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Review of last night's show

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trains55 Offline
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Post: #4931
RE: Review of last night's show
(15-05-2020 10:42 )winsaw Wrote:  Train, Jess and Anna both had longer stints on the other channel and both got naked on it, Lara didn't take her outfit off all night , u where unlucky mate u missed the better show

Thanks for that: it's as I feared! So presumably Valentina wasn't on BS much as she was on BN!

A bit hopeful about tonight: all three girls are favourites of mine!
15-05-2020 11:25
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Geriisgreat Offline
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Post: #4932
RE: Review of last night's show
Anna had a change to go with jess so glad to see her back on my 42 inch TV
Pleased Anna was on also whilst how Valentina got so much time on screen is beyond me when its the same thing just jumping from set to set

Lovely cali garcia may have left but loving caty cole v2 Beth jess and atlanta
15-05-2020 15:57
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trains55 Offline
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Post: #4933
RE: Review of last night's show
(15-05-2020 15:57 )Geriisgreat Wrote:  Anna had a change to go with jess so glad to see her back on my 42 inch TV
Pleased Anna was on also whilst how Valentina got so much time on screen is beyond me when its the same thing just jumping from set to set

Yes I was REALLY annoyed that Anna was on longer AND naked on the show that I couldn't record! As 673 was "The Valentina Show" as she keeps jokingly saying! But it was pretty staid with no excitement and NO nudity! Hopdefully tonight both shows will be better!........................................................A​ll three TV girls are favourites of mine: it's a boob thing!
15-05-2020 20:18
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trains55 Offline
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Post: #4934
RE: Review of last night's show
Morning all.
No tech problems last night so I was able to record FV 673 and 674.
Two fairly similar shows: all three rosterred girls were on both shows: twice each on 673 and once each on 674 without any extra girls.
Caty Cole was the only girl to change outfits!
So 673:
April Mae opened the show and was on for 1 hour 21 minutes wearing black bra (lettered STRIPPED) and pants (lettered ATTITUDE)! Nice cleavage and NO SHOES!
Sat up and bounced!, crouched, leant on desk and laid on her back. She kept looking at the clock and at about 10.30 pleaded with someone to get her boobs out! 4 minutes later she went topless and braless (bra down) and really played with her lovely BIG boobs for the rest of the evening (with brief close-ups). Really rubbed her lovely bum and thigh a lot as well! She stretched out her legs and showed us her feet. A brief top half section but a VERY good show as is now normal for her!
Bella was then on for 1 hour 6 minutes wearing a black shiny PVC suit and shoes. Went topless straight away! Sat up, crouched (a lot), leant over the desk, laid on her front, side and back and half knelt up. Really shook and rubbed her bum and played with her lovely tits a lot. When crouched she showed off her VERY erect nipples: lovely! BUT for the last 27 minutes we just saw her top half: pervcam? which spoilt the section! Good otherwise BUT she really played with her lovely BIG tits.
Caty was then on for 1 hour 25 minutes in her black and white bra and pants set, black see-through) pants and black shoes. Stood up (front and back), leant over the desk, knelt on the floor (while sorting out the tech!) and laid on the desk (except for one leg!) on her front . She was topless (on and off) from early on (during an advert!) and was braless (bra down) on and off for the last hour. She REALLY rubbed her bum and played with her lovely tits with close-ups after about 16 minutes. She also moved her skirt up showing off her pants (with close-ups!). And spanked her bum! So normal Caty BUT good!
April was then on for 57 minutes. Braless from the start! Sat up (full and top half shots), crouched, stood up and leant over the desk really shaking her bum and rubbing it and her thigh. Lovely!
Bella was then on for 58 minutes without her shoes! Braless from the start (suit down). Sat up, crouched, laid on her front and back (once with her bum on the chair and her head resting on the desk edge:different!), leant over the desk and laid on her back on the floor! Shook her bum and played with her tits as usual. Much better with mostly full shots!
Caty was then on for the last 57 minutes in her pinkish minidress, black see-through pants and black shoes. Stood up, sat on desk, leant over desk and half knelt on the desk. Topless (on and off) a lot. Normal Caty. Good.
So 674:
Bella was on for the first hour and twenty five minutes. Topless from the start. Sat up (top half shots from 4 minutes for 16 minutes: pervcam?) Crouched (showing off her erect nipples!) and laid on her front. Rubbed her pussy and played with her lovely tits and nipples. Went braless (suit down) for the last 37 minutes BUT there were top half shots (pervcam?) for about 4 minutes. Very good otherwise.
Caty was then on for 56 minutes in a BIG red lacy bra, tartan miniskirt and black see-through pants. She also had glasses which were on and off a lot! She stood up, stood up, sat on desk and knelt on the floor. She moved her skirt up showing off her pants and crotch area! She went topless (on and off) from 8 minutes with close ups and played with her nice big tits! Good bum shots and shook! Covered her tits briefly! Very good : normal Caty: very energetic!
April was then on for the last 27 minutes. Sat on desk, stood up and leant on desk. Went braless after 35 minutes (after asking again!) and really played with her lovely big tits and rubbed her bum and thigh lots again! A few top half shots (when stood up) and showed off her feet. Very good (as is now normal for her!)
So two very similar BUT good shows. All three girls were very good BUT Bella's were spoilt by pervcam? ESPECIALLY her first section on 673!
Tonight we have:
Gia Diaz!, Caty Cole (again!), Alice Goodwin? and Lynda Leigh from 10.00 till 5.00 and Chloe Love, Jess West, Candy Sexton and Eva Ray from 8.00 till 4.00.
Caty Cole and Atlanta are ALSO on cams! (Toys, games etc!)
So hopefully another reasonable night: only one girl who I don't REALLY like!
(This post was last modified: 16-05-2020 07:33 by trains55.)
16-05-2020 07:31
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winsaw Offline
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Post: #4935
RE: Review of last night's show
^^ Lynda is working from home show you will not see her in TV tonight,
Just to add the webshow was pretty good Caty got naked as she always seams to these days, Imogen did a good naked show even having Jess on the bed with her at one point but they did keep social distance,
from the London studio Amanda did her usual high energy show some nice pussy on show and love new black girl Cyber had a very promising début live a girl who's enjoying showing pussy on her first night,

currently walking on the Sunny side of the street

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(This post was last modified: 16-05-2020 10:26 by winsaw.)
16-05-2020 10:25
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trains55 Offline
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Post: #4936
RE: Review of last night's show
THANKS! That's made my evening even better! So did Mia Yasmin do her naked oil show? When I watched her from about 8.00 until 9.30 before I went upstairs the goal total had ONLY moved from 140 to 130 SO I gave up! Just curious as she looked lovely with her BIG tits very nearly out!

Famous last words! Lynda was on TV!.................................
(This post was last modified: 17-05-2020 10:34 by trains55.)
16-05-2020 12:22
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trains55 Offline
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Post: #4937
RE: Review of last night's show
Morning all.
FV 673 and 674 as usual.
All four rostered girls were on INCLUDING Lynda!..............................
Quite a good night.....................................
Lynda started the show and was on for 1 hour 26 minutes. She was wearing a black sheer suit, small denim jacket (undone), stockings and boots! She stood up, crouched and sat up. Topless after 18 minutes and played with her tits near the end. Normal Lynda!
Alice was then on for 1 hour 52 minutes! She was wearing a white bra, black/white skirt, tiny white pants and black shoes. Sat up, crouched (a lot), knelt up and half-laid on her side. Topless after JUST 5 minutes and moved her skirt up. Took her pants off at 12.05 and crouched (hanging tits and rubbing her pussy) sat up 26 minutes later. Then naked (except shoes!) until the end. FULLY naked (no shoes!) from 1.07 till 1.16 crouched and rubbing her pussy. Sat up till the end. Quite good but quite a few top half shots!
Gia was then on for just 55 minutes! Wearing a skimpy white (or pale cream?) bra and pants. Crouched (a lot), sat up, half-knelt up, sat on the floor, laid on the desk (legs in the air) and leant on it. Went topless showing off her lovely SMALL tits with very prominent nipples! Good as usual BUT a very short section (her only one!)
Alice was then on again! for 55 minutes. In red bra, pants, suspender belt and black shoes. Sat up. laid on back and side (good bum shots) and crouched. Topless after 12 minutes briefly! then just one tit out! Then topless and pantless until near the end. Crouched rubbing her pussy and sat up with fullish and top half shots! Okish!
Then Lynda was on again! for 1 hour 40 minutes! in black lacy one piece suit, stockings and boots! Stood up, sat up, crouched and laid on her back and side. Went topless and braless! Normal Lynda again!
Then Caty was on for just the last 3 minutes!!!!! wearing her white minidress, white pants and pink trainers. Topless on and off. Normal Caty BUT a VERY brief section!
So Lynda 3 Hours 6 minutes (in total), Alice 2 hours 47 minutes, Gia 55 minutes! and Caty ONLY 3 minutes! Didn't keep!!!!!
So 674:(60p a minute like Friday night!: trying to drum up business for the "new" show!?)
Caty was on for 1 hour 38 minutes (much better!) in her white minidress, big white pants and pink trainers. Stood up, leant on desk, crouched, leant on and knelt on desk and sat on the floor! lifted up her skirt showing off her pants and lovely bum! One big tit out and then topless after 13 minutes and played with her lovely big tits with close-ups (on and off). Very good as usual with only a few top half shots: normal Caty and very energetic!
Gia was then on for 2 hours 23 minutes (much better!). Wearing a white skimpy one piece suit. Stood up, leant over the desk,crouched, laid on her side and back and sat up on the desk and floor, leant on the chest of drawers and half-knelt up! Topless after 15 minutes and braless 4 minutes later: showing off her lovely SMALL tits with very erect BIG nipples! A very good section of this very attractive petite girl!
Alice was then on for the last 49 minutes. In pinkish/red lacy one piece suit WITHOUT shoes! Sat up, stood up and crouched (a lot) with full and top half shots1 Topless after just 3 minutes and then FULLY naked until the end. Really rubbed her pussy (visibly!) a lot when sat up and crouched (with hanging big tits!) and showed off her feet! Very unusual! Normal Alice but quite good.
So (for me!) a VERY good show: lots of footage of Gia!, Caty and Alice AND no Lynda!!! (SORRY for lynda fans!)
Definitely keeping it for lovely braless footage of Gia!
A very interesting night: plenty for fans of all four girls but again the only nakedness was from Alice!
Tonight we have: Sarah Louise, valentina and Beth Bennett from 10.00 till 5.00
and Gia Diaz, Chloe Love, Hayley Mae and Jess West from 8.00 till 4.00
PLUS on cams: Amanda Rendall (swimwear special), April Mae (college girl action!) from 8.00 and Beth Bennett (wet n wild!) from 10.00. Decisions decisions!!!!!
Enjoy !?......................................................
(This post was last modified: 17-05-2020 08:10 by trains55.)
17-05-2020 08:08
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Geriisgreat Offline
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Post: #4938
RE: Review of last night's show
I hear you trains last night was hit miss for me
Definitely a hit caty despite not as much screen time as the rest looked up for it
Gia signs of promise despite bickering about any pictures that get uploaded has the energy to provide a good night
Alice I just find her some part laboured from sitting down on a chair to doing not much on the table
Lynda fair play to her coming back to TV but personally was the usual dull night

Lovely cali garcia may have left but loving caty cole v2 Beth jess and atlanta
17-05-2020 10:57
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trains55 Offline
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Post: #4939
RE: Review of last night's show
(17-05-2020 10:57 )Geriisgreat Wrote:  I hear you trains last night was hit miss for me
Definitely a hit caty despite not as much screen time as the rest looked up for it
Gia signs of promise despite bickering about any pictures that get uploaded has the energy to provide a good night
Alice I just find her some part laboured from sitting down on a chair to doing not much on the table
Lynda fair play to her coming back to TV but personally was the usual dull night

Yes I see where you are coming from! Alice is SO predictable< Caty good usually BUT not on half enough last night and Gia (despite her bickering!) I really think should do well! I agree about Lynda and how great she looks for her age! BUT she took over 673 which is ok IF you like her! I'm sorry to say that I don't! Which is why I enjoyed 674 so much! And Caty was also on for MUCH longer than her 3 minutes!!! on 673!
17-05-2020 11:48
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winsaw Offline
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Post: #4940
RE: Review of last night's show
^^ I guess Lynda took over one channel as she had been off all lockdown doing home shows only so it was her big TV comeback,

The web show was excellent, Atlanta and Jess both did excellent toy shows filling there hopes up nicely, and Eva Ray and Lola did brilliant GG show

currently walking on the Sunny side of the street

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17-05-2020 11:57
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