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Babeshows - General Chat & Discussion

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mrmann Offline
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Post: #5301
RE: Babeshows - General Chat & Discussion
What point is there in having the 900 channels if the women are so held back, and barely on screen for more than 30 minutes?

They can just as easily stay home and do perv cam from there, which is what they do at the studios.

Sure we get the rare great TV session, but it's rare, and doesn't seem worth having an actual TV channel. I'd imagine the tips for web cams equal more money than basic phone calls, right? Midnight nudity rule, and even then most of them don't go nude until well after, if at all, so why not just end the TV channels if it's going to be such shite. Not everyone wants to wait up all night just to possibly see something good.


AKA Lara Croft
(This post was last modified: 16-05-2021 00:04 by mrmann.)
16-05-2021 00:01
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The tiny giant Offline
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Post: #5302
RE: Babeshows - General Chat & Discussion
How I've heard it all breaks down to but I'm not sure if this is the same as a babe working at studio to home cam. Home cam shows are whatever the channel babe makes on her show is split 50/50 they don't get paid so buzzes and tips are the Equal split as well the babes get less money if a customer phones them due to other cost. pervcam, private are 50/50 spilt as well. the midnight non nudity is fable this is down the the babe who is on screen and the channel from Dazzler
16-05-2021 02:25
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lovebabes56 Offline
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Post: #5303
RE: Babeshows - General Chat & Discussion
I get the feeling the channels are not of premier league standard in both formats (daytime & night show) these days....I'd certainly wager BS must be top of the championship standard, XP League 1 and St66 must be god knows where!! Tongue Tongue certainly seems to me that there does need to be a new channel to shake up the odds a bit. I'd wager that the shopping channels get more interest at night!!

17-05-2021 04:50
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ShandyHand Offline
No Paywall Onlys - not babeshows

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Post: #5304
RE: Babeshows - General Chat & Discussion
Whilst enjoying the mightily effective Atlanta the other night, beyond the usual reaction to her work Wink, a clearer perspective as to the current situation on the shows clicked into place for me.

For one, I realised this is the essential, the fundamental, babeshow. This is why we're all here; what we're about. Not the content mind (many guys want different things in that way), nor in the babe herself (wonderful as she is) but for the sheer simplicity and straight-forwardness of format on display and the faultless exection of it. This is what this genre of adult entertainment should be... Money in, adult stylings of engaging empathetic interaction and consistant performance out.

All babeshows aspired to this level of entertainment in the beginning, and despite anything anyone might tell you it's still its purest most dramatically effective form of show. And more than that it's what the core output of the channels should look like still. Stripped of all the bullshit, all the industry bias and emotional manipulations: One camera, one babe, with simple conduits to her guys - money in, output out. Format distilled, babe personality and interactivity connecting to all, pitched to perfection to both crowd and individual alike. What does anything else really matter to the babeshow punter? (It's a major reason why XP succeeds against the odds.)

So why don't all the shows work in this manner? Well everyone knows what happened on TV - the original platform eventually said "no". Its regulator got in the way. A period of reassessment followed. The industry wanted to find a new way. And they eventually found several. Several manipulations to get around things in TV land.

But ask yourself, once graduated away from TV, as the shows have to all intents and purposes these days, why do so many web sessions take a form that are nothing like Atlanta's single camera focus ones (or that of the latest recruit to the stripped back essentials Georgia Brown)?

Online there must be something that keeps the shows, quite artificially, from being what they clearly should be? (Just look at CB and MFC to see what interactive adult entertainment shorn of the held over baggage should look like.)... For my money the answer can only be one thing: The often unspoken and uncomfortable truth that many babes are not all-together content with the consequences of their current chosen profession. The formats are kept as rigid as they are to suit these babes not customers. The industry knows there'd be to much upset internally to change to a more tip-based model any time soon. So the bullcrap that was originally used to get around what was merely a platform issue is now being used as a prop to ease babe hang ups around the public visibility of material. And we have to suffer more compromised, stop-start, services as a result (guys cut off the mid-call for privates for instance; babes trying to take a dirty and a clean call at the same time).

Blur, curtains, mid-show paywalls, etc., etc., are still ubiquiteous because, essentially, a lot of babes would not be happy if they weren't. Not because it's the best or most effective way of working you understand but because they want it to stay that way. Now that's a bold claim I know but ask yourself, if it were otherwise why wouldn't they perform to the widest audience possible and therefore hit the most number of payers in the simplest format going? Why doesn't CB or MFC look like 'the shows' if the best way is what we have now? 

No, there are clearly some vested interests being exerted in keeping the accoutrements that came out of Ofcom's interventions so many years ago. We know a large number of babes hate footage of their 'naughties' hanging around the net, so consider, what is it that has so much show content hidden away from the one central camera that the likes of a Lanta or a Georgia work to so effectively (and apparently financially successfully)?

Why is such a simple format burdened with all the bullshit (the concept/ disparagement of "freeloading" for instance - an emotional manipulation this time - but similarly intended to keep payers' money flowing in a certain way)?

I say it's about time we were getting away from this industry's trumped up manipulations forged in a no longer valid past. We should be insisting that they come full circle and up to date. Properly effective, true to themselves, and free flowing in spirt; a less interrupted pure essence of the shows. Maybe then we'll get a second heyday on the channels that so many of us have yearned for for over a decade now.

Don't buy into the blatant propaganda and bias that's simply looking to maintain the status quo; support the bits of the services you like not those you feel obliged or railroaded into and let's get on with changing this landscape. It's now in the customer's hands once again. Despite everything, your credits are more powerful than ever. They can't help but shape what the shows will look like in the future. Use them with discernment and knowledge guys.

Babeshow n. - Live Adult Entertainment genre based around premium-rate phome sex chat lines. Scantily-clad female presenter induces callers and users to other inactive services from three-walled set in a TV studio. Largely softcore Tease format influenced by standards and strictures of free-to-air TV platform..
(This post was last modified: 17-05-2021 16:16 by ShandyHand.)
17-05-2021 14:00
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ryuken Offline

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Post: #5305
RE: Babeshows - General Chat & Discussion
I think these were the most interesting excerpts from the article on linked in ShandyHands' excellently written post.

In mid 2012, the XXXcam became Pervcam, taking up residence on the then new Access was switched to pay as you go, as opposed to the £5-all-night model of Babestation Xtreme, and in the process, Pervcam sowed the seeds of a much more lucrative revenue stream.

Over time, Babestation recognised that the best way to market Pervcam, was not to dowse naked girls in oil and televise literally everything but the bits they could manage cover with four fingers. It was to withdraw visual content from FTA TV and reallocate it to the paywalled stream. One of the reasons this has worked so well, is that it monumentally annoys “free wankers”. The most vocal “free wankers” have complained about perceived reductions in their gratis televisual pleasure, and in so doing, have consistently ‘blamed’ the Pervcam. The Pervcam thus gets a nice little burst of publicity each time a new complaint is added to the pile. The more annoyed “free wankers” get, the more Pervcam is inadvertently promoted.
17-05-2021 17:54
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scooby_doo Offline
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Post: #5306
RE: Babeshows - General Chat & Discussion

Excellent Posts from @shandyhand and @ryuken, a lot of the points you make are the very reasons I now only view a few on BS the aforementioned Miss Lanta & Brown, hop onto Xpanded for a few, namely Michelle and occasionally Ashton. Other than that I stick a lot these days to CB and have made a few very good friends as a result (and nope they don't all want the $) and have loads of fun with a couple of girls to, just try to avoid the studio girls as some of them don't pay the girls well at all and I'm a firm believer the model should always reap the rewards. I think the next few months will certainly be interesting for the babe channels especially as we all regain or freedoms and as a result more things on which to spend our hard earned cash.
(This post was last modified: 17-05-2021 20:18 by scooby_doo.)
17-05-2021 20:17
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ShandyHand Offline
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Post: #5307
RE: Babeshows - General Chat & Discussion
Thanks scoobs. And rykeun; you zero in on the objectional parts unerringly.

Not only does this blog present a selective (at best) view of babeshow history (e.g. spicier fta web-only angled streams pre-date Ofcom's key interference, putting a lie to the implication they were invented purely as a response to 2010; it took 66 to make perv a success in the industry, virtually no one wanted it at all until late 2015) but it conflates TV and web shows subtly (like they should be subject to the same approaches) as well as slyly maintaining a highly dubious scapegoating tactic by making out only "free wankers" have an objection to pervcam.

This is simply not true. Plenty of payers have a multitude of reasonable objections to it.

Pervcam is a decent tool massively overused by the industry to the consistent detriment of many other valued and even directly monetised parts of the services (the blog ignores the fact they "withdrew" from those too, as well as from as previously 'free' visuals, in order to boost perv's viability). More than that it often crops the soul from a babe's performance by reducing her to body parts; frequently, literally lopping off her head - removing our vision of her personality from the performance and destroying the emotional connection the viewer finds in the face. (Again consider why things have stuck like that and you realise, once more, it's not a service designed to maximise fulfilment of the punter's desires but more to service the babes' own needs.) This is why I'm so much of an advocate of the Dual Cam button. It's at least a less curtailing form of the device.

The most disingenuous impression left by this BS puff piece is that perv is the only/necessary way to fund a babeshow. That is very specific in design and slanted to an egreious extent. There are plenty of other ways to (much better) fund a babeshow. The fact that the industry is still, in 2021, refusing to give us much in the way of them is very telling.

That they feel the need to write such articles may even pack a whiff of desperation possibly? (Why plug a nine year old invention as if it's something new and exciting?) Regardless, I'll stop now lest I give oxygen to the wrong things in the way its author describes.

Babeshow n. - Live Adult Entertainment genre based around premium-rate phome sex chat lines. Scantily-clad female presenter induces callers and users to other inactive services from three-walled set in a TV studio. Largely softcore Tease format influenced by standards and strictures of free-to-air TV platform..
17-05-2021 20:45
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Snooks Away
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Post: #5308
RE: Babeshows - General Chat & Discussion
It is nearly eleven years since the Snooks forum journey began.
There was a clear inspiration back then.

For a babe to inspire me to interact.
Through willingness to be creative to put on a show and to respond positively to my own interaction with them.
Some babes over those years I have established a good rapport with.
Through the many changes in channel output the interaction quality has generally held firm. Of course those babes have had to adapt just as I have.

Fundamentally though I know what I like and what I want out of any interaction.
It has always been a case of working out who to trust.
A certain amount of expense has often been spared to achieve that goal.

The point here is that for me the who should and usually does trump the what.
For all the gimmicks, rip off initiatives and skulldugerry in the world there will be one effective counteraction. Honesty of endeavour.
That expression I have bored every forumite senseless with all these years.
Snooks makes no apology for either the expression or indeed the regularity of its use.

For interaction with a babe blessed with this quality to work it requires a certain level of decency and realism from the spender/caller/interactor call them what you will.
Incoherence, rudeness, disrespect, arrogance and complacency will negatively affect the initial impression given and tarnish the end result of interaction. I know this from listening into a countless number of idiots on the phone and observing equally numerous entrants into the chatbox championship of twattery by Messrs Tweedledee Twat and Tweedledum Twat. My familiar voice has so often been greeted with a sigh of blessed relief that a few moments of relative sanity will break up the seemingly endless bombast and buffoonery.
If that sounds like Snooks blowing his own trumpet for being relatively sensible then so be it. Please be comforted by the fact that when the trumpet is blown it is hopelessly out of tune due to his impending sense of doom at the latest ridiculous phone bill Rolleyes.

Anyway to move back to the main point Wink.
I have a reason and method behind every call, every tip and every buzz.
There is, believe it or not a method to the snooks madness.
A basic strategy is used. A lot of it is down to timing.
When do I think I have the best chance of generating the right response to a buzz, enabling a worthwhile tip goal to be met or get the right visual outcome from a call? So the when is important but never as important as the who.

The when is determined by the if.
The if determined by the who.
The who is determined by the honesty of endeavour of the individual.

Pervcam is to my mind a mere side show that quite simply I just don't use and cannot be bothered to get upset about.
I have no desire to stare at a pussy or worse still a hand partially or entirely covering a pussy for inordinate spells of trance inducing boredom.
The fact that free stream is broken up by curtains going up for privates is just par for the course. It would be an irritant to me if I let it be (which I don't).
I don't engage in privates, not my cup of tea.
While the free stream is there I will tip if the goal is worthy.
The worthiness of the goal determined once again by the who.
I will buzz at a time of my choosing for my own reason.

Snooks likes control of interaction.
Let snooks do the buzzing, tipping and set the tone of conversation.
It has worked well enough all these years with any babe willing to be honest in their endeavour. So why change now?

Snooks has accepted that the notion of the small hours turning into an epic nightshow odyssey with a call to Clare Richards in her pomp is a delusion.
He has accepted that the intimate 241 in the mould of Dannii Harwood and Lucy Summers on the massage table is now merely a memory to cherish.
He has even reluctantly and grudgingly come to terms with the fact that what used to be free to air type content has now become subject to tip goal obligation with incomplete certainty about the end result.

The one eternal frustration for old Snooks remains the same as it has for some time.
Imaginative camerawork or rather the lack of it.
Imaginative new themed sets or rather the lack of them.
Imagination inspires creativity, spontaneity and sense of wonder.
For the who.
For the question of the If.
The when then more naturally takes care of itself.

The thought of combining imagination, spontaneity and honesty of endeavour is the ultimate in inspiration. That notion is what has inspired my time here.
It is the hope that will keep me watching and wondering.
Tonight, tomorrow and to the very end. Whenever the babeshow endeth may come.

(This post was last modified: 18-05-2021 10:27 by Snooks.)
17-05-2021 23:56
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The tiny giant Offline
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Post: #5309
RE: Babeshows - General Chat & Discussion
Well I've just read all the new messages all I'm going to say is this. It' isn't all down to off com yes people have complained about in how easy porn is to get on the internet or on TV screen on the 900 numbers. but anyone can turn The P.G button on there devices so that should stop the younger people seeing it the off com is the best excuse these channels hide behind. a bit like that ruling that kids playing conkers at school had to wear safety glasses and gloves to play the game in case bits of conkers hid them on the fingers or eyes this was only suggested no law about it. The same goes with what these channels want the viewer to see and to be really honest there no competition nowadays for the channels it's not a washed with different channels like the old days there only 3 on TV now one has kept out of the babe channel war and does it stuff it own way.are some customers/ punters now wanting expecting hardcore shows everytime they turn on the TV or mobile device. I hated pervcam when babestation first tried it because they saw in how well it was doing on s66 as all the presenters on b.s were filmed from nearly chest up then s66 started the backstage shows where most babes would push the camera away or up so all what a person would see is the top of a head of a babe a flower pot or an out stretch leg and foot. Yes we all full foul of being freeloaders, lurkers, but really in what we called shows is really part of a service these channels provide so really instead of punters giving babe flak because there show might be slow or nothing in a sexual nature really going on then really people should be complaining to customer service or if u want to make your feeling known but everyone has to do this if u stop doing everything then the channels will be looking as they will be losing money but this will never happen. I also think it should be first come first serve yes I get that a babe earns more money from a private than a call but if a person has call and gotten through before that person has asked for a private then they should have to wait. This has happen to me and the private didn't last minutes so where the babes made maybe 50-100 credits for that private they would of got off my call 150 credits or a bit more. Do the channels really care in what the babes do as long as they do there shifts. Why is it your have a few girls at the studio but two will changed from Freeview to sky and yet the other babes get to stay backstage why not rotate all the babes so they can all have turns on doing backstage shows. From Dazzler
18-05-2021 02:44
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The tiny giant Offline
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Post: #5310
RE: Babeshows - General Chat & Discussion
Good morning forum I've not been on here much of late but have been watching the channels. Thing that I've notice most is what people are posting in channel babes chatrooms. Has this been going on for some time or is this a new thing since lockdown last year. Which I mean either the bullying and hateful comments from people watching a babe room and also the dumb questions. Are you trying to tell me that people don't know the name of the game. They come into a babes room and ask are u getting Ur boobs out,can I see it bare feet ,what do u show in pervcam or private, don't get me wrong I can write a message in a chatroom which doesn't get a reply for another person to ask the same question and they get a reply. But I can really understand in why the babes might not want to use the chatroom it's there place of work and shouldnt have to read that some users want to hit the girls get angry because the customer wants a babe to take something off or put something on without tipping them or buzzing them or asking if they were to use the pervcam or private could they do this the channel babes will do most things that they feel comfortable in doing if the customer shows them the credits. I think that the chatrooms are getting as toxic as social media platform now and unless the babes themselves block that customer then they speak to customers service to get there suspension removed to do it all over again so the channel babes are in a no win situation on this. I dislike losing good channel babes when they are constantly drained from the hateful message they receive they are here for our pleasure and service in which I hope we don't lose due to these people posting on these chatrooms from Dazzler
15-06-2021 02:24
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