(26-05-2020 20:48 )Chrisst Wrote: Fernanda
has just announced on the mic her intention to retire from the babe channels.
Details to follow.
Here's what happened (from memory)

was scheduled to start at 16.00 and consistent with previous weeks started shortly after 17.00. She said she'd been delayed due to a delivery and that she'd be on until late.
The show started normally enough with Fernanda

fielding calls from the regulars but around 20.00 both telephones and stream started to degrade. The fault could have been exacerbated by pressures on the internet arising from both lockdown and the popular show Evelyn was doing. Viewers lost credits.
After trying to receive calls a few times Fernanda

reminded us live on the mic that the difficulties were beyond her control.
She also reminsced of her appearances on Bangbabes and remarked that she now had to present her show as if she was reading the weather. She illustrated her remark by saying that S66 had required her to remove her fishnets as they were considered too risque [for Sky]. Fernanda

took an extended break after thanking callers in a mid session sign off.
It looked like she might reappear at 22.00 but at roughly 21.40 she returned in the same outfit but with nightshow lingerie peeping out under it.
calmly announced that she would be retiring from the babe shows in December and everything else ''of everything'' she said.
She told us that it would seem strange not being on any more. She didn't spell out her reasons but did refer to aging and the current situation.

then calmly carried on with her show, getting more erotic as it progressed. However the chat was noticeably muted and one or two new viewers were curious why but weren't informed of the news.
Eventually someone dared type about it and obviously the newcomers were stunned.
Subsequently the erotic content of the show diminished as Fernanda

was again taking calls requiring a conversation.
Eventually the show got horny again but at about 23.45 the streams and phones collapsed again and she didn't reappear or sign off.
During the course of the show Fernanda announced her intention to perform on Wednesday 27.5.20 although there's nothing in writing about it yet.
1. I don't think that the difficulties prevalent in this particular show were the reason that Fernanda

decided to announce her retirement [today]
2. I'd be pleased to see evidence of any previous announcement by Fernanda

to retire.
3. December is a very long way away. I changed my carrer at her age and I wouldn't have wanted to carry on the old one for a minute let alone seven months.
4. The main reason why I have written so many times about their microphone issues is because I wanted this announcement to be heard. Thank god we were able to hear a clear dignified message.
5. Phew. Thank god for that. I must say I'm delighted.
Notwithstanding that Brazilians are sexier than me and that she's enjoyed some of it, I have never been pleased that the intelligent woman that plays Fernanda Ferrari

should be selling her body in any context.
I'd be happier if she left now and not drag this out.
I am hopeful that a recording of the announcement will be posted in due course.