First of all, Karina, thank you for taking the time to respond. Until somebody actually talks to us then 'uneducated opinions' will flourish based on what we see.
Karina Currie Wrote:for starters, the live MSN chat IS manned by Me when I'm available to do it, (quite a bit actually) and after some insistance it is now clearly stated that you will chat to my friendly helper, if I'm not available. After all, I obviously can't stay awake 24/7 and it doesn't take a genius to work out that I can't possibly man the stations all of the time.
Yes, it was quite apparent that you couldn't possibly be online 24/7 but why then why did the site show you as being online permanantly. I appreciate that you don't have the executive decision-making powers but it doesn't reflect well for your army of devoted fans of which I am one (although, based on your reply, I am now like Steve McQueen in 'The Great Escape' and spending 30 days in the cooler

Maybe the mention of your website was bad timing and you have got caught in the crossfire of what I hope is constructive criticism - as well as praise - ot the SS site in general (I accept the fact that being contracted to them that you might not be in a position to comment here). For example, potential subscribers are given teasers of 'strips solo hard girl girl hardcore sex' etc. But there is no clear indication of what a specific presenter does or the amount of content and anything you click promptly takes you to the 'join' page. A friend of mine subscribed for two girls in particular. An apparent 'strip' video turned out to be nothing more than topless and ran for less than two minutes! Similarly, the pictures went no more than topless. He ended up feeling disappointed (even cheated) as it had cost him £21 to have to find this out. It would be like going to see a movie as it 'stars' a favourite actor/actress only to find they appear for 3 minutes and speak one line.
From my own experience, I was a subscriber at the original SexStation website (or was it LiveXXX?) and felt equally let down by what was there compared to what was advertised. In fact the only thing worthwhile was
you and your occasional visits to the webcam room where you actually put some effort into putting on a performance unlike others (no names mentioned) who seemed blissfully unaware there was a camera there at all.
Karina Currie Wrote:Whats really funny though is that I didn't need to respond to your bitching
But you did respond and that shows you actually care. Kudos to you for that.
To be truthful, not long after posting, I dug out the DVD 'Take This Down' and mighty fine you looked in it, I have to say.
Finally, and going off on a bit of a tangent, I vaguely recall seeing you in a scene with Kelle Marie. If it wasn't my tired old brain playing tricks on me, what was the film?