^ Yes, fair point, no doubt someone else posted a more aposite cap on that particular day but I don't feel justified regurgitating anyone else's caps but my own.
That's not to boost my own caps over anyone else's, just a reticence about using others' caps without their permission.
And while I am here, I must confess, the recent forum award for the thread I personally feel is ill-deserved.
I see forumites gravitating to this thread, only to be confronted with near-identical caps of Cali Garcia, Hannah Claydon, and Lori Buckby, with only my word for it (and the timestamps of the tvgirlsgallery website, and original posts they're linked back to) that these occurred on or about the days I've said they did.
And for generations hence to be thinking - "Golden Age of Babeshows? My arse".
Though to be fair, I've never claimed that, we all know that was pre- 2010 or whenever, I don't actually know, I didn't watch them regularly until 2013.
And I also for fear for those, expecting a bounty of caps of the most explicit and famous babeshows over the last 6 years, getting really annoyed to find that, over almost a year of posts scouring a collection of 6 years worth of caps, M-L-L has managed to fail spectacularly to cap any of the most legendary and infamous episodes in babeshow history known to have occurred between 2013 and 2019 - whether it be the most lauded 2-4-1's, slips, Mr P outrages or whatever - probably because they mostly didn't involve the babes he was most interested in at the time, or he thought either Dan Volatile or SMC had already posted the video so it wasn't worth even bothering about, and last but not least because bsx caps were banned from the forum, and M-L-L pretty much stopped capping regularly just before vibratoys and explicit webshows became the norm, and hasn't been motivated to follow these developments.
(I personally find the slight of the pink plastic vibratoy sticking out of a babe's pelvic area to be a massive turn off.


So for what it's worth - an apologetic explanation of my rationale for this thread:
When this thread first started, I think I started out with the intention of trying to find the most ridiculous juxtapositions between "historic" events and babeshow pictures in my cap archive.
(Not necessarily the most "famous" or obvious events of a day, but the ones that would hopefully somehow jar with pictures of semi-naked or naked women.
I also tried to steer away from obvious really famous historical landmark events and seek out bizarre/obscure factoids. I didn't always succeed. )
This was on the basis that I figured it would be much harder to find any kind of link, however tenuous, with my caps and some random historical event.
And so it proved.
Very occasionally there was some kind of vague link, or some kind of ironical connection - eg. some kind of energetic historical event and Cali Garcia famously not moving from her chair, or some such; but this tended to be rare.
I also spent a spell looking to accompany the caps with "woke" recognitions of little known or obscured female achievements (where I could find them), again in a spirit of self-conscious irony. But I have to be honest, most of the time some other unrelated mildly weird or bizarre factoid would trump this.
And for whatever reason, a few people have been kind enough to follow all this nonsense and to even vote it for an award, which is a bit much to be honest*, given that the genuinely worthy babeshow nostalgia-fest imho is the Caravan Man's more comprehensive video collection. (If I still had a collection of old videos, I would have posted them, but sadly I don't.)
I was sad to see the "Funny Babeshows Screencaps" thread not make the cut this year (not out of self interest because I've barely contributed this year) but I thought there were some good contributions to it by others this year; however the overall post-count in that thread is probably way down now that myself and Censorship aren't posting random pics of Lori gurning in it every other day.
Does this mean there are less stupid things happening on the shows, less people watching the shows for any length of time and bothering to cap them, or both of the above ?
I half-suspect if the remaining hardworking video posters went through their recordings and picked out still images, they might still find some amusing episodes, but that is a burden I wouldn't wish to impose on them or anyone else.
Anyway blah blah blah right ? Yes, guilty as charged, but I'm working my way up to a New Years' Resolution to bow out of active posting on the forum, so I might as well try to outdo snookered's word count per post record while I'm about it. Not a flounce, but just a recognition that I'm really not watching the shows much anymore, beyond a bit of Georgie Darby and a bit of Lori Buckby, much less posting about them.
I'm also trying to reconcile a dilemma of not wanting to be seen to just cut and run with an ill-deserved award and also having spent my time back in the year just gone (with no expectation of any awards, but just the self-satisfaction of a job completed) in setting myself a goal to cover a whole calendar year and so having already set up about 40 odd more posts for this thread continuing up into February.
So, this means splurging a whole month and a bit posts ahead of time as quickly as the forum machine will let me, and then making a dash for the exit before the brickbats fly....
( *
Has anyone else hovered over the 4 star rating over this thread? - 8 votes, 3.75 average ? 
And none of them mine! If that even remotely reflects the actual number of votes it takes to win a forum award, I'm sorry, but we're in an even worse democratic state than the Brexit-IndyRef-ridden UK political system
- so more power to the GMach and the more actively posting forum insurgents - rise up and claim your just rewards! In my defence, I self consciously offered up nominations in most categories for names that I didn't think had made listings before, and was gratified to see a few of them make the shortlists, but sadly not win. Their time may come, always assuming of course the babeshows continue to exist in enough of a state to justify a forum at all. )