Very interesting. This is especially important because:
1. Rebecca is possibly the second most experienced TV babe (on S66) after Fernanda

and her opinions I would say must be well considered.
2. Ale Ferdinand's tweet was extremely combative and his threat implicates this forum. Rebecca qualified his remark by specifying the day award so she knows what's going on.
3. Rebecca is placed fourth in my
Who's gonna replace Fernanda
Rebecca has three objections:
1. Recordings made of her.
2. That she's exploited.
She has associated those so presumably she means that somebody records her show on TV or Web Only and posts it on a porn site where the poster receives money everytime it's watched whilst she doesn't.
Although our forum is implicated we can't assume that Rebecca is criticising those readers who record her shows and post them in the relevant thread although it's certainly conceivable that she sees us a part of the problem. Indeed we might make it worse because the unscrupulous might see our thread as a suitable resource.
3. That free loaders ask for things: presumably viewers writing in the chat 'show tits' and not tipping.
Rebecca wrote that she has made the following decisions:
1. 'Not giving [people like you] parts of me I don't want to give'.
2. 'I'm just going to Cam now'.
I assume what she means is that she feels happier being behind the Webcam screen because viewers must pay to see her.
3. Broadcasting from home rather than the studio. I assume she reasons that people won't post a fuzzy picture. Ironic that 480p has, for this babe an advantage
4. Not be concerned about our award.
Rebecca's not one I watch but I think that this is a sorry state of affairs because:
1. One of S66's best unhappy with her lot.
2. This forum's in the conversation.
3. Her solution will serve to restrict our opportunities to engage with her
4. Rebecca might protect her earnings on Webcam but she must be on TV or Web Only to draw in new fans.
5. Any advantage she may see seems mainly emotional to me. She cannot surely quantify her losses through posting of videos, accordingly how does she know that Webcam will prevent them?
6. When Rebecca's at the studio new girls might learn from her
I for one try to restrict what I post:
1. I don't watch any of them for long periods other than Fernanda

with whom I speak on the phone occasionally and review here. She has thanked me for my copy.
2. Knowing that they know I'm watching them I don't make requests in the chat unless they specifically ask for it. I make only positive remarks unless the contrary is of help such as advising about the microphone level.
3. I write in support of the channels on here. Any remark positive or negative is qualified and backed up with facts where relevant.
4. I post one or two pictures in the relevant thread often with an encouraging remark duplicated from the chat.
5. I don't post outside this forum other than on Fernanda's

Instagram where it's just an encouraging remark.