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S66 Chat Daytime

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lovebabes56 Online
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Post: #31
RE: Elite TV/Studio66 Daytime - Discussion Thread
I get the feeling today show hasn't gone down too well and I would be v disappointed that if a few idiots have ruined the service and St66 end up having drop it, and would not be surprised if they make it a channel viewed only if you paid for it in credits. Maybe it is far better if it was broadcaast on twitch only and only if you had a St66 account?

(This post was last modified: 25-03-2021 19:16 by lovebabes56.)
25-03-2021 17:54
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Rammyrascal Offline
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Post: #32
RE: Elite TV/Studio66 Daytime - Discussion Thread
(25-03-2021 17:01 )DavidB0473 Wrote:  Listening to Rhiannon's stream right now with the sound on (studio clearly forgot to switch the stream off of the S66Chat set) and the two guys complaining about the trolls they have on the S66Chat, in reference to a few people not happy with the S66chat being on the TV in the daytime most days.

Not sure referring to some of your customers as trolls is the best way forward, but well.......

Ouch. Talk about s66 shooting themeselves in the foot & possibly killing this promising new show off before it got going

a member of the Piper Niven Cult
25-03-2021 18:51
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lovebabes56 Online
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Post: #33
RE: Elite TV/Studio66 Daytime - Discussion Thread
it would be a shame if it was killed off before they got it going properly but the blame should be with those who ruin it for everyone else..

(This post was last modified: 25-03-2021 19:13 by lovebabes56.)
25-03-2021 19:13
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Rammyrascal Offline
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Post: #34
S66 Chat Daytime
So s66 chat was cut short today & finished around 5pm. Interesting to see if this carries on & s66 chat is gradually wound down & ultimately finishes

a member of the Piper Niven Cult
19-04-2021 17:52
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ShandyHand Offline
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Post: #35
RE: Elite TV/Studio 66 - General Chat & Discussion
The original 4 hour duration was a better length, plus it needs varying up some now that lockdown is not keeping guys home. Only certain babes are backing it with appearances too (giving a bad impression), and those that are on are always on the same days (too predictable). They need to swap 'em about more and change up through the shift more often. Also ensure the main prod has a mic for all their parts of the offscreen convo so guys don't feel left out when the babes speak to him/her.

The tip goals need to take the girls backstage and be made worthy of the name. They need to have a steady build up in the goals to get tippers into them (and not weaken their reputation with silly disposably bland ones). They need to use games/questions that the chatters and the babes can get involved in together instead of having babe only players too much of the time. Maybe pair a babe up with a regular chatter as a team for the day?

Perhaps they could look to throw in ways the babes could earn further once the goal fulfilment was on backstage? That might even encourage other babes to take part if only for the purposes of being the subject of the goal and saying 'hi' on 66chat. A sort of hybrid format in other words. Could these be made 'ticket' shows or special event shows somehow?

There's no reason the s66 chat tip goals have to feature the babes on the couch doing them for instance though. An early 66chat had Chloe venturing onto the other babe's sets I don't know why they went away for this 'roving reporter' idea.Tongue It's become such a sedentary cookie cutter format so quickly. Why don't they talk about celeb news of the day or other loose women type subjects? Or get off the couch for more than a spin? Do activities. Yoga and such. Goal these. Leotards and gym gear need not break any rules but can still be appealing and novel. Twister wasn't given enough faith either.

There are several excellent outcomes of the 66chat format that's for sure. I'd hate to see those slip away, under appreciated, because of timidity of ideas and perseverance.

Babeshow n. - Live Adult Entertainment genre based around premium-rate phome sex chat lines. Scantily-clad female presenter induces callers and users to other inactive services from three-walled set in a TV studio. Largely softcore Tease format influenced by standards and strictures of free-to-air TV platform..
(This post was last modified: 20-04-2021 06:44 by ShandyHand.)
19-04-2021 19:00
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Rammyrascal Offline
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Post: #36
RE: Elite TV/Studio 66 - General Chat & Discussion
(19-04-2021 19:00 )ShandyHand Wrote:  The original 4 hour duration was a better length, plus it needs varying up some now that lockdown is not keeping guys home. Only certain babes are backing it with appearances too (giving a bad impression), and those that are on are always on the same days (too predictable). They need to swap 'em about more and change up through the shift more often. Also ensure the main prod has a mic for all their parts of the offscreen convo so guys don't feel left out when the babes speak to him/her.

The tip goals need to take the girls backstage and be made worthy of the name. They need to have a steady build up in the goals to get tippers into them (and not weaken their reputation with silly disposably bland ones). They need to use games/questions that the chatters and the babes can get involved in [i]together[i] instead of having babe only players too much of the time. Maybe pair a babe up with a regular chatter as a team for the day?

Perhaps they could look to throw in ways the babes could earn further once the goal fulfilment was on backstage? That might even encourage other babes to take part if only for the purposes of being the subject of the goal and saying 'hi' on 66chat. A sort of hybrid format in other words. Could these be made 'ticket' shows or special event shows somehow?

There's no reason the s66 chat tip goals have to feature the babes on the couch doing them for instance. An early 66chat had Chloe venturing onto the other babe's sets I don't know why they went away for this 'roving reporter' idea.Tongue It's become such a sedentary cookie cutter format so quickly. Why don't they talk about celeb news of the day or other loose women type subjects? Or get off the couch for more than a spin? Do activities. Yoga and such. Goal these. Leotards and gym gear need not break any rules but can still be appealing and novel. Twister wasn't given enough faith either.

There are several excellent outcomes of the 66chat format that's for sure. I'd hate to see those slip away, under appreciated, because of timidity of ideas and perseverance.

Fully agree, s66 chat does need varying up with “roving reporter” & the other ideas you’ve suggested now lockdown is being eased

a member of the Piper Niven Cult
19-04-2021 23:17
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generator60 Offline
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Post: #37
RE: Elite TV/Studio 66 - General Chat & Discussion
(19-04-2021 19:00 )ShandyHand Wrote:  The original 4 hour duration was a better length, plus it needs varying up some now that lockdown is not keeping guys home. Only certain babes are backing it with appearances too (giving a bad impression), and those that are on are always on the same days (too predictable). They need to swap 'em about more and change up through the shift more often. Also ensure the main prod has a mic for all their parts of the offscreen convo so guys don't feel left out when the babes speak to him/her.

The tip goals need to take the girls backstage and be made worthy of the name. They need to have a steady build up in the goals to get tippers into them (and not weaken their reputation with silly disposably bland ones). They need to use games/questions that the chatters and the babes can get involved in together instead of having babe only players too much of the time. Maybe pair a babe up with a regular chatter as a team for the day?

Perhaps they could look to throw in ways the babes could earn further once the goal fulfilment was on backstage? That might even encourage other babes to take part if only for the purposes of being the subject of the goal and saying 'hi' on 66chat. A sort of hybrid format in other words. Could these be made 'ticket' shows or special event shows somehow?

There's no reason the s66 chat tip goals have to feature the babes on the couch doing them for instance though. An early 66chat had Chloe venturing onto the other babe's sets I don't know why they went away for this 'roving reporter' idea.Tongue It's become such a sedentary cookie cutter format so quickly. Why don't they talk about celeb news of the day or other loose women type subjects? Or get off the couch for more than a spin? Do activities. Yoga and such. Goal these. Leotards and gym gear need not break any rules but can still be appealing and novel. Twister wasn't given enough faith either.

There are several excellent outcomes of the 66chat format that's for sure. I'd hate to see those slip away, under appreciated, because of timidity of ideas and perseverance.

Personally I think the S66Chat has been a failure.
I just hope it's a trial and can be shunted off somewhere soon.
Your ideas mentioned above could well improve things but why on earth didn't the s66 management, I use that term very loosely, do their homework and think this venture through?
They shouldn't rely on ideas from this excellent forum to help run their business!

Maybe they cannot multi task because they are making a total hash of their stream picture quality trials as well. Another LIVE venture that should be done off air.

It would appear at the moment the only thing wrong with s66 IS s66

I just feel sorry for the presenters who have to put up with all this nonsense.

Rant over.
(This post was last modified: 20-04-2021 09:53 by generator60.)
20-04-2021 09:42
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Rammyrascal Offline
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Post: #38
RE: Elite TV/Studio 66 - General Chat & Discussion
Looks like this finishing at 5pm for S66 chat is now permanent as it happened again today. Also today it seemed to be just one s66 babe presenting for most of the time apart from the start.

Plus seemed to be doing games using a wheel of fortune style wheel getting people to tip instead of just chatting. Also noticed more babes appearing too instead of just the regulars. Valentina Morgan & Maxie Rhoads from nights have recently appeared presenting

a member of the Piper Niven Cult
(This post was last modified: 20-04-2021 17:56 by Rammyrascal.)
20-04-2021 17:54
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BlastedKeith Offline
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Post: #39
RE: Elite TV/Studio 66 - General Chat & Discussion
I wonder how they work the pay? You’d think the girls would want paying more to host the chat for an afternoon than they might reasonably expect to earn on the phone and pervcam.
20-04-2021 18:16
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Rammyrascal Offline
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Post: #40
RE: Elite TV/Studio 66 - General Chat & Discussion
So today s66chat finished again at 5pm but started earlier, around 11:30. Also Jamie Jones made her 1st appearance on the show

a member of the Piper Niven Cult
21-04-2021 17:51
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