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How to site a shed

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Boselectah Offline
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How to site a shed
I'm getting a new wooden shed this weekend.
I've laid a beautifully level/flush base of paving slabs to sit it on but neighbours on both sides are advising me to sit shed on some blocks/bricks to keep shed base off the ground/slabs I've laid.
They say it's to keep rats out of the shed.
Does this make sense or could I just sit shed on my paving slabs? If I can hover the shed off the ground on bricks I'm wondering why I sweated my balls off making a perfectly level base in the first place!
07-10-2009 16:22
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mrwotzup Offline

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RE: How to site a shed
Hi mate.
I guess the shed is ready to be assembled and should have Plans etc.
These may have some suggestions.It might also be an idea to chat to the Shop who sold you the Shed for advice.I was able to pick up some very useful tips by doing this.

Ive put up a couple of Sheds (but I'm no way an expert and can only speak from my own experience) I put the first one on a concrete base and paving slabs the second time .

It also very helpful to have someone else helping you Smile

I guess you could put the Shed on bricks but you would need to ensure the Floor was properly supported throughout to avoid flexing,the frame distorting and the door/windows not opening properly.Also you may have to cement the bricks in place to avoid them moving and making sure they are level.
I guess you are really building a second base.

I'm not sure by putting a Shed on bricks is going to keep any Rat out (if it wants to get in the Shed) In my part of the world the Rats are pretty big and have learned to climb.(In addition I guess you would have to ensure that the Rats cant get under the Shed if it was elevated)

Hope this is some help and I hope the weather is good for you.

PS One further thing before you start make sure everything has been delivered.With the second shed I didnt bother checking and found 6 screws were missing annoyed

Good luck mate
(This post was last modified: 07-10-2009 19:02 by mrwotzup.)
07-10-2009 18:39
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Deb x Away
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Post: #3
RE: How to site a shed
I know very little about shed building, but I've never heard of raising a shed on blocks to keep rats out. Rats tend to get into sheds if they want to, anyway, they can climb walls and bite through wood...
The only reason I can think of to put a shed up on blocks is if your garden/area is prone to flooding. Otherwise, it seems like a lot of bother - and a bit of a nuisance if you're wheeling lawnmowers etc. in and out (unless you're intending to also put in a ramp Wink)
As mrwotzup says, it's a good idea to ask the supplier.
08-10-2009 18:18
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doggie12 Offline
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Post: #4
RE: How to site a shed
Dont listen to your neighbours mate, the whole point of a concrete base is to support the floor of the shed, putting it on bricks will weaken the floor of the shed. Sheds bought off the shelf (depending on price) are not always strong enough to span from brick to brick (unless you put loads underneath). plus it will look alot neater sat on the concrete base rather than propped up on bricks. As for this rat buisness, sounds aload of rubbish to me, its a new shed so it wont have any holes in it apart from the door and like mrwotzup said they can climb.

Im a carpenter by trade if you were wonderingBig Grin and a jedi

rules yoda does
(This post was last modified: 08-10-2009 18:40 by doggie12.)
08-10-2009 18:37
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TheWatcher Offline
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Post: #5
RE: How to site a shed
I'm surprised nobody has posted a clip of the Monty Python "Two sheds Jackson" sketch yet. Smile
My shed is on top of paving slabs. There is a space under the floor boards as there are some 3"x2" wooden beams running the length of the shed supporting the floor boards. These beams rest on the paving slabs. Its 24 years old. Had no problems with the floor but had to repair a leaking roof a couple of times.
08-10-2009 19:31
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archibald cockfoster Offline
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Post: #6
RE: How to site a shed
So your neighbours are of the opinion that a rat can't get over a brick?
08-10-2009 21:41
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vostok 1 Offline
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Post: #7
RE: How to site a shed
Rat control method 101: A Weihrauch HW100 Air Rifle.

Watch the first fu*cker fly!Big Grin

08-10-2009 22:09
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Sooky™ Offline
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Post: #8
RE: How to site a shed
How to site a shed?

I tend to use my eyes and have a look

For example - there's one right there ------> [Image: shed.jpg]

29-03-2010 03:13
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"mini see through thong"

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Post: #9
RE: How to site a shed
"Shed Sex" sounds like a good title for a TVX seriesTongueTongueTongue
29-03-2010 22:46
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