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RE: Review of last night's show
Morning all.
Attempted to record FV 672 and 673 as usual.............
When I woke up at about 3.15 to go to the loo ( Sorry: too much information!) I decided to check BS. 673 was ok but 672 said Service closed! So I checked 674 and found BS with Sarah Louise! She can't have had much of a break as she only finished on 673 at 2.59! What a star!
So BSX is now on 674 from 11.10 until 1.00 when BS starts. There is still a red button (for live show at £7.00! BSX?) SO we haven't completely lost BS on FV JUST one hour of it ! Not too bad..............................
According to the schedule we should have seen: Sarah Louise, Valentina and Alice. But as Alice was on the webshow with Nicole! BS gave us April Mae!
So 673:
Sarah Louise started the show in a black bra, pants and shoes with good cleavage as usual! She was on for 1 hour 17 minutes. Stood up, crouched and sat up. She went braless after 15 minutes and shook her lovely HUGE tits (with close ups!) and really played with them a lot as she does! We "suffered" a few top half shots when sat up during a listen in line! Very good as usual.
April Mae was then on for 1 hour 17 minutes. She was wearing a red (cut away stringy?) bra and matching pants. Sat up, stood up, leant on desk (shook her big bum and rubbed her bum and thigh!) and crouched (her nipples were out!). She went topless after JUST 19 minutes and then braless (with close-ups). She sat up again and laid on her side and back. She was very good (as is now usual) really playing with her lovely BIG tits a lot BUT there were a few top half shots.
Valentina was then on for 59 minutes wearing a half-cup black (Stringy?) bra, pants and shoes. Sat up,knelt up and crouched. Braless after just 9 minutes. Good.
Sarah Louise was then on for 1 hour 14 minutes in the same outfit. Stood up, sat up and crouched. She was braless after JUST 2 minutes! Really played with her lovely HUGE tits a lot of the time as she does! She put her bra back on for 14 minutes and laid on her side and back. We had a few top half shots for the last few minutes while she was sat up BUT a very good show as usual.
April Mae was then on for 1 hour 1 minute in the same outfit. Used the same positions as before and was crouched a lot. Braless after JUST 4 minutes (with close-ups!) and really shook and played with her lovely big tits most of the time as usual! There were top half shots from 3.16 till 3.19 (pants down?) and from 3.56 until the end: for pervcam I presume!? A very good show otherwise.
Valentina was then on for the last 51 minutes. She was braless from the start wearing the same pants from earlier. Sat up and stood up a lot. Took her pants off after 9 minutes and until the end. Naked for the first time in ages! A reasonable show BUT she was quite static!
So an "interesting" night!
673 was quite good and it was great seeing April Mae again! for 2 hours 18 minutes in total.
Sarah Louise was on for 2 hours 31 minutes and Valentina 1 hour 50 minutes.
They were all very good and it was quite a good night.
I nearly stayed up to watch Alice and Nicole on the web BUT apparently their shower section wasn't that great...............................
So from now on I will be recording 673 (BN) and 674 (BS).............
Tonight on TV we only have: Anna Bailey! and Valentina (again!) from 10.00 till 5.00
and Lara Lee, Sophie Ellis, Alice Rose and Lillie Fire? from 8.00 till 4.00
But OBVIOUSLY there will be at least one extra girl on!?
UPDATE: According to BS! just now. Priya is on from 10.00 till 5.00 BUT she has been working from home! And Ashley Emma is listed from 10.00 till 3.00!?........................................But I'm not expecting to see either of them. I'm REALLY hoping to see Lara Lee on FV UNLIKE last night when (as I guessed!) she was only on Sky!
(This post was last modified: 14-05-2020 10:58 by trains55.)
14-05-2020 07:20 |
Posting Machine
Posts: 6,500
Joined: Mar 2016
Reputation: 28
RE: Review of last night's show
Morning all. Just a quick review today before (hopefully!?) my computer goies off for a Windows update!............................
Recorded 673 only: defective DVD disc in my other machine!..................
Was hoping to see Lara Lee as well as Valentina and Anna Bailey!
Valentina started the show for JUST 4 minutes! Dressed? in a blue one piece suit: in reality just a strap just about covering her nipples and pussy! VERY risque! She kept it on all night! But kept adjusting it!
Anna Bailey was then on for JUST 54 minutes wearing a tiny (stringy?) red and white bra and pants set: her bra just covered her nipples! She sat up, crouched and half-knelt. Bounced and shook a lot! Topless after 14 minutes VERY briefly! A brief tit close-up! VERY disappointing: AND this was her ONLY section!
Valentina on again for 1 hour 30 minutes! Same as before: topless for an hour until the end. Sat up, crouched and stood up.
Jess West was then on for 1 hour 7 minutes wearing a tiny green bra and pants set. Sat up, crouched and laid on her back and side with a few top half shots. Braless after just 2 minutes and "naked" 8 minutes later with her pants well down. Pants off 8 minutes later (during an advert!)
Lara Lee was then on! for just 48 minutes! Wearing a black lacy bra, matching pants, suspender belt, stockings and shoes. Sat up, crouched and laid on her back. It was great to see her BUT she stayed dressed! NIce BUT not what I was hoping to see!
Valentina again! for 1 hour 28 minutes! Sat up, stood up, leant over desk and crouched (very briefly). topless after 1 hour 5 minutes (during an advert!) BUT only for about 2 minutes!
Jess west on again for just 37 minutes. Braless from the start just in red/black pants. Sat up (full and top half shots), crouched and laid on desk. Rubbed tits but a bit tame for her!
Then Valentina was on again! for the last 20 minutes. Sat up.
So 673 was the "Valentina Show"!
She was on for 3 hours 22 minutes!
Anna Bailey for ONLY 54 minutes!
Not the show I was hoping for: very disappointed that Valentina was on so much at the expense of Anna! And that Lara stayed dressed!
Both Valentina and Anna struggled with their outfits!
I suspect that Anna was on MUCH more on 674 and that Lara got her lovely TINY tits out on there as well!? I expect I'll find out later!?.......................
Tonight we have:
April Mae, Caty Cole and Bella Mendez from 10.00 till 5.00
Sophie Hart from 10.00 till 4.00 (TV?)
Ashley Emma from 10.00 till 4.00
and Imogen James, Candy Sexton, Mia Yasmin, Nicole Snow, Alexa Brooke and Alicia Sweets from 8.00 till 4.00
So HOPEFULLY a good night: certainly a great line-up with a lot of my favourite girls on!......................................................just depends on what BS decide to give us!
(This post was last modified: 15-05-2020 12:20 by trains55.)
15-05-2020 05:55 |