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RE: 'Tamestation'
(15-10-2009 23:57 )Censorship :-( Wrote: (15-10-2009 02:40 )IanG Wrote: (15-10-2009 00:07 )Censorship :-( Wrote: (14-10-2009 14:52 )IanG Wrote: SNIP
Ofcom, indeed, this bloody Government, are doing all the wrong things for all the wrong reasons because they refuse to trust the scientific evidence in favour of their cultural brainwashing in unproven and psychologically damaging 'British values' and insane beliefs.
It's not just 'this bloody Government', the Tories would be just as bad; Video Recordings Act, anyone?
Do you think that, had the Tories been in power when the campaigners were calling for the 'extreme' porn law, they would have said no? I doubt it. However, I'm not sure if the Tories have an equivalent of Harriet 'Hatesmen'/‘Harmsmen’ (take your pick); I wouldn't be surprised if she is the driving force behind much of Labour's repression - the woman is obsessed! 
Cen., the VRA 1984 was never at fault...
I agree with much of what you say about Ofcon, they are an utterly appalling, hypocritical, inconsistent, arbitrary, unreasonable, rights abusing, repressive… bunch of censors. However, their predecessor wasn't great, either.
Not that it did much good, but the Communications Act at least did away with ‘Taste & decency’, which should have been a good thing, if Mediawatch’s reaction to this was anything to go by. The fact that 'Offence' was left, though, is a big problem.
I am somewhat surprised at your apparent support for the VRA & the BBFC; Can I conclude that you are happy that the VRA allows censorship to be carried out, and ‘justified’, on the basis of harm that MIGHT be caused, rather than on the basis of actual harm, based upon actual evidence? Wouldn't this come under the heading of 'precautionary approach', that you seem so unhappy with (rightly so, IMO)?
Can I conclude that you are happy that the BBFC, an industry body, continues to censor considerable amounts of consensual adult entertainment (that is freely available throughout most (all?) of the mainland EU) without any evidence of harm? Not on what is actually, legally obscene (material that has a tendency to deprave & corrupt; not, as many seem to think, material that they find distasteful/offensive), but what they claim they have been told is in accordance with the current ‘interpretation’ of the OPA.
What is allowed at R18, is, as far as I am aware, based upon what the BBFC, police, Customs, CPS, etc. decided upon at their meeting following the High Court decision. Basically, what they thought would stop the chance of further legal challenges, but no more than that, hence the considerable amount of censorship that still exists.
I’m not sure why you might think this, but just to be clear, I’m not trying to defend Labour or Ofcon; in fact, I hold them in the same low regard as I do the BBFC, Customs etc.; I just think that people are deluding themselves if they think it will be all sweetness & light if/when the Tories gain power at the next Westminster election.
Hi Cen., in a word, No, I'm not happy with the BBFC. It shouldn't take a court case for them to apply the law properly.
The VRA says "any harm which may be caused" but, it does not say or mean "any harm which is not caused". It has to be real and manifest harm that may really occur, not speculative fantasy harm that can never occur. In any event, the High Court ruled that the harm had to be real and manifest (provable) harm in order to justify restriction of a fundamental right to freedom of expression. And I know the BBFC tried to get this interpretation broadened to "any possible harm which may be caused" but, that still doesn't include "any possible harm that is not caused".
Rest assured, 'we' (the anti-censorship lobby) are still pressing the BBFC, CPS etc. to prove that what the BBFC are still told or decide to censor is in fact harmful and provably so in a court of law. I was quite disgusted by the reasoning behind the outright ban of 'Grotesque'. Apparently, the BBFC now choose to believe cinematic works can 'reinforce unhealthy fantasies' without proving these fantasies are either real or, indeed, can be reinforced by mere images. If I were a psychotic serial rapist and murderer I doubt very much a film would be required to 'reinforce' my 'unhealthy fantasies'. I don't believe gay people ever needed homosexual films to reinforce their (once) 'unhealthy' sexual fantasies. Indeed, I think history proves such speculative 'reinforcing fantasy' bullshit is utterly irrelevant to any real-world harm people with psychotic 'needs' and 'fantasies' actually do.
As you may be aware, Anna Span has recently won a minor victory over the inclusion of female ejaculation at R18 - the BBFC have until now chosen, against all scientific evidence, to claim this is urination and, apparently, according to their 'Victorian values' that makes it obscene. As far as I know there's never been an obscenity trial that reached that verdict. There's no evidence urination in porn is deemed obscene outside the minds of the CPS, who have of course been proven wrong many times in recent history over what they've chosen to prosecute for obscenity.
The CPS/BBFC's position is becoming increasingly untennable just by the sheer volume and exposure people have to 'banned' material via the Internet. Those with any sense know that supposed 'obscenity' actually rests on shock factor and, as more and more people routinely see the type of material still deemed obscene (by and only in this backward censorial regime), the sooner this censorial regime will be forced to realign itself with the prevailing mood.
The same goes for Ofcom. It is totally incredulous that they persist with such draconian and pointless censorship - indeed, illegal restrictions on the transmission of legal material.
A new dittie: The Buggers 2010 (Ofwatch slight return) http://www.babeshows.co.uk/showthread.ph...#pid556229
(This post was last modified: 17-10-2009 21:34 by IanG.)