go fully naked but there's no doubt she cuts a fine figure, rocking a tasty white bikini in one section, and showing off her gorgeous boobs a lot of the time. I really liked how she moved about very actively, and found some great positions including doing the splits across the table several times.
Bella's one show was also great, where she did some grand work bending over the corner of the desk, and stripped off to make for some fine views. There was the promise of oil in one show which didn't really get used very much, but she was very naughty and up for a good time.
Clara seems very friendly, and during handovers wanted to interact with the others (particularly Bella), but what was this? The overly tame producer moving the camera to stop us seeing anything? Have we gone back to that... really? Pointing the camera at the wall is a bit of an extreme reaction. What was funny though was that Clara and Bella didn't like it either, so preceded to get back together on screen and cuddle up, which we did get to see, so good on you girls!
The toy use has dropped off, only (obviously) Beth, and (not so obviously) Clara utilising it on the TV sections, which is probably a good thing if it doesn't add too much to the show (not being able to see it or even directly mention it due to the restrictions).
So my pick of the night - Clara for her athleticism and outstanding beauty, and Bella for her naughtiness (and beauty of course).
29-07-2019 12:42
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Geriisgreat Offline
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Post: #4837
RE: Review of last night's show
Nice to have you back qwerty
Personally last night was just overkill with priya on way too much and in the same bloody thing and boring as per normal beth standard night and was good
Bella from what I got of her was reasonable
Clara damn showing some of the others how to show a bit of variety just needs more screen time

Lovely cali garcia may have left but loving caty cole v2 Beth jess and atlanta
29-07-2019 19:13
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trains55 Offline
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Post: #4838
RE: Review of last night's show
Hi all. WOW! What a DRAB night last night's offerings were (certainly on FV!).
I recorded BS and BN FV as usual:why did I bother AGAIN!
All the girls seemed restrained (or held back!) especially Caty! again who kept her bottom covered all night! unlike the other three girls who (were allowed to?) took their pants off! I was VERY disappointed yet again!
Good Points: the sauna set was used on BN instead of the "tired" study set! Much better! And no Lori! who was backstage all night! (SORRY!)
Bad Points: All of the girls (especially Caty!) were tamish as if they were being held back AGAIN! And Ashley didn't appear at all also backstage! (according to the OSG's)!
So (for me) a crap night AGAIN!
I really wish that I had recorded Studio 66 instead as at about midnight I saw Kandi Kay (one of my REAL favourite girls!) braless and really looking lovely! It looked like she was also using their pervcam equivalent while rubbing her (open?) pussy! Lovely!!!
Come on Babestation: not a GREAT week!!!!
01-08-2019 07:01
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qwerty125 Offline
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Post: #4839
RE: Review of last night's show
31st July: crikey those are some big stretchy pants.

TV from midnight: BN (in sauna) 00:00 Caty, 01:40 Beth, 03:05 Atlanta, 03:50 Caty, 04:45 Beth.
BS: 00:00 Beth, 00:40 Atlanta, 02:05 Caty, 03:30 Beth, 04:45 - ran out of girls?!? Ads to 05:00.

Caty stayed partly covered up all night, even when saying she would get naked if a caller wanted it. This included wearing some quite large pants (though they were see-though to some extent). There was also a lot more of the toy stuff with her again. There was a section where she was astride the stool, grinding against it and getting buzzed repeatedly that I enjoyed a lot, and her reaction to the constant stimulation is still one of the best, but it's a good example of the old saying 'you can have too much of a good thing' when it goes on and on to the point of her being somewhat distracted.
Beth had the toy as well but it was much more unobtrusive, apart from occasionally glimpsing it sticking up between her legs when she was (gloriously) naked. Her last stint was cut short and it seemed everyone else had gone home as we had 15 minutes of ads (and on the primary channel too - naughty). When she was on she was great, though I'm a little disappointed that she doesn't push the table over and stand in 'Beth's Place' any more - I really liked the leg up pose she used to get into.
Last but definitely not least, Atlanta was in blistering form. I like how she mixes things up, this time indulging in a bit of cosplay dressed as a girl scout, and repeatedly referring to her 'cookie', and yes she did keep her hat on but took everything else off so no complaints there. Occasionally funny and quirky, but also hot and sexy, and totally committed to giving the best show possible (see below) - what more could anyone ask for?

I've decided that the web shows are very weird. Between 10 and midnight on one side we had Ashley and Lori doing their impression of Lego (well that's what the block effect reminds me of anyway). It was a tip show where they were getting no tips - unsurprising as it was costing money just to see them. There were a few negative comments about the main screen being blurred - was it worth the money to buy into seeing what they were doing, and did it improve later on? I was too bored to wait and find out.
At the same time on the other 'channel' Atlanta was raking in the dough, easily meeting (and surpassing) her goals and giving us all a great view of her bits and bobs. When she reached her last goal right at the end and was supposed to finish she stayed on, making sure that everyone got their money's worth rather than just going off and leaving everyone hanging. All this while being so gracious and generous on the mic, thanking everyone who contributed (regardless of how much they spent), and being absolutely flipping wonderful. That's how to do a web show.
How can there be such a profound difference in these shows? They exist for two reasons - to satisfy the punters and to make money. How can one girl get it so right when others don't?
01-08-2019 11:33
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Geriisgreat Offline
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Post: #4840
RE: Review of last night's show
Just when I thought last night would be simple as a b c with atlanta beth and caty it was lacking a bit of a spark and a fourth girl to appear on screen as well as caty being let of the leash as the variety was there hopefully tonight can build on last nights small improvement and end this week positive

Lovely cali garcia may have left but loving caty cole v2 Beth jess and atlanta
01-08-2019 20:13
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