It is nearly eleven years since the Snooks forum journey began.
There was a clear inspiration back then.
For a babe to inspire me to interact.
Through willingness to be creative to put on a show and to respond positively to my own interaction with them.
Some babes over those years I have established a good rapport with.
Through the many changes in channel output the interaction quality has generally held firm. Of course those babes have had to adapt just as I have.
Fundamentally though I know what I like and what I want out of any interaction.
It has always been a case of working out who to trust.
A certain amount of expense has often been spared to achieve that goal.
The point here is that for me the who should and usually does trump the what.
For all the gimmicks, rip off initiatives and skulldugerry in the world there will be one effective counteraction. Honesty of endeavour.
That expression I have bored every forumite senseless with all these years.
Snooks makes no apology for either the expression or indeed the regularity of its use.
For interaction with a babe blessed with this quality to work it requires a certain level of decency and realism from the spender/caller/interactor call them what you will.
Incoherence, rudeness, disrespect, arrogance and complacency will negatively affect the initial impression given and tarnish the end result of interaction. I know this from listening into a countless number of idiots on the phone and observing equally numerous entrants into the chatbox championship of twattery by Messrs Tweedledee Twat and Tweedledum Twat. My familiar voice has so often been greeted with a sigh of blessed relief that a few moments of relative sanity will break up the seemingly endless bombast and buffoonery.
If that sounds like Snooks blowing his own trumpet for being relatively sensible then so be it. Please be comforted by the fact that when the trumpet is blown it is hopelessly out of tune due to his impending sense of doom at the latest ridiculous phone bill

Anyway to move back to the main point

I have a reason and method behind every call, every tip and every buzz.
There is, believe it or not a method to the snooks madness.
A basic strategy is used. A lot of it is down to timing.
When do I think I have the best chance of generating the right response to a buzz, enabling a worthwhile tip goal to be met or get the right visual outcome from a call? So the when is important but never as important as the who.
The when is determined by the if.
The if determined by the who.
The who is determined by the honesty of endeavour of the individual.
Pervcam is to my mind a mere side show that quite simply I just don't use and cannot be bothered to get upset about.
I have no desire to stare at a pussy or worse still a hand partially or entirely covering a pussy for inordinate spells of trance inducing boredom.
The fact that free stream is broken up by curtains going up for privates is just par for the course. It would be an irritant to me if I let it be (which I don't).
I don't engage in privates, not my cup of tea.
While the free stream is there I will tip if the goal is worthy.
The worthiness of the goal determined once again by the who.
I will buzz at a time of my choosing for my own reason.
Snooks likes control of interaction.
Let snooks do the buzzing, tipping and set the tone of conversation.
It has worked well enough all these years with any babe willing to be honest in their endeavour. So why change now?
Snooks has accepted that the notion of the small hours turning into an epic nightshow odyssey with a call to Clare Richards in her pomp is a delusion.
He has accepted that the intimate 241 in the mould of Dannii Harwood and Lucy Summers on the massage table is now merely a memory to cherish.
He has even reluctantly and grudgingly come to terms with the fact that what used to be free to air type content has now become subject to tip goal obligation with incomplete certainty about the end result.
The one eternal frustration for old Snooks remains the same as it has for some time.
Imaginative camerawork or rather the lack of it.
Imaginative new themed sets or rather the lack of them.
Imagination inspires creativity, spontaneity and sense of wonder.
For the who.
For the question of the If.
The when then more naturally takes care of itself.
The thought of combining imagination, spontaneity and honesty of endeavour is the ultimate in inspiration. That notion is what has inspired my time here.
It is the hope that will keep me watching and wondering.
Tonight, tomorrow and to the very end. Whenever the babeshow endeth may come.