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Babestar / House of Fun - old videos

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SYBORG666 Offline
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Post: #11
RE: Babestar / House of Fun vid's (old)
They were the good ole days.

Raising Hell Since 1980.

As a man once said:
"Control yourself, your better alone"
"Control yourself, see who gives a fuck"
20-05-2011 03:49
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dazaman Away
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Post: #12
RE: Babestar / House of Fun vid's (old)
Sammie Dee and others from the last ever show of Babestar Sad quality again not great but its taken from VHS recordings.

Vid1, 272.02MB 24mins 28sec - Download Link

[Image: e2e56e139442247.jpg] [Image: 1f9252139442256.jpg] [Image: 2843d8139442279.jpg] [Image: 9ebe71139442289.jpg] [Image: 492bf6139442296.jpg] [Image: bdc3f1139442309.jpg] [Image: 376a96139442320.jpg] [Image: ec797e139442333.jpg]

Vid2, 240.92MB 21mins 35sec - Download Link

[Image: 5bd22b139443031.jpg] [Image: 1e11f3139443037.jpg] [Image: 0be5dd139443047.jpg] [Image: 024b3f139443054.jpg] [Image: 481ae6139443063.jpg] [Image: dacd74139443069.jpg] [Image: 39bb62139443081.jpg] [Image: 08ec92139443086.jpg] [Image: 56ffa5139443095.jpg] [Image: e8120f139443101.jpg] [Image: e17cea139443108.jpg]

Vid3, 246.97MB 22mins 14sec - Download Link

[Image: c42bad139443359.jpg] [Image: 85a707139443368.jpg] [Image: 12068e139443379.jpg] [Image: 6db427139443388.jpg] [Image: c7b567139443407.jpg] [Image: 879ccb139443417.jpg] [Image: 1b08d8139443426.jpg] [Image: e173b7139443435.jpg] [Image: 4accf9139443443.jpg] [Image: 7775a4139443455.jpg]

Vid4, 376.75MB 26mins 42sec - Download Link

[Image: 95bacc139443693.jpg] [Image: e29916139443702.jpg] [Image: 110cfa139443708.jpg] [Image: 96ef78139443720.jpg] [Image: 71ae05139443753.jpg] [Image: 7fc919139443765.jpg] [Image: 94dd95139443783.jpg] [Image: 086bc9139443793.jpg] [Image: 4e0f1e139443805.jpg] [Image: 10c455139443820.jpg] [Image: 0207d5139443831.jpg] [Image: 51edc1139443839.jpg]

Vid5, 216.65MB 16mins 31sec - Download Link

[Image: fbb62c139444154.jpg] [Image: a2ae0b139444163.jpg] [Image: e9bec6139444167.jpg] [Image: 1bb92e139444175.jpg] [Image: 28f2bb139444183.jpg] [Image: 78d37d139444193.jpg] [Image: 3053fe139444199.jpg] [Image: 843a32139444214.jpg] [Image: 60080d139444222.jpg]

Vid6, 201.48MB 15mins 22sec - Download Link

[Image: c51e5f139444579.jpg] [Image: c5f6ce139444586.jpg] [Image: 603b00139444590.jpg] [Image: 9d925a139444604.jpg] [Image: 8c8677139444611.jpg] [Image: 49b3cb139444615.jpg] [Image: 7489f1139444620.jpg] [Image: f16ff0139444627.jpg] [Image: c63ea9139444634.jpg] [Image: 7f0fe5139444645.jpg] [Image: c46ee0139444652.jpg] [Image: 881e58139444661.jpg]

Vid7, 292.05MB 22mins 04sec - Download Link

[Image: f637e0139444783.jpg] [Image: f227af139444786.jpg] [Image: c8053e139444790.jpg] [Image: ed8607139444794.jpg] [Image: fefe85139444796.jpg] [Image: e739af139444802.jpg] [Image: 57fd68139444805.jpg] [Image: 951cc0139444809.jpg] [Image: c473e5139444815.jpg] [Image: bf063d139444818.jpg] [Image: 0812fd139444827.jpg] [Image: 61b7c2139444836.jpg] [Image: 3b5394139444849.jpg]

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(This post was last modified: 06-07-2011 17:22 by dazaman.)
06-07-2011 17:20
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dazaman Away
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Post: #13
RE: Babestar / House of Fun vid's (old)
Sammie and others again in the last week of Babestar and sadly the last of my recordings.

Vid1, 245.02MB 19mins 33sec - Download Link

[Image: 7d39ce139712295.jpg] [Image: 32e438139712302.jpg] [Image: 53035d139712307.jpg] [Image: 768982139712310.jpg] [Image: ef4a2d139712319.jpg] [Image: bf8322139712323.jpg] [Image: 632358139712326.jpg] [Image: eb6b8a139712331.jpg] [Image: 841165139712337.jpg] [Image: 6bcdf8139712345.jpg]

Vid2, 197.68MB 15mins 44sec - Download Link

[Image: c7578f139712667.jpg] [Image: 6fd621139712672.jpg] [Image: 37f8aa139712673.jpg] [Image: 44061c139712678.jpg] [Image: 2bde62139712681.jpg] [Image: df0fc4139712686.jpg] [Image: a2862c139712690.jpg] [Image: 0b68c8139712698.jpg] [Image: 9287ee139712701.jpg] [Image: 5cc025139712707.jpg] [Image: 7ebc42139712715.jpg] [Image: 96098a139712724.jpg] [Image: eed38b139712731.jpg] [Image: 1f9282139712739.jpg]

Vid3, 330.7MB 26mins 22sec - Download Link

[Image: a0d772139712971.jpg] [Image: 0df394139712975.jpg] [Image: fb693e139712979.jpg] [Image: 2602f1139712984.jpg] [Image: 5ca8d0139712987.jpg] [Image: affc5b139712997.jpg] [Image: e02ec9139713004.jpg] [Image: 2dfad6139713007.jpg] [Image: 29393e139713018.jpg] [Image: d8aaae139713021.jpg] [Image: 96a551139713023.jpg] [Image: eb5893139713025.jpg]

Vid4, 335.12MB 26mins 42sec - Download Link

[Image: ea550b139713162.jpg] [Image: 93db95139713168.jpg] [Image: acca11139713174.jpg] [Image: af39bd139713177.jpg] [Image: 372c7f139713183.jpg] [Image: 924652139713188.jpg] [Image: 831a02139713194.jpg] [Image: 82fd4a139713198.jpg] [Image: f02939139713200.jpg] [Image: 0bd7d6139713211.jpg] [Image: 898e74139713216.jpg]

Vid5, 400.01MB 31mins 54sec - Download Link

[Image: fe8b26139713401.jpg] [Image: fcaacb139713408.jpg] [Image: de0ef1139713414.jpg] [Image: ecdae5139713418.jpg] [Image: c1dde3139713424.jpg] [Image: d7b206139713427.jpg] [Image: de51e9139713438.jpg] [Image: 70c80b139713442.jpg] [Image: d1bf28139713449.jpg] [Image: 9d035f139713454.jpg]

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08-07-2011 17:38
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dontmess Offline
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Post: #14
RE: Babestar / House of Fun vid's (old)
Any chance of these vids being reuploaded. All the links are dead. Would be much appreciated. Thanks.
13-02-2012 11:09
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parapete Offline

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Post: #15
RE: Babestar / House of Fun vid's (old)
Shame they don't make em like this any more.
13-08-2014 02:57
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Monk89 Offline
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Post: #16
RE: Babestar / House of Fun vid's (old)
Has anyone still got any of the old house of fun vids? would be muchly appreciated if they could be re-uploaded Smile
07-04-2015 21:52
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