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RE: Elite TV/Studio 66 - General Chat & Discussion
(17-12-2021 01:45 )seducedx6 Wrote: (06-12-2021 04:02 )seducedx6 Wrote: "I have my doubts, that when I signed-up to 66, their hoarding customers' credits, like a pawnbroker, was part of the terms and conditions."
When I let my BS VIP membership lapse, having had it, for no more than three months, I lost none of my accumulated, unused credits.
Unlike at 66, where I'd accumulated still more unused credits, and my total cache of credits was reduced by around 3/4 to 4/5, once I let my VIP subscription lapse there.
As I've written previously on the forum, I did have some unused credits, for some time before.
It's possible that 66's rationale, at least within the company, might be (or has been) that its VIP subscription fee is (or has been) considerably cheaper than BS's, in the first place, meaning the extra credits should go, along with the other privileges of membership, when you do...
BS is the place I've used the most credits, over the relatively short time I've bought any there.
Second would be 66, where I've probably used considerably less, albeit over a much longer time.
Xpanded is where I've spent and bought the least, and have probably had a substantial chunk unused for some time over a year.
Short of some dramatic developments in my life, or on the channels, I wouldn't count against the situation being similar in a year's time!
BTW wasn't Sixty6Mag funded separately, from the main business?
Following that quoted post, and my email exchanges with 66 Customer Service, earlier this year: which included some spam from them, I noticed an email in my spam folder, only minutes ago.
Whatever day the relaunch started, (Wednesday?) I logged in successfully, after a few attempts, once I put my email address, rather than my username, which I would usually put.
Far more unusually, probably unprecedented, I haven't had to login again since. Days having passed, whereas previously, I would need to after an interval, of barely ten minutes away from the site.
However, I've barely looked at any streams, and what I have looked at on the site, is less straightforward, and user-friendly, than it was or could be, such as even the guide/schedule.
Here's the email:
[From: S66 News
Date: Thu, 16 Dec 2021, 17:09
Subject: Apologies
Hi All,
Sadly the launch of our brand new website yesterday didn't quite go to plan and as such we would like to apologise.
We've been working really hard on the site for the last 6 months to make it the best it can be for both you the customers and our amazing team of performers. We spent ages testing everything to make sure it was ready but, as with many things in life, things don't always go to plan.
We are currently working hard to fix the issue we have and hope to be back up and running over the coming hours.
In the meantime please accept our sincere apologies and know that our intention is and has always been to provide the best service possible to all of our customers and partners alike.
For assistance with any issues you encounter using the all new website, please contact our support team at
Thanks for choosing to use our service and we look forward to you enjoying the new site as soon as possible.
Team S66]
The hourglass is half-emptying..
"From one who is not permitted to find fault, [says the peasant representative] praise also is valueless; in absence of expression it is like a Chinese picture in which shade is lacking. [CW, Vol. 1, P. 1801 Marx cites this spokesman from the lower classes because his emphasis on opposites is pure dialectics: extremes can paint a picture, whereas compromise can only paint in grey."
I should add (24/12/2023) that I am still more extensively shadowbanned than I've ever been, despite paying for a blue tick for several months, see my pinned thread, profile and header pics
29/10/2024: because of my being locked out of my original account, I'm using seducedx6_live on Twitter/'x', see the pinned thread there.
I'm using a friend's account, midriffique, a tweet from which is already linked above, with whom I did do three-way tag team tweeting, whilst he's taking a longterm break from social media.
"An airbag saved my life"..
(This post was last modified: 18-12-2021 14:36 by seducedx6.)