(19-09-2021 09:31 )winsaw Wrote: ... 66 is piss poor most nights that's why when they somehow manage a good night like last week it's talked about, in the last 6 months they have beaten bs once
The shows are not all about nights though are they..? Much more to it than that nowadays.
Generally, as regards recent competition between BS and 66, I'd put it like this... I agree 66 have, largely, been on a downturn since 2018. Only decent babe recruitment has kept me watching them at all since their drop to a single TV channel in fact. (BS at least seem more surefooted than 66 in what they are about, despite the preponderence of nonsense that has quality babes on and off main cam more than a pissed up drunk on and off the lav after a dodgy curry!

) The really kicker for 66 though, came with the changes to the rules around usage of their website IMO. So, now, certain babes hold my basic interest with them, whilst irritating occasional mismanagement (such as the web account bollocks) keeps me from spending with them. (I say this as a punter who previously would ONLY spend with 66. Their basic stylings were traditionally far more to my tastes.)
Ironically the seemingly enforced changes of just the last month or so may have leveraged a refocus towards an improvement in long neglected customer service though. (66 continue to try to placate the nat like annoyance of a regulator that chooses to see validation in nutter's complaints against the channels. It's a fools errand. Ofcom will
always manufacture a mechanism to find fault if they wish to.) First, the dropping of pervcam from daytime TV must be welcome to callers looking for a babe with less distractions. And, then, at least one babe has indicated she wont be taking privates whilst on a call either. (A little note to a 66gallery here: You don't get to claim customer satisfaction as your goal if you set one customer against another in the consistent and entirely hard-nosed fashion of 'biggest payer wins'.) This is great news. We can only hope it's now a general rule for the operator.
But much remains troubling at both vendors tbh. For instance, the increasing preponderance of mood killing privates during babe's shifts has become the latest curse to the shows as mass entertainment I feel. This implies the tiresome and wholly detrimental idea that a babe doesn't have to bother trying to hold viewers and develop them with build across her shift as a whole. That the options she plumps for the rest of us have to accept as 'tough'. That it's only the paid interactions that have any weight in the customer experience. This is utter bilge of course. If you remove the 'show' from a babeshow in a consistent enough fashion it removes the things that brought us all here in the first place. It removes the things that made us all payers and that
keep some of us as payers
As such, any channel or babe that puts crowd pleasuring above pandering to the individual punter's silly delusions is far more likely to get my money as a result. And so 66 putting its big names in for more (traditionally framed) web tease shows is a great sign of potential looking forward (see Emma C and Darelle this past couple of weeks or so).
To sum up: BS remain largely crunchingly effective at grinding out basically effective material with the occasional slice of outstanding babe (like some sort of succulent dessert to a mundane but filling meal). 66, otoh, seem to fuck up every time management (I use the term loosely I'm aware there are levels to this) stop a babe doing her thing onscreen, but they have more exciting prospects and potential if only they could let their stumbling advances point the way correctly for once.
Whatever... it certainly makes for interesting times on the shows again of late (after a period a couple of years back that got so stale I thought I was done

). Only it seems we need to keep our wits about us more than ever because so much is up in the air to see how it lands in this continued period of transition. Be careful which way you push for it guys.