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RE: Review of last night's show
Morning all.
FV 673 and 674 as usual.
What a staid night............................all three rostered girls on but very disappointing.......................
Beth on from the start for 1 hour 10 minutes. In black see-through bra, pants, suspender belt and stockings. Sat up, crouched, laid on back and knelt up. Stayed dressed!? Not her best!
Sarah Louise was then on for 1 hour 19 minutes wearing a VERY tiny pink bra (nipples covered!) and pants plus black shoes. Sat up and stood up and went braless early. Normal Sarah Louise with a few top half shots.
Valentina was then on for 1 hour 28 minutes. In white see-through bra and pants plus shoes. Sat up, stood up, crouched and knelt up. Braless early. Normal Valentina.
Beth was then on for 59 minutes braless just in orange pants. Crouched a lot but laid on her back and sat up briefly. Quite static.
Sarah Louise on again in the same outfit for JUST 45 minutes. Stood up mostly (with top half shots) and went braless virtually straight away! Played with her lovely HUGE tits as usual. Ok.
Valentina was then on for the last hour braless from the start wearing the same pants and shoes from earlier. Sat up, stood up, crouched and laid on her back. Went naked (except for shoes) after JUST 6 minutes until the end! (The ONLY naked girl all night!) Rubbed her pussy while laid on her back. Quite good.
So a "reasonable" show BUT fairly restrained except for Valentina going " naked"!
All three girls seemed a bit restrained and lacking!
A bit more variety with three different sets used!
Beth was on (in the pink office) for the first 3 minutes! Braless in white? pants and crouched. Her pants were down to mid-thigh and she shook!
Sarah Louise was then on (sauna set) for 1 hour 27 minutes in the same pink oufit as on 673.Sat up, stood up and crouched. Great cleavage and sideboob when crouched. braless after just 4 minutes. Normal Sarah Louise BUT a lot of top half shots even though her pants stayed on!
Valentina was then on (study set) for 58 minutes braless in the same pants and shoes as on 673. "The Valentina Show". Sat up (a lot), stood up, crouched and knelt up with brief tit close ups near the start. Nice! Mainly full(ish) shots.
Beth was then on again (pink office again) for 1 hour 20 minutes. Braless from the start just in white? pants. Crouched (a lot), and laid on her front and back. Lovely to watch (and listen to!) as usual BUT quite static!
Sarah Louise was then on again (sauna set again) for the last 19 minutes! Same outfit. Sat up, and stood up and went braless after 12 minutes. She really shook and played with her lovely HUGE tits as she does so well! Reasonable BUT too many top half shots again!
A fairly good show but not REALLY special. There were too many top half shots (mainly of Sarah Louise) despite no girl taking their pants off!
Two observations:
the special price of 60p a minute didn't happen and (on my TV at least) there weren't any titles at the beginning or end of the show: a bit like Xpanded or Studio 66 with a brief blank screen and then straight in to the show!
So (for me!) a pretty poor night.
Tonight we have:
Scarlett Jones, Bella Mendez and Lynda Leigh from 10.00 till 5.00
Alice Goodwin from 10.00 till 3.00 and
Lara Lee, Valentina, Hayley Mae, Alice Rose and Alicia Sweets from 8.00 till 4.00.
(This post was last modified: 18-05-2020 07:00 by trains55.)
18-05-2020 06:49 |
Posting Machine
Posts: 6,500
Joined: Mar 2016
Reputation: 28
RE: Review of last night's show
Morning all.
FV 673 and 674 as usual. A BIT better!
All three scheduled girls were on PLUS Lara Lee!........................
Lynda was on for the first hour and thirty one minutes! Wearing a nice bright yellow! suit and black boots! Sat up at the start showing cleavage. Sat up and stood up and was topless (on and off). Normal Lynda.
Scarlett was then on for the next 54 minutes wearing a red bra and pants set. Stood up and sat on the chair (top half shots!) Braless early as usual! Not great because of lots of top half shots!
Lara Lee was then on for JUST 34 minutes! Dressed in black bra, pants, stockings and shoes. Sat up (front and side), crouched (with back view:shaking bum) and laid on her back. Nice BUT stayed dressed! Thanks BS!!!!!
Bella was then on for 56 minutes. in red one piece suit and topless from the start. Sat up, crouched, laid on her side and front and stood up leaning over the desk ( and shaking her bum). Moved her suit down to mid-calf after 19 minutes ("naked")
Then she crouched on the desk (feet against the wall!) really shaking her bum with hanging tits. Nice! Sat on the floor (top half shots) really rubbing her pussy, laid on her front and sat up till the end still rubbing it! A good section.
Lynda was then on again in the same outfit for 1 hour 4 minutes. Sat up mostly. Went topless (on and off) and played with her tits a lot. Covered up before the end. Quite static!
Scarlett was then on again for 47 minutes! Same outfit as before. Stood up (full and top half shots) and sat on the chair (top half shots). Braless after 21 minutes and naked just a minute later! But not GREAT because of the top half shots virtually all of the time!
Bella was then on for the last 56 minutes. Same outfit and braless (suit down) from the start. Sat up, crouched, laid on her side, front and back and half-knelt up. Suit down to knees after 27 minutes then just above ankles a minute later ("naked"). Then FULLY naked for her last 21 minutes! Stretched her legs out while laid on her back and sat on the chair briefly: her only top half section! Very good!
So a REASONABLE show but spoilt by excessive top half shots of Scarlett! Bella VERY good! Even Lynda did well AND I don't really like her as you all know! And Lara while lovely to watch might as well have been on daytime! SHAME!
Scarlett was on for the first hour and twenty minutes! Same bra and pants set as on 673. Sat up, stood up and laid on her back and side. Braless early and pants down soon afterwards. Fully naked after JUST 10 minutes! Played with her lovely tits and showed off her landing strip as usual! Very good as usual but quite a few top half shots!
Bella was then on for 1 hour 3 minutes in the same outfit as on 673. She was braless from the start (suit rolled down) and her suit went down to mid-thigh after 32 minutes ("naked") for 14 minutes! Sat up, stood up, leant over desk (shaking bum), crouched (shaking with hanging tits!) and laid on her front and side. Very good with minimal top half shots!
Lynda was then on for 57 minutes in her yellow suit and boots. Sat up and laid on her side. Went topless AND braless (suit down) AND took her boots off! Got dressed before the end. Reasonable.
Scarlett was then on again! for the last 23 minutes! She was wearing a pinkish/red lacy one piece suit (it's first outing on FV!) showing cleavage. Stood up and sat up with MAINLY full or fullish shots. Topless (suit down) after JUST 6 minutes, braless a minute later and then naked until the end. Good as usual AND not many top half shots!
So a fairly good show: once again (for me!) better than 673! All three girls were good and the footage of Scarlett was best!?
Two observations about 674: only the one set (study) was used and the 60p price was back!
Tonight we have:
Scarlett Jones (again!), Sarah Louise, Beth Bennett and Priya Young? from 10.00 till 5.00
and Lara Lee, Nicole snow, Mia Yasmin, Chloe Lloyd, Zara Lei, Eva Ray and Layla Rose from 8.00 till 4.00.
19-05-2020 08:08 |