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Highs and Lows 2020

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Goodfella3041 Offline
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Highs and Lows 2020
Doesn’t someone normally start a ‘highs and lows’ thread around this time of year? Sorry if I missed it, but here’s mine...


I started watching and even calling again because of lockdowns and - for the most part - the shows didn’t disappoint.

Standouts were some of the day show girls, including and especially Darelle Oliver, as well as Emma C, Gemma Jane, Rochelle, Alexandra and Scarlet. New girls Grace Elizabeth and Stormi Mack were welcome additions, while the return of Electra Morgan was a lovely late-year surprise.

Serenity and Clara were the only ones who really caught my attention after 10pm, especially on the rare occasions when they were in studio.

It’ll never go back to the naughty thrills and inspired chaos of early-years babeshows, but all-in-all 2020 had more highs than lows for me. I guess my expectations have adjusted: it’ll never be what it was; it is what it is; and this year was as good as it’ll ever be again.

Also, Trump lost, Mandalorian 2, COVID didn’t get me (yet), and my first ever nomination for a babeshow award (thanks again).


The gimmickry grates. Pervcam, vibratoy, Mr P shows, and that silly feature on Babestation where “the girl calls you” — really just a phone call that puts you through to the exact same automated menu that you would have gotten if you’d dialled the number yourself. In a desperate attempt to keep things ‘fresh’, it seems the channels are intent on turning sexy models into bad actresses.

Some old favourites like Rebecca, Paige and Mikki seemed to lose their spark, while others appear to have been lured away completely by the promise of a pot of gold at the end of an OnlyFans rainbow. Are Abbi, Lily, Brooke, Ashley, Emilie and Danni K gone for good?

And the ease of camming from home has attracted a small army of newcomers, most of which — to be brutally honest — have been fairly unremarkable.

My brief experiment of engaging through OF rather than the channels was mostly unsuccessful. Customs that never come, contest ‘prizes’ that aren’t sent, countless ‘no shows’ to pre-booked Skype calls with no warning beforehand or apology afterward — it seems like every time you tip for content on OF you are taking a bit of a gamble. And then they rail on Twitter about ‘freeloaders’ and ‘time wasters’. (Note to any girl that reads this: if you are in the habit of taking money up-front for content and then not delivering because you are “super busy”, then YOU are the timewaster.)

Also, COVID, lockdowns, Brexit (deal or no deal) — basically anything that Boris Johnson and his cabinet-of-the-damned ever touched — and working-from-home drudgery.
27-12-2020 12:16
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Doddle Offline
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Post: #2
RE: Highs and Lows 2020

Clive James Wrote:Reality is a useful brake on megalomania.
27-12-2020 13:24
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Snooks Away
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Post: #3
RE: Highs and Lows 2020
1. An upturn in the number of calls I have made to nightshows. The calls have been more enjoyable than for some time.
Jennifer Kelly and Ashton Rae are due particular praise in this regard.
2. The rise of Xpanded.
Unquestionably a most excellent development. This channel is a throwback to old fashioned nightshow values with no gimmickery to muddy the waters.
Ok so mostly bed sets and no nudity but arguably this channel has the best outfit selectors and body language exponents of any channel which is more than ample compensation imo.
3. Some excellent newbies have arrived on the scene with real potential to become award winners of the future.
Lucia Maria, Ruby Mae and Nikita Reign are notable standouts for me in this regard.
4. Beth Bennett.
2020 for me has been the year when this Kiwi sexpot really captured my imagination like never before. On day and night, TV and Web she has been absolutely outstanding.
I have waited patiently for her to really deliver a year of shows befitting her natural qualities and she has now delivered in style. Well done Beth. I am so, so pleased.
5. Bye bye Trump Big Grin

1. The feeling that more and more babes have become hopelessly anti forum and treat this place as the enemy. Depressing and counter productive for so many reasons.
2. Top half shot only camerawork Rolleyes. Don't get me started bladewave.
3. Still too much tip goal fakery and disingenuousness.
4. My poor phone bills Sad Wink.
5. Blurredcam Rolleyes. Nuff said.

Roll on 2021.

27-12-2020 14:40
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Unscarreduk Offline
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Post: #4
RE: Highs and Lows 2020
A couple of the new girls were my highs this year - Holly Rose and Rocha Jay. Great to see Holly on the morning shift which is usually dire. A couple of her shows have made me late for work. Also Ivy, whose shifts involve her rubbing her clit for hours whether sum ones on the phone or not.

Lows on the channels have been some of the more established girls just going through the motions. In particular Anna Arris. Never been the most revealing of performers but now even less so. I thought it was great to see Cara Steel back until I remembered what her shows are like.

Also the new Rampant mobile format. Used to show a screenshot of the live action but now just a pic. Have to go through each one to see who's naked.
27-12-2020 16:30
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lovebabes56 Offline
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Post: #5
RE: Highs and Lows 2020
Have to agree several new girls have been excellent but do get the feeling more new talent will be introduced to us in 2021do agree with above, Holly, Stormi ansd seversl others - have made mornings better with their shows this year and hope they continue to develop and produce more great shows.
With that, I do hope this will inspire the stations to pump money into brand new eye opening studio sets, which offer far more interaction and banish beds sets once and for all. I think it is great vto see Cara Steel return and do hope she also picks up on the renergised vibe the new girls brinmg to their performances. Hopefully in 2021 Xpanded finally produce some top quality shows that give both Studio66 and BS something to think about.

The departure of Fernanda.
The 29th is very last time we will see her on our screens. There are no other words that I can add to what I've already said - one of the very best ever performers/presenters who has I think, pretty muich captivated most of us and has been a friend to some of us, every Wednesday & Saturday mornings for many years.

The forum.
We now need to find a way to make the forum a better places for the babes to log in to enjoy banter. it ias snookered said, has been worrying that many babes, have seen the forum as the enemy on probably several fronts and it would be a nice acheivement if in 2021 we can reverse that trend.

(This post was last modified: 27-12-2020 18:14 by lovebabes56.)
27-12-2020 18:11
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Ultramantis Black Away
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Post: #6
RE: Highs and Lows 2020
(27-12-2020 18:11 )lovebabes56 Wrote:  The forum.
We now need to find a way to make the forum a better places for the babes to log in to enjoy banter. it ias snookered said, has been worrying that many babes, have seen the forum as the enemy on probably several fronts and it would be a nice acheivement if in 2021 we can reverse that trend.

I think you will be fighting an uphill battle there and the days of the girls being members here is long gone.

At the end of the day, forums in general are pretty much an anachronism at it is, overtaken by the likes of Twitter, Reddit etc. I'm a member of a number of different forums (for different hobbies/interests of mine) and all have seen a downturn in use of the past five years. I think it's a testament to the members here that this place is still going strong after however many years it is (I joined in 2009 and the board had been around a while then).

Why would the girls come here for "a bit of banter" when they can go on something like their OnlyFans, So Spoilt etc., have a "bit of banter" and actually get paid for it? The board used to be good for the girls building up their profile, boosting their fan base, interacting with fans/callers etc. Now they can do all that on Twitter and Instagram and to a much greater and wider audience than this place could ever offer. You have to remember as well that this is a job to the girls, they're going to be wanting to do whatever they can to maximise their appeal. Why post here when it would be far more beneficial to them to be flooding Twitter or Instagram.

It is what it is, things move on, times change and I can't see things reverting to how they used to be nigh on ten years ago.
27-12-2020 19:03
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Geriisgreat Offline
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Post: #7
RE: Highs and Lows 2020
The highs for me were the following
1 Beth and caty cole the most consistent girls on nights and provided the most amount of variety
2 lucia and melia the last few weeks they have stepped up and kept me amused
3 atlanta and Nicole as much as we haven't seen much of them on tv still deliver very good quality nights viewing
Now for the lows
1 soooo many of the current night girls on babestation have been so dire to watch lacking variety and staying in the same thing all night
2 that stupid vibratoy such a irritating thing to see whilst watching on the web
3 the sets are getting a little bit boring now and we need to see a revamp
4 disappointing from some girls who are unleashed on the web yet when appear on tv are very laboured

Lovely cali garcia may have left but loving caty cole v2 Beth jess and atlanta
27-12-2020 22:34
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The Goatman Offline
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Post: #8
RE: Highs and Lows 2020
1.Going on evelyns cam and seeing the goods
2.The emergence of nikita reign, brooks and amber coen
3.Caty cole and beth owning the night shows
4.Georgie darby even bigger tits Smile
5.And when lovely lori returned from her break

1.Rebecca kelly lackluster shows after an amazing 2019/18
2.Evelyn going web only
3.Seeing mr p's floppy cock
4.cali garcia's threads being removed
5.Preeti & Priya lost weight
(This post was last modified: 27-12-2020 23:21 by The Goatman.)
27-12-2020 23:19
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Doddle Offline
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Post: #9
RE: Highs and Lows 2020
(27-12-2020 19:03 )Ultramantis Black Wrote:  It is what it is, things move on, times change and I can't see things reverting to how they used to be nigh on ten years ago.
They probably don't need us to tell them if they've got an amazing arse or not Important

Clive James Wrote:Reality is a useful brake on megalomania.
28-12-2020 07:56
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Wardjackson Offline
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Post: #10
RE: Highs and Lows 2020
1. The channels are still there! When lockdown started I wondered whether they would be able to continue to operate and whether enough of us would still be able to afford to call etc. With some ingenuity, it seems to be going ok.
2. One reason for this continuing viability is the consistent high level of performance by lots of good experienced performers. I would include Jess, Sophie, Caty, Mia, Heather, Jada, Honey, Michelle amongst those whom you can watch with confidence.
3. Alongside this has been a larger than usual number of emerging performers who are proving to be first rate. I would include, Sabrina Jade, Poppy May, Lara Lee, Aimee Taylor, Amber Coen, Joa Nova, Zara Saint Black and Grace Elizabeth in this group.
4. I never thought I would say this, but some Mr P shows have been well worth watching. After the Alice mickey-takes, performers such as Sophie, Anna, Maddison and Abby have given good value.

1. The final demise of Asian Babes. It was chaotic and the end was probably inevitable, but the channel gave me many happy hours.
2. Some of my favourites have been less prominent this year for a variety of reasons. The glorious Atlanta has had her health problems and I send her my best wishes for a full and speedy recovery. Scarlett has been exploring a wider range of platforms. Lola had a fall out with management which now seems to be resolved. Kerrie-Lee seemed to have some personal issues. I hope that she will be back soon.
3. Inevitably, some other favourites have disappeared. Farewell to Gigi Petite, Laura Laine and Millie Fenton.
4. I do not like to be critical, but some performers seem to be at a lower level than in the past. I hope that, among others, Valentina, Nicole, Rebecca, Mikki and Alice can regain past glories.
5. Ofcom’s heavy hand still rests on the channels. I cannot begin to understand that in a 21st century liberal democracy, a government agency can impose strict limits on the ability of an adult to make a living by being willing to sexually excite another willing adult for payment, using a platform subject to parental control.

But, the biggest “low” is the imminent retirement of the magnificent Fernanda Ferrari. It would seem from the posts here that she started performing just before I started watching. She has maintained an astounding standard both of daytime tease and nighttime filth. I have enjoyed every performance that I have seen. She is irreplaceable!
29-12-2020 00:02
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