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RE: Laura Laine - Studio 66 Days - Chat & Discussion
Following in the babe's own unflinching tone...
There are two separate issues here: On the uploads Laura is of course in her rights if she doesn't want her image shared in the traditional promotional way long established by the channels. But you'd think she would have the self awareness to acknowledge that the situation is a recent change and a babe specific one. The industry message on this is now an ambigious one: Offering prizes for best cap on the one hand while stiffing vid uploaders, in a previously unprecedented manner, on multiple but not altogether consistent fronts. In those circumstancs, to berate guys for following the old idea that fta material is okay to upload seems harsh. Just use your DCMA's till guys get the point.
Much more problematic however is the way Laura expresses herself about who is at fault for the matters she covers. Surely its rare for a series of tweets to be such an eye-opener about a relevant individual in this way. She has changed my opinion of her profoundly with this - from go getter face of required change to entitled opportunist. More, so obnoxiously unsympathetic are these comments, they make the reader concerned for how rife such opinions are in her industry; we query those who may have influenced her thinking over her still short career on the shows.
The reasons for the downturn in the financial success of the channels are several and somewhat intertwined. Certainly though, a huge factor is/was the poor attitudes on display from presenters; something which, when examined, feels unfortunately predominant over then last half decade or more. With exposure, as here, opinions like Laura's say a lot about what we have had to put up with onscreen and prove toxic to the general standing of the relationship between babe and punter. Its an attitude totally alien in fact to the type any sensible person would think crucial to garnering success in a hugely interpersonal skill based arena.
Social media often prompts this troubling vision behind the shows' facade. One wonders even if she added that bit about guys thinking she was just "nice and pretty" to the central tweet because punters/ppl that know her have said things of this sort to her when they suddenly encountered this throughly poisoness streak in her personality?
Another notable: Laura writes with an absolutely breathtaking abdication of responsibility for what she sees around her. Hexit is quite right, if you're offering any service and it fails its utterly ridiculous to try blame and shame the consumer for that failure. Instead, the fault almost by definition lies in the strength of the service being offered. Here it can only be that it was not sufficiently appealing to callers at the price being asked... Sensible non-entitled folk know the reasons for the shows current moves towards web-based business and the blame therein most certainly doesn't lie with any absent callers.
A secondary truth is that the operators have been slow and resistant to embrace the changing expectations of an increasingly savvy, interconnected and varied customer base. The same old shit has long been not good enough, now we are at vital pivot point of what the shows are going to be - not only in terms of the way they will appear onscren but also in terms of how the babes respect the guys paying their wages. Tweets like this are hoped to belong to the old discreditted era. Babes like Atlanta, Scarlet and Jamie present the modern empathetic take on what it is to be a babeshow babe. They have moved on for real. IMO more babes need to do so if this industry is to have a solid future in its new home.
Babeshow n. - Live Adult Entertainment genre based around premium-rate phome sex chat lines. Scantily-clad female presenter induces callers and users to other inactive services from three-walled set in a TV studio. Largely softcore Tease format influenced by standards and strictures of free-to-air TV platform..
09-11-2019 14:56 |
Don Tingley
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RE: Laura Laine - Studio 66 Days - Chat & Discussion
(09-11-2019 02:12 )HEX!T Wrote: fact look at evelyn now... does she have a shortage of callers camers and REGULARS!...
why is that?..
because shes not acting like an entitled child, shes working it as best she can to get as much as she can while she can and guess what...
oh fucking hell queen evelyn. i love that "fact" at the start of what you said even though you haven't said any facts and are way off with the shite you've posted. neither of them are acting like children, one hasn't done as well as queen evelyn and has wrongly blamed vid posters for her shortcomings. that's all that has happened.
if one of them is childish then there's a better argument for it being evelyn since you can't post stuff of her free to view web shows, so her and laura have a bit in common don't they. you talk more bollocks than shandyhand with his coma inducing essays.
09-11-2019 15:15 |
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RE: Laura Laine - Studio 66 Days - Chat & Discussion
(09-11-2019 12:50 )BlastedKeith Wrote: To be fair, what Laura is saying is that the recorders/posters are NOT her fanbase, and don’t earn her a penny, because they don’t call.
I’m not sure that’s true (I cap and call), and it overlooks the role forum posts play in promoting her (it’s certainly how I became aware of her, and I’m a big fan). I don’t think a poster is by definition a lost caller.
I can see, though, how, like a lot of girls, she doesn’t want her naked image all over the internet (which is why so many on Studio66 play the sinking-below-the-frame game). But it’s naive to be in the sexchat/webcam business and not expect that to happen.
If this is Lauras view then the only answer is to NOT POST anything to do with Laura and see how long her callers and cammers last in the studio.
If she just wants to CAM from home she is going about it the right way with this attitude.
I do not Cap or Call...
09-11-2019 16:21 |