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Review of last night's show

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Geriisgreat Offline
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Post: #5191
RE: Review of last night's show
I have a feeling trains that catys appearance was just a re run of the weekend saying that it was better viewing than what April Sarah Louise and Chloe threw up endless repeats do any of them have anything else to bring to night's atm doesn't seem like it

As for later it definitely will be repeative with Valentina imogen may have a change whilst I hope that Anna smashes them both apart

Lovely cali garcia may have left but loving caty cole v2 Beth jess and atlanta
15-07-2020 16:29
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trains55 Online
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Post: #5192
RE: Review of last night's show
Morning all.
FV 673 and 674 as usual.
Not quite the evening I was expecting! No Lori so Alice replaced her! BUT she wasn't on for VERY long sections therefore giving Anna more time! So four main girls plus Chantel Lane (from London).
Valentina was on for the first hour and twenty nine minutes. Wearing a pink (strappy) bra, pants and silver shoes. Sat up, leant on the desk (rubbing bum and thigh), stood up, crouched, knelt up and laid on her front (really playing with her lovely tits and shook them. Stood up and "danced" briefly! Braless at 10.45 but puit her bra back on at the end! Very good.
Chantel was then on for 20 minutes (in London) wearing a white blouse, black PVC skirt, stockings and PVC boots. Topless after JUST 2 minutesand played with her tits. Sat up (top half), crouched and knelt up (full and top half). Shook and played with her tits. Ok.
Alice was then on for JUST 44 minutes! In red bra, pants and suspender belt, black stockings and shoes. Topless after JUST 5 minutes. Sat up, laid on side/back and crouched rubbing her pussy. Took her pants off for the last 18 minutes (naked except for shoes) Sat up (top half shots) for VERY few minutes at the end! Normal Alice but quite good.
Anna was then on for 54 minutes in pink see-through bra and pants. Sat up (side), knelt up, half crouched (side with sideboob) and leant on the desk (rubbing her bum and thigh). Topless after JUST 5 minutes (shook and played with her lovely tits). Very good and energetic as usual!
Valentina was then on for just 33 minutes! As before but braless. Stood up, sat up, crouched (back view) shaking bum and leant on the desk (rubbing and shaking bum). Really played with her lovely tits (on and off). Good.
Imogen was then on for 52 minutes. Braless in black pants, suspender belt and stockings. Sat up, crouched, and stood up (a few top half shots). Ok BUT a bit tame for her!
Alice was then on again for JUST 29 minutes! in black lacy see-through suit and black shoes. Topless after just 5 minutes and FULLY naked 14 minutes later until the end (10 minutes!) Sat up (full and top half shots), laid on her back and crouched (for the last 6 minutes) really rubbing her pussy until the end. Only a VERY short section but VERY good: she went FULLY naked and only a few top half shots!
Anna was then on again for 58 minutes! In white see-through bra, pants and suspender belt. Braless after JUST 3 minutes. Stood up, leant on desk, half crouched, crouched (really playing with her lovely tits), knelt up (side) and back (nice) (really rubbing bum and thigh). Very good and energetic as usual!
Valentina was then on for the last 25 minutes! As before. Sat up (really playing with her lovely tits), crouched (shook bum) and knelt up (back). Normal Valentina: good.
So a reasonable show: Not much of Alice!, Imogen or Valentina SO longer screentime for Anna! GREAT! Introduction but no ending.
Imogen was on for the first 31 minutes in the sauna. Braless in black pants, suspender belt and stockings. Sat up and crouched with a few top half shots. Good.
Alice was then on for JUST 35 minutes! in the study. In her white see-through suit and black shoes. Cleavage from the start. Topless after JUST 4 minutes and naked (except shoes) 16 minutes later until the end (15 minutes!). Sat up, laid on side and back, knelt up and crouched. Rubbed pussy a lot (crouched) and while sat up for the last few minutes (top half shots). Quite good.
Anna was then on for 55 minutes! in the sauna. In white bra, pants and suspender belt. Braless after 27 minutes until the end. Sat up (side and back) shaking body, crouched (shaking bum), laid on front and sat up (front) with a few top half shots. Good as usual.
Valentina was then on for 59 minutes in the study. Braless in her see-through pink pants and silver shoes. Sat up (a lot), crouched (shaking bum) and crouched/knelt up (side and front). Quite good.
Imogen was then on for the last 58 minutes in the same outfit in the study. Sat up (mostly), crouched, laid on back and desk (shaking bum) and stood up at the end. Quite tame!
So another reasonable show: all four girls ok BUT a bit tame! Alice on for the least time (like 673!): was she on the webshow a lot? The others about the same length of time: about 50 minutes or an hour each.
Had an introduction but no ending. Still 60p a minute.
Both shows were quite similar with lots of screentime for Anna: well deserved!
Tonight we have:
Just Sarah Louise and Beth Bennett from 10.00 till 5.00 (at the moment!)
Ashley Emma from 10.00 till 3.00
Nicole Snow from 8.00 till 2.00
and Anna Bailey, Lydia Florence, Jamie Knight, Ashlyn Shaw, Missy Le-Anne and Sabrina Jade from 8.00 till 4.00
16-07-2020 08:09
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Geriisgreat Offline
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Post: #5193
RE: Review of last night's show
I managed to see imogen at 10 and had something new and then was her usual fairly limited with nothing much else
Thought it was a bit spooky seeing Valentina and Anna having the same thing at one point before Anna had something new and smashed it and deserved all the time
Dread to think how tiny Valentina wardrobe is as she definitely doesn't have much to offer on tv compared to the web

Lovely cali garcia may have left but loving caty cole v2 Beth jess and atlanta
16-07-2020 16:25
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trains55 Online
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Post: #5194
RE: Review of last night's show
FV 673 and 674 as usual.
On the face of it a good line-up BUT Lori didn't show up so BS gave us April Mae!; but well covered up! So just three girls: Sarah Louise, April Mae and Beth Bennett plus a London girl.
Beth was on for the first hour and eight minutes in her tiny pink/black bra and pants set. Crouched (a lot), stood up at the end of the desk and laid on her back, side and front. Topless after 29 minutes. Good as usual.
Then we had a London girl for 39 minutes. Not sure who she was: graphics still up for Beth! And I don't think she used the mic at all!? In a pink see-through top and pants. Sat up (top half and fuller), crouched and laid on her back. Stayed covered up! Okish.
Sarah Louise was then on for 40 minutes in her tiny black/white bra and pants set with shoes. Stood up (side and front), laid on side, crouched (shaking bum) and sat up (top half). Topless after 5 minutes and really played with her lovely HUGE tits as usual. Sat up (top half shots) for the last 5 minutes with her pants off: she took them off before that section while stood up (top half shot). Ok but a bit tame for her BUT only a short section with top half shots!
April Mae was then on for 1 hour 9 minutes. In a black (all in one) suit and stockings set and black pants. Stood up (full and top half) and sat up with FULL shots. Topless after 7 minutes. Played with her lovely tits as usual. Good but a bit static: MAINLY full shots though!
Beth was then on again for 50 minutes in pink/black bra and pants. Knelt up (side), crouched (a lot) and sat up (side) and leaning against the wall! Braless after JUST 4 minutes and then naked until the end (46 minutes). Good as usual with VERY few top half shots.
Sarah Louise was then on again for 53 minutes in the same outfit. Stood up (full), crouched (full and top half: shaking bum) , sat up (full) and knelt up (full). Braless after JUST 3 minutes and really played with her lovely HUGE tits as usual. Top half shots (while sat up) for 11 minutes at 2.44 and took her pants off: waving them around! A few more brief top half shots! Put her bra on 2 minutes before the end! Quite good with far less top half shots than in her recent shows!
April Mae was then on again for 41 minutes in the same outfit. Topless from the start. Stood up, knelt up (side and front), crouched and sat up. Quite good with very few top half shots BUT too covered up again!
Beth was then on again for JUST 15 minutes! Braless just in white pants. Crouched and laid on her front. Good as usual BUT a very brief section!
April Mae was then on again for the last 23 minutes! Same outfit and topless from the start. Sat up, laid on her side (a lot) rubbing her bum and laid on her front. Good but a bit tame and she was fairly static!
So a fair show but not GREAT! Lots of footage of all three girls BUT varying section lengths! And Beth was the only girl to go naked (as she was on 674 twice!). There was an ending.
Beth was on for the first 14 minutes in the pink office. Naked from the start. Laid on her front and side and crouched. Good BUT brief!
Sarah Louise was then on for 57 minutes in the sauna. in her tiny black/white bra and pants with shoes. Sat up (a lot), knelt up, crouched and leant on the bench (shaking her bum). Braless after JUST 3 minutes until the end. Played with her lovely HUGE tits a lot. Very good: ALL full shots!
April Mae was then on for 52 minutes in the study. Same outfit as on 673 and topless from the start. Stood up, leant on the desk, crouched and sat up. Really played with her lovely tits as usual. Good as usual with ONLY a few top half shots! But too covered up!
Beth was then on again for 58 minutes. Braless in a leopardprint suit (rolled down). Crouched and laid on her back and side. Knelt up after JUST 2 minutes to take her pants off and was then naked until the end (56 minutes) Good as usual.
Sarah Louise was then on for the last 58 minutes in the sauna. Same outfit. Sat up, half crouched and leant on the bench (shaking her bum). Braless after JUST 2 minutes and played with her lovely HUGE tits with close ups! Very good with FULL shots all the way through!
So another fair show. All three girls were good with Beth (again) the only girl to go naked! There was an intro but no ending. Still 60p a minute.
And there weren't any advert breaks as a different set was used for each girl's section: very clever as it made for a much better seamless show!
So a different evening again! But not too bad a one. I just wish that April Mae wasn't so covered up!
Tonight we have:
Caty Cole, Beth Bennett and Priya Young from 10.00 till 5.00
Sophie Hart from 10.00 till 4.00
Ashley Emma from 10.00 till 3.00
and Missy le-Anne, Amanda Rendall, Layla Rose, Maddison Lee, Clara Jasmine, Imogen James and Bella Mendez from 8.00 till 4.00.
An interesting and top line-up! I hope to see Sophie Hart as well as the three MAIN girls: all favourites of mine and expect to see Amanda in the London section (if there is one!?) Anyway enjoy!?.......................................................
17-07-2020 08:11
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winsaw Offline
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Post: #5195
RE: Review of last night's show
To answer your questions train, the London girl was Missy Le-anna, and Lori was in the studio she just stayed on the webshow all night,

currently walking on the Sunny side of the street

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17-07-2020 08:42
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trains55 Online
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Post: #5196
RE: Review of last night's show
Thanks for that: I thought it was Missy Le-Anne but wasn't sure! So Lori did arrive: sorry I didn't realise as was in my bedroom before 10.00 without internet access!
17-07-2020 09:09
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Geriisgreat Offline
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Post: #5197
RE: Review of last night's show
Last night was pretty frustrating apart from Beth who brought again plenty of variety
Sarah Louise was not bad yet seems to just stick to the same thing all night now which is disappointing
April really not sure didn't even get out of first gear not sure if she was expecting to appear on tv instead of being elsewhere

Lovely cali garcia may have left but loving caty cole v2 Beth jess and atlanta
17-07-2020 15:51
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trains55 Online
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Post: #5198
RE: Review of last night's show
FV 673 and 674.
All three main girls were on plus Bella Mendez (on both channels) and Maddison Lee (674 only) for short sections! No London Section on 673 : longish advert break instead! Tech problems no doubt!?
Priya was on for the first hour or so. In white see-through dress and white pants. Sat up, crouched, stood up and laid on her back. Topless (on and off) from 10.17 and braless (dress off) 13 minutes later until the end. Ok but a few top half shots.
We then had 26 minutes of adverts in what I'm guessing was the "London section"? Bella was then on for JUST 25 minutes! In black see-through suit (down very slightly: nipples half out!) Sat up and laid on her front. Braless (suit down) after JUST 5 minutes and played with her lovely tits briefly. A few top half shots at the end. Quite good despite the section length!
Beth was then on for 1 hour 30 minutes! In her pink/black bra and pants. Sat up (side), knelt up, crouched (a lot) and laid on her front. Braless after JUST 3 minutes and naked 3 minutes later! Sat up (side) against the wall for a time as she does! Very good as usual.
Caty was then on for 55 minutes wearing a bottle green strappy bra and matching pants, tartan miniskirt and yellow/black trainers. Stood up (shaking bum), sat up, leant over the desk (pants view), sat on stool and laid on her front! Topless from 15 minutes (and on and off) shaking and playing with her lovely tits. Pants down (slightly) with back and front shots. Normal Caty: entertaining and energetic!
Priya was then again for 57 minutes braless as before. Sat up, stood up, leant on the desk (shaking and rubbing bum and thigh), crouched and laid on her side and front. Ok.
Beth was then on again for 1 hour in a black see-through suit and wearing glasses! Sat up (side), crouched, laid on her back and front (a lot) shaking bum. Topless (suit down) after 7 minutes, braless a minute later and naked 2 minutes after that. Very good as usual.
Caty was then on for the last 27 minutes (in the pink office) in blue top (not fully covering her tits), white (with black spots) skirt, pale blue see-through pants and trainers? (couldn't see her feet!) Stood upand leant on the bench. Topless (on and off) with bum shots. Normal Caty and good.
So a fairly good show: all girls were ok and happy. Beth (again!) the only girl to go naked!
Priya was on for the first 55 minutes braless just in tiny white see-through pants. Stood up, sat up and leant on the desk (shaking her bum) OK.
Maddison was then on for JUST 28 minutes wearing a BIG pink bra, matching pants and skirt. Sat up (full and top half shots), stood up, crouched and laid on her side and leant on the desk (shaking and rubbing her bum). Braless after 20 minutes until the end (8 minutes) really playing with her big tits. Ok but I still don't like her ink!
Bella was then on for JUST 26 minutes braless wearing pink pants and pink boots! Sat up, leant on desk (shaking bum), laid on her back and crouched. Sat up (top half shots) at the end! Good despite the short section.
Caty was then on in blue top (not fully covering her tits), white (with black spots) skirt and big white pants. Stood up (good cleavage when leant down), sat on stool. Pants down slightly with back and front shots with bum close ups while shaking! Topless (on and off) from 9 minutes. Normal Caty! Good.
Priya was then on for the last 54 minutes in the same pants. Stood up, leant on desk (shaking bum), laid on her front (shaking bum), crouched (shaking bum) and laid on her side. Ok but a bit static!
So another fairly good show like 673: BUT I thought that they were both a bit tame/restrained ESPECIALLY for a Friday! I'm just hoping that Caty wasn't EXTRA naughty before FV started as she was obviously on then judging by the graphics!
Tonight we have:
Caty Cole (again!), Bella Mendez (again!), Sarah Louise and Priya Young (again!) from 10.00 till 5.00
and Valentina, imogen James, Clara Jasmine, candy Sexton, Olivia Hughes, Jess West, Kami, Missy Le-Anne and Sabrina Jade from 8.00 till 4.00.
Atlanta also listed from 10.00 till 5.00!!
In theory a great evening!?: four of my favourite girls! I wonder what the chances are of Olivia "straying" onto FV TV!????
18-07-2020 08:32
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trains55 Online
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Post: #5199
RE: Review of last night's show
FV 673 and 674 as usual.
So what a strange evening! No Priya but we saw the other three girls: Caty, Sarah Louise and Bella plus Sabrina Jade (in London). But due to tech problems we lost the first 2 hours of 673: just loop adverts with NO graphics!
Caty was BOTN!!!!! (See 674 review!)
So 673:
After the introduction we had a blank screen and then adverts until 12.04!
Then Bella was on for 1 hour 26 minutes in a black suit and silver shoes. Topless from the start. Sat up, laid on back and side, crouched, laid on her front, stood up (side) and sat up (top half shots). Really shook and played with her lovely tits. Quite good.
Then Sabrina Jade was on for 18 minutes! in London. Wearing a pink and black bra and pants set and black shoes. Laid on front, crouched, laid on her back and did a reverse crouch on her back!? A real contortionist! Stayed dressed!
After 40 minutes! of adverts Bella was on again for JUST 13 minutes! As before.
After another advert break of 11 minutes! Bella was back on for 37 minutes. Same as before. Quite good again but a few top half shots.
Caty was then on for 18 minutes (in the BN set) and then 38 minutes in the pink office. In a black bratop, pink skirt, black see-through pants and black and white shoes. Did the usual positions. Topless on and off and skirt up and down. Good cleavage shot as she leant forward! And a few tit close-ups. Normal Caty but a bit tame!?
Sarah Louise was then on for the last 29 minutes! in the pink office. wearing her tiny black bra and pants set and black shoes. Stood up, crouched, laid on side and stood up and sat up (top half shots). Braless after JUST 3 minutes and really played with her lovely HUGE tits! Ok BUT the last 18 minutes (out of 29!) were top half shots!
So a briefer than normal show and mainly of Bella! (2 hours 16 minutes! out of 4 hours 56 minutes!) She was good and both Caty and Sarah Louise were BUT seemed a bit more restrained than usual!
A proper length show : obviously the tech problems had been fixed.
Caty was on first for 1 hour 40 minutes! In black bratop, pink skirt, black see-through pants and black and white shoes. Stood up, leant on the desk, stood up (front), crouched on stool and the floor etc. She went topless after JUST 1 minute and took her pants off 19 minutes later while stood up (side) and hung them up to the right of the screen! Then she undressed completely so that she was "naked" (except for her shoes) by 1.25! She stayed "naked" for 1 hour 10 minutes with her pants out of the way!She crouched on the stool and floor, crouched (rubbing her pussy!), stood up (front, back and side views) and laid on her side. A few handthongs! She got dressed and sat up and stood up topless and skirt up and down with bum shots. A fantastic show with her "naked" for a VERY long time! her best "recent" show that I have seen! Excellent.
After 15 minutes of adverts Sarah Louise was on for 1 hour 1 minute in her tiny black bra and pants with black shoes. Stood up, crouched, sat up and laid on her side. braless after 4 minutes and really shook and plated with her lovely HUGE tits. Put bra back on for 8 minutes then was topless and braless again. Good as usual BUT there were a lot of top half shots for the last few minutes!
Bella was then on for the last 57 minutes in her black suit and siver shoes. Topless from the start. Sat up, leant on the desk (shaking her bum), crouched and laid on her front and back. Went braless (suit down) early on. Quite good BUT top half shots at the end. And we saw a few seconds of Caty (dressed) at the very end.
So a VERY good show! Lots of footage of Caty (especially "naked") who was at her very best: much better than on 673! Sarah Louise and Bella were fine but not as good!
A very different evening then! 674 much better than 673 which (even after the tech problems were fixed) seemed a bit disjointed and the girls more restrained and tame! So 674 a show to keep!
Tonight we have:
Scarlett Jones, Gia Diaz and Beth Bennett from 10.00 till 5.00 (all favourites of mine)
Liberty Rae, Kami, Amanda Rendall, Jess West, Olivia Hughes, Candy Sexton and Valentina from 8.00 till 4.00
and Nicole Snow from 8.00 till 2.00
So another good line-up; it will be great to see Gia again! It would be good to see Olivia Hughes on TV BUT I suspect we will see Amanda!?............
(This post was last modified: 19-07-2020 07:46 by trains55.)
19-07-2020 07:43
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Geriisgreat Offline
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Post: #5200
RE: Review of last night's show
Reckon priya stayed on the web best place for her personally as she brings very little to the tv
Bella pretty much hit miss sometimes good others average
Sarah Louise same really seems to have dipped a little of late and sticking to the same thing all night
Caty whoooo the only one who kept me amused and glad you caught her naked trains as she's a gem

Whilst later who knows what scarlett and gia we will see either a nice variety night or a slow burner whilst Beth will be again fantastic

Lovely cali garcia may have left but loving caty cole v2 Beth jess and atlanta
19-07-2020 09:07
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