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RE: tara left babestation on 31st aug
(04-11-2009 19:24 )vulcan Wrote: With all due respect cpilgo I think the bring back Tara campaign needs to be a simple poll on the forum,it took me a while to find it on facebook,we might only get the people that visit the forum but it will be a good indication of how many people wish her to come back,reading the posts lately i would suspect there will be more than enough to encourage Tara to do a few guest apprances on a babe show or even from sunny spain..Please dont take this as a knock regards your idea cpilgo its a great just needs to be simpler,lets see what the reaction is.Lets hope which ever way it goes Tara will oblige....from looking on Tara's facebook i think there is somebody else that needs to be consulted first!!!!
hi Vulcan, yeah, I guess a simple poll would be much simpler but I've the facebook thing set up now, so anyone who wants to join can - anyway I can make it easier to join?
When you say someone else needs to be consulted I'm guessing you mean Tara herself! If this is the case from her most recent post she said she would join, and I didnt go ahead with it anyway until I got the go ahead from her (in an earlier post) - and if you didnt mean Tara then who? I certainly dont want to step on anyones toes here or upset anyone.
Anyway, as you say, a poll would be easier so I'll set that up to see what happens. If anything it's a show of support for her!
04-11-2009 21:16 |
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RE: tara left babestation on 31st aug
04-11-2009 21:56 |
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RE: tara left babestation on 31st aug
(05-11-2009 10:59 )tara lee babestation Wrote: dionne cooks amazin dinners but i guess thats not what u ment. lol xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Right now I'm so hungry I could chew a nun's arse through convent gates!
On an equally bizzare note people are joining my facebook page, maybe thinking it is the bring back Tara page. Whilst it's very flattering to have so many boys seek my friendship I think they'll be in for a shock when they realise it's only me! Who knows, maybe they'll be secretly pleased, and in this day and age I'll take anything I can get!!
The polls going really well with support in the high 80s so if you haven't voted yet do it now! Link is in one of my earlier posts.
10-11-2009 21:22 |