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Kami - BS Nights Chat & Discussion

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darren73 Offline
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Post: #11
RE: Kami - BS Nights Chat & Discussion
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16-02-2021 21:26
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darren73 Offline
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Post: #12
RE: Kami - BS Nights Chat & Discussion
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17-02-2021 18:11
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darren73 Offline
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Post: #13
RE: Kami - BS Nights Chat & Discussion
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21-02-2021 14:45
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Drowner Offline
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Post: #14
RE: Kami - BS Nights Chat & Discussion
I mentioned in the OnlyFans thread a while ago about a girl that ripped me off, this is who it was. So here is my review, if you don't want to read on it's not a good review and you should avoid her page.

It costs $14.99, which is usually more than I would pay but she had some videos I was interested in so I tried it out. The videos she post on her main wall are OK but mainly short clips, and no more than topless (apart from a few exceptions). She also posts lot of the same stuff she puts on Instagram and I'm not sure why but she reposts a lot of the same videos over and over. Not sure if its to get her post count up or she forgets (I'm guessing the latter).

So thats the main page done with, I messaged her about certain videos on her wall, asking if there were more of them (they were threesome clips of her and another girl). She said she did have more but I would have to pay (obviously). Probably should have asked how much but I didn't, I asked her to send them as a locked message, she said no you pay first (!), I explained what a locked message was and tried to help her (basically sent her a link to the page that tells you how to do it!). I was starting to understand she isn't very bright, should I say.

Amazingly the next day she sent me 2 locked messages, one was a 51 second clip for $99 and another was a bundle of 3 clips for $30. I was never going to pay $99 for a clip especially one so short. There were also no descriptions of what was actually in the videos, I sent a message asking what was in them but didn't hear anything for 2 days so, maybe stupidly, I decided to buy the 3 videos for $30. If the videos are bundled together it doesn't show how long they are. When I opened it I got 3 short videos that were already on her main wall!

This is where she got nasty, I told her they were already on her wall so I was getting nothing for my money, I got this reply:

No there hot babe
I have no Cordero of me sucking cock on my website at all so that’s is defiantly not true at all and very insulting
I normally charge 250 for a blow job or naughty video babe and all of them didn’t even come to that price ?
If u look at the video I said €99 the was the blowjob video I was testing if it works o the first one

Not sure why she mentioned a blowjob video, I never even asked for a blowjob video and I don't know why saying the videos I paid for were already on her page was insulting. I then pointed out 2 blowjob clips on her main wall which she replied "I didn't know they were there". I then asked her for a refund because I basically got nothing for $30, I got this reply:

Babe it was only 30 I would sell my videos for 250 300 each they would never go for 30 pound your more then welcome to unflowow me

I replied with this:
Only 30? I got nothing for that, the videos are already on your page for everyone to see when they join!

Which she replied with:
How rude
You are 30 pound and you you want to see me get fucked fuck off

This also came with a voice message saying pretty much the same. And she also said "30 pounds means nothing to me"

I replied with:
You don't understand what I'm saying. I paid 30 for videos that are already on your page, so I got nothing in return. I paid for something I've already seen. I do like your content that's why I joined, even tried to help you with the paid messages. I'm sorry that 30 means nothing to you but it's quite a lot for some people. But it doesn't seem like you care about that.

I then got another nasty voice message and this:
Okay send me your bank details I’m blocking you
My videos are worth much more then 250
Wasting my time about 30 pound as if any of my video would that cheap anyway I just looking for freebies leave me alone

To be honest after that I couldn't even be bothered with her, my last message to her was some screenshots of videos of her in a threesome which I bought from another girl. The price I paid for them? $8 for 8 videos! And she charges 250-300 lol.
02-03-2021 16:34
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darren73 Offline
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Post: #15
RE: Kami - BS Nights Chat & Discussion
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02-03-2021 20:31
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darren73 Offline
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Post: #16
RE: Kami - BS Nights Chat & Discussion
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02-03-2021 20:50
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darren73 Offline
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Post: #17
RE: Kami - BS Nights Chat & Discussion
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02-03-2021 20:51
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darren73 Offline
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Post: #18
RE: Kami - BS Nights Chat & Discussion
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08-03-2021 22:54
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darren73 Offline
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Post: #19
RE: Kami - BS Nights Chat & Discussion
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09-03-2021 20:39
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darren73 Offline
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Post: #20
RE: Kami - BS Nights Chat & Discussion
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Also Scarlett Jones PA on the forum
09-03-2021 21:36
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