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RE: Which is best Xbox 360,PS3 or Wii?
There are the things i could think about, I tried to be as fact based as I could. But the facts are, Xbox 360 for the hardcore gamer, PS3 for the person who wants an entertainment centre and Wii for people who want fun family orientated games. There are overlaps in those sections but that is the brunt of it.
------------------------ warning what follows is a deranged fanboy rant-----------
hardcore gamer? dont make me laugh! you also forgot to mention the biggotry that goes on unchecked on both consoles, racist taunts, the inability to have more players than the licencee allows, no dedicated servers, dlc isnt free and there is no modding, because the licence covers hardware you can only realy use microsofts own specific hardware (although you can put your own drives in it can result in your live account being banned)...
nah if you want hardcore gaming with true next gen gfx at full 1080p then there is only 1 option PC...
oh hum. guess you get what you pay for and in the console world its not a lot...
Any Babe pics posted are my Take on existing photographs. credits for the original images stays with the copyright holder if any rights apply.
Today im wearing a gray hat. tomorrow it might be white or black, it depends on my mood
27-10-2009 14:29 |
Herald of the Forum
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RE: Which is best Xbox 360,PS3 or Wii?
You could quite easily argue that the exclusives on the consoles far outweigh the shinier graphics that the PC supplies. I would take the Final Fantasy games, Legend of Zelda games, Mario, Metroid, Uncharted games, R&C series and the rare gems that are standalone games like Lost Odyssey and Shadow of the Colossus over the PC any day, the PC mostly caters to FPS's (which I quite like), RTS's and MMORPG's (which I cannot stand) whereas many of my favourite games are not on the PC unless you do something illegal.
Plus the PC is hardly a party console is it? How often does one of your mates say "Getting the boys round tonight for a takeaway, beer and a go on the PC, you coming round?", you do not, there are things that the PC is better for and just as many things that consoles are better for. I do not use my 3 month old PC for gaming, it is hardly out of date, it could run Crysis, it just does not appeal to me, I would rather play on the consoles with the better games....Truth!
You're not for this world, this world is for you.
01-11-2009 03:08 |
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RE: Which is best Xbox 360,PS3 or Wii?
some valid points mass but the guy underneath you proves some my points. even though the pc will probably sell just as many copys of mw2 and play at true 1080p (the only real advantage left on the game as they stoped server support), we still see xbox fanboys claiming its the best version when clearly its not.
your exclusives argument dosent realy hold as we all have exclusives and they are getting less previlant, last year gears 2 and halo3 forsa being the only real 1s of note. while on pc we got crysis warhead, armaII, stalker cop.
best for games realy comes down to what you want, do you want the best gfx/sound/gameplay, well i have noticed that gameplay has sufferd on all machines of late in an effort to get the gfx up to par but pc wins hands down here with true 1080p if you can afford the hardware. sound all consoles have adiquate sound,. gameplay well heres the debate in real terms the console pads are often not intuativley configured xbox is better than ps3 here as i have played cod4 on all and in order of control the pc wins (a 2000dpi mouse just gives way more speed and control), xbox comes next and ps3 is a lowly 3rd due to it not alowing you to reconfigure the buttons. if you add mouse support to both consoles then yes your on to a winner as then it will be a question of skill instead of auto aim buttons...
as for part gaming well the ninty piss wins that 1, watch granny loosen her colostomy bag trying to beat top score on wiifit just takes the cake...
the 1 thing i do like about pc that no console can match is server support, when sum1 cheats or a 12yo starts being racist they can be booted/banned on the consoles the best you can do is leave and pm the main server admin, if your lucky your account wil get suspended while they look into it... (my nephew was banded from live for 1 month for complaining so i know it does happen).
so its swings and roundabouts m8. they all have pluspoints and negatives but realy ignoring pc altogether was unfair...
Any Babe pics posted are my Take on existing photographs. credits for the original images stays with the copyright holder if any rights apply.
Today im wearing a gray hat. tomorrow it might be white or black, it depends on my mood
(This post was last modified: 03-11-2009 08:32 by HEX!T.)
03-11-2009 08:29 |