^ Yes, "...sometimes," "...with a few minutes to spare." Is that all we, and BS, aspire to these days?! Getting a few guys to double-dip for a few measly minutes of entertainment out of 2 hours screen time?

Wait, let me get my cap and join you at the top table begging for another bowl of gruel!
Truth be told, I'm finding the commentary on these encrypted shows most helpful in highlighting the lack of ambition that has crept into these channels over the years. Also the malaise they have induced in much customer expectation (in part quite deliberately so I feel). Babes of the quality and personableness of Beth should be
rattling through their goals, big and small (BS don't fully appreciate the consequence of build in a show in terms of the encouragement it offers to the proven active tipper) - with extraneous tips flooding in between. They shouldn't be scrabbling to hit a single target, as a stubborn hardcore few get increasingly bored with waiting for action. BS should be growing their market in sympathetic fashion, not looking to extort ever more individually from a dwindling band of delusionals (apologies if you were one here because we've all been there I freely admit).
Hours of boredom punctured by minutes of interest; we see waaaayyyy too much of this on the shows. It can only be the result of a predominant industry mentality that has grown up saying the best way to 'succeed' is to
deny consistent onscreen entertainment until it's (over) paid for, and then to offer as little as possible in return for the money given. This is same contemptuous attitude that prompts the swindles and the gimmicks elsewhere (e.g. hiding behind curtains and paywalls even when nothing of consequence is occurring back there). This is a mentality that says you do anything to get the coin today and damn the consequences tomorrow. It's been like it for years of course, but now seems more flagrant and in need of ending than ever somehow.
I suppose that level of frustration derives from the current context that illustrates there's no real justification for it being like this. The babes involved are often way better than that; MFC and CB prove it can be done up-front; and there are even internal examples that show the trend can be bucked. Atlanta and Georgia (when there's enough guys around) have certainly done so. They and others present a more empathetic fan-affirming attitude that provides
basic entertainment levels and then encourages for payments to affect to heighten it. The difference this has in terms of resultant customer satisfaction is huge. Cosseting instead of being strong armed. Strengthening the fanbase, and its crucial sense of VFM, instead of discouraging it with an increased potential for buyer regret.
It seems to me the sort of "entertainment" we often see described on these pages can have little regard for its audience and even less desire to be anything more than a boring funnel to camming, OF and alike. Surely we want more than this for the format this forum is supposed to celebrate? If we love "babeshows" as we claim, it's long overdue we got real, and demanded the relevant insiders do the same. There is, of course, only one way to do this. And it ain't writing about it on here!