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What TV show did you last watch?

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Dan Volatile Offline
1956 Jubilee Butterfly

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Post: #4271
RE: What TV show did you last watch?
Art of Spain
Part three - The Mystical North

In the final episode Andrew Graham-Dixon looks at the last 200 years with most of the artists and archtects of significance being from (or associated with) Catalonia.

Some of the most important works have war as their subject matter including Goya's Disasters of War series of prints about the atrocities committed by the French in the Peninsular War and Picasso's famous painting Guernica about the bombing of the Basque town during the Spanish Civil War.

[Image: image-76B0_5EB05897.jpg]

[Image: image-9487_5EB058BB.jpg]

04-05-2020 18:05
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Doddle Offline
Clean hands, dirty heart

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Post: #4272
RE: What TV show did you last watch?
Cinema Through the Eye of Magnum
How a picture agency were close to film-makers and got amazing (generally black & white) photos as a result. I wonder why people see B&W pics as something more authentic and powerful than colour ones.

Clive James Wrote:Reality is a useful brake on megalomania.
04-05-2020 20:17
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*Kal-El* Away

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Post: #4273
RE: What TV show did you last watch?
Westworld Ep 8 “Crisis Theory” Season 3 Finale

What Ep, what a ending and the post credit ending. Ed Harris really does get the best lines in the series.

"No Clark I know Everything About You, I Didn’t Just Borrow Your DNA, I Have All Your Memories All Your Thoughts......Every Last Twisted One of Them”.
04-05-2020 20:51
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Dan Volatile Offline
1956 Jubilee Butterfly

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Post: #4274
RE: What TV show did you last watch?
Flying Through Time
Episode two - F-14 Tomcat

Forces TV

The Grumman Tomcat succeeded the Phantom as the US Navy's main carrier born interceptor and was in service for 30 years from the mid 1970s. After the cold war ended and the threat from Soviet bombers armed with long range stand-off missiles receded it was also configured for ground attack and it saw action in The first Gulf War, the Balkan wars, Afghanistan and Iraq. Iran was the only other country which operated the F-14 and was used in the iran-Iraq War in the 1980s. The Tomcat was the aircraft which Tom Cruise and his chums flew in the film "Top Gun"

Also featured was the Lockheed F-35 Lightning which is the new carrier fighter bomber in service with the US Navy and Marines and is just coming into service on the Royal Navy carrier HMS Queen Elizabeth.

[Image: image-6C64_5EB19EE5.jpg] [Image: image-3E1A_5EB19EE5.jpg]

05-05-2020 17:18
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Doddle Offline
Clean hands, dirty heart

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Post: #4275
RE: What TV show did you last watch?
Bill McLaren - The Voice
Curious repeat from 2002 when the great rugby commentator was retiring. No Rory Bremner, but they did have Gareth Edwards and Princess Anne (separately), so that's OK then.

Clive James Wrote:Reality is a useful brake on megalomania.
05-05-2020 20:26
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*Kal-El* Away

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Post: #4276
RE: What TV show did you last watch?
Star Trek Voyager Ep 9 “Emanations” Season 1.

"No Clark I know Everything About You, I Didn’t Just Borrow Your DNA, I Have All Your Memories All Your Thoughts......Every Last Twisted One of Them”.
05-05-2020 21:18
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Doddle Offline
Clean hands, dirty heart

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Post: #4277
RE: What TV show did you last watch?
Through The Lens of Larkin
How librarian and poet Phil Larkin also took selfies and pix of his bird, Monica. But his pix are only judged at all because he was famous for the ol' poetry.

Clive James Wrote:Reality is a useful brake on megalomania.
06-05-2020 06:49
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*Kal-El* Away

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Post: #4278
RE: What TV show did you last watch?
Desmonds Ep 5 “A Microwave, Five Men and A Nappy” Season 2

"No Clark I know Everything About You, I Didn’t Just Borrow Your DNA, I Have All Your Memories All Your Thoughts......Every Last Twisted One of Them”.
06-05-2020 11:43
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Dan Volatile Offline
1956 Jubilee Butterfly

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Post: #4279
RE: What TV show did you last watch?
2019 Episode 5

A lot of the standard fare that's been seen umpteen times before. Blue tit nest anyone?

The most interesting feature was a report on the decline in the numbers of salmon in Scottish rivers. I think they said the numbers are down by 70% in recent decades and so an ambitious academic study is ongoing called "The Missing Salmon Project" which aims to find out the reasons why.
Last year they tagged over 800 fish which were about to migrate from seven rivers into the North Sea. The tags have acoustic transmitters which are picked up by hundreds of receivers dotted along the rivers and stretched across the Moray Firth so the fish can be tracked along their route.
I checked the website for the results of these taggings and they say that about 50% of the smolts don't make it out of the rivers. The trouble is that as this is the first time this has been done they don't know whether this is a normal attrition rate.
They sensibly say "It’s easy for many to speculate on the cause of wild salmon’s decline, but unfounded speculation cannot and will not solve this problem."
Perhaps they could pass this message on to the saintly Attenborough who is already on the record blaming climate change, pollution and fish farming. For some reason he didn't mention overpopulation or plastic - probably just ran out of breath.

[Image: image-3774_5EB32D3D.jpg]

06-05-2020 22:12
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Chrisst Offline
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Post: #4280
RE: What TV show did you last watch?

Pete's 41 Chevy rebuild. Day 9012
''Chico's going to rebuild the engine with all new parts.''
''I'm doing the engine so this Chevy's gonna strut her stuff the right way.''

Arnold's 56 Plymouth Woody detailing. Day 03
''Mauritzio's being washing the Plymouth, now he tells me he's got something to show me.''
''Yeah Dan I've found that the engine's seized, the interior's been eaten by rats and the body's rusted away to nothing.''

Pete's 41 Chevy rebuild. Day 900016
''I'm sorting out all the metal so it looks like a 64 Ford just like the owner wanted.''

''Now I'm gonna talk to Arnold about what we've found whilst washing his Plymouth.''
''Arnold we've found that there's not enough left of your Woody to wash and you're gonna need a completely new everything.''
''That's fine Dan, will it cost more than just the washing?''
''I don't know Arnold but you may have to put your daughter on the streets.''
''That's fine Dan, don't forget that I want it washed too.''
Chuk-chuk-rammo-rammo ta-dang-a-dang-dang

Pete's 41 Chevy rebuild. Day 9000000000
''Pete and his wife are here to pick up his Chevy and I'm gonna show them the 64 Ford we've turned it into.''
''Oh wow Dan, this isn't the same car I brought to you, I'll give you all of my money rather than pay off the debt of a small country.''

Arnold's 56 Plymouth washing. Day 29000000
''Arnold you asked us to wash your Plymouth but we found it needed a bit more than that and I hope your happy with the result.''
''I sure am Dan and so are the guys where my daughter works.''

Be-am-a dang-do-do-dum-a dum-dodo-de-dum-dum. Do-da-la-do-da-da-da-la-do-la-la-la-----ti
07-05-2020 22:55
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