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Evelyn (Daytime Queen 2018) - S66 Dayshow Chat & Discussion (Only)

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nottooold Offline
Wow! So that's Evelyn....

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Post: #4591
RE: Evelyn (Daytime Queen 2018) - S66 Dayshow Chat & Discussion (Only)
The schedule seems to be wrong again - as I understand it, Evelyn is not in today, she's in tomorrow.
28-07-2022 11:47
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nottooold Offline
Wow! So that's Evelyn....

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Post: #4592
RE: Evelyn (Daytime Queen 2018) - S66 Dayshow Chat & Discussion (Only)
Advance notice - Evelyn is going on holiday in August. Her last shift is expected to be Thursday August 18th, and she will return possibly Friday 2nd Sept, but more likely Monday 5th.
29-07-2022 12:08
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Bantams Offline
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Post: #4593
RE: Evelyn (Daytime Queen 2018) - S66 Dayshow Chat & Discussion (Only)
(29-07-2022 12:08 )nottooold Wrote:  Advance notice - Evelyn is going on holiday in August. Her last shift is expected to be Thursday August 18th, and she will return possibly Friday 2nd Sept, but more likely Monday 5th.

Absolutely loving the updates and thanks for that, but it seems this thread has turned into a informational piece and there’s no chat or discussion about our darling Evelyn anymore
29-07-2022 22:39
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ShandyHand Offline
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Post: #4594
RE: Evelyn (Daytime Queen 2018) - S66 Dayshow Chat & Discussion (Only)
^ Shame isn't it. Look back and you'll see what caused all the debate and excitement. It was that you were never quite sure what this babe would get up to next! Guys at that particular peak used to look endlessly into the idea of whether or not her shows were actually going places. Whether the glacial progressions and immense erotic tease she'd put on screen were actually leading anywhere. (Eventually they did, but we all know now what form they took.) It was the wonderful unknowable journey of it all that caused the comment. (Excitement of that sort makes guys type - as well as spend and wank! Tongue It also enlarges a babe's fanbase, brings different voices to it ... and different expectations. More of which later.)

At that time there was the absolutely wonderful anticipation that the punter's contribution mattered to the outcome of each and every shift. (That splendidly evocative doubt of what just might happen in the live environment - is of MASSIVE importance to a show's drive to paid use I feel.*) That Evelyn granted YOU the reins to help bring a hugely effective show to the masses. That, if you just worked with her, the most stupendous erotic actions and cumulative efforts were possible.

All that's gone now. Eve chose a different path. That's her prerogative of course - like it is for any babe. But her shows are not to the masses anymore. And they don't really seem that affected by guys' individual contributions very much either - from the little I see of them thesedays. So the current path feels like a backwater cul-de-sac to me. An indulgence to see out the end of her time on the shows... The overwhelming feeling I get is that EVELYN and only Evelyn decides what she gets up on stream - the how, the when and the where - down to quite specific details of pose, etc - rather than it being anything much about the punter's input anymore.

And so it's become a mere question of are you in 'Cult Evelyn' - that buys into her choices - or not? A binary selection. (Eventually that's what solid paywalls make all the shows - they become a question of whether you've blind faith in the individual babe to bring you enough of what you want or not. There's no scope to be convinced by what you see on the day. That the babe might be doing something a bit different, pointedly to your taste, or is on good form. You can't see any of that in advance of payment. So punters are required to not doubt a babe's consistency or reliability in any way. It becomes an unquestioning and, I'd say ultimately, dulling thing.)

With such a locked off format, what's there to debate in terms of what interaction can bring to Evelyn's shows? What's there to wonder at in terms of what the future holds? Her shows long since became a too obvious pretense of being punter led. Smoke and mirrors. (To some extent all shows are, but the point is it was once an integral part of the babe's craft to kid on that as much as possible was possible in any place she was on. This kept intrigue wonderfully alive for the payer. Now babes boringly TELL us the score in this regard almost every time we log on! Where's the fun in that?!) Eve's format for each shift is thus, now, entirely stagnant and predictable, and so the excitement that the punter could be an active part of achieving something disappeared long ago. She's become too rigid, too much of a known quantity; all a bit safe looking tbh (safe is a terrible thing for a babe to seem on a show). With, at the back of all this, the nagging feeling that Eve doesn't like the idea of punters with different expectations to those of her by - now utterly solid and regular - users. That she's successfully extricated herself from having to bother with such irritants. The future seems stultifying set.

No one doubts Evelyn's stupendous qualities. It's mostly that she's selected that different stage for herself. And that the format of that stage has denied a lot of guys the ability to buy into what she does anymore. Personally, I feel it's a stage that has robbed her of the ability to show off one of her most phenomenal assets ( Wink ) as a performer: The ability to toy outrageously with a mainstream crowd of varying guys holding them all on tenterhooks; their desires effortlessly in the palm of her hand. In this, her shows are no longer to my main kink. That central drive to a purchase that used to be what the babeshows were all about: The chance of paying for the ability to stimulate all that's going on to something more; and for the reaction an increasing crowd gives in return - more chat and payments - to spiral it to ever greater heights... That IS the babeshows for me. And all that is nowhere to be found behind 66's - now often ubiquitous - niche funded paywalls. (A crowd can't increase off the back of something it can't see unfold.) Evelyn's current shows unfortunately led the way in this, prompting the operator towards widespread use of such methods. It was never going to be for me. And it was always going to deaden this thread... Eve is of course not concerned by any of this. Nor should she be really. She has it the way she wants it.

The tumbleweed here is not backed by much bitterness AFAIK (I for one would never have written any of this but for bantam's prompt). It merely leaves a sense of missed opportunities in its vacuum.

* Any babe that suggests she needs your "motivation" before doing anything is not doing a babeshow either. Evelyn, like any good babe, at least continues to acknowledge it's her job to inspire guys with her movements.

Babeshow n. - Live Adult Entertainment genre based around premium-rate phome sex chat lines. Scantily-clad female presenter induces callers and users to other inactive services from three-walled set in a TV studio. Largely softcore Tease format influenced by standards and strictures of free-to-air TV platform..
30-07-2022 11:28
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Skyline Offline
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Post: #4595
RE: Evelyn (Daytime Queen 2018) - S66 Dayshow Chat & Discussion (Only)
^ I'm perfectly happy with the direction that her shows have taken, I spend a few quid here and there, but with Evelyn, I've never been disappointed by what she decides to do or the nature of her shows. She's sexy, great fun and always tries her best to accommodate everyone imo.
30-07-2022 15:59
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Boomerangutangangbang Offline
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Post: #4596
RE: Evelyn (Daytime Queen 2018) - S66 Dayshow Chat & Discussion (Only)
(30-07-2022 15:59 )Skyline Wrote:  "always tries her best to accommodate everyone imo."

Does that include having the same punter permanently on the phone, making that particular option dead to everyone else ?


Muchi-wa shifuku dearu

...And Justice For All - Metallica
30-07-2022 17:38
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Post: #4597
RE: Evelyn (Daytime Queen 2018) - S66 Dayshow Chat & Discussion (Only)
Ah yes the phone lines Wink, you have to be on your game because of how popular she is to speak with, her infectious personality and sexy accent is totally additive Big Grin, I suggest watching and studying the start and end of calls to begin your attempt and hopefully not waste too much money Wink

I don't have trouble getting through, although difficult on occasion, I still get through.
(This post was last modified: 30-07-2022 17:48 by Skyline.)
30-07-2022 17:45
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Boomerangutangangbang Offline
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Post: #4598
RE: Evelyn (Daytime Queen 2018) - S66 Dayshow Chat & Discussion (Only)
(30-07-2022 17:45 )Skyline Wrote:  Ah yes the phone lines Wink, you have to be on your game because of how popular she is to speak with, her infectious personality and sexy accent is totally additive Big Grin, I suggest watching and studying the start and end of calls to begin your attempt and hopefully not waste too much money Wink

Don't try to teach your grandmother to suck eggs. Important
What I was highlighting was allowing a situation in which one individual dominated the phone. The management will be happy if the phone is busy, so really Evelyn was/is at fault.


Muchi-wa shifuku dearu

...And Justice For All - Metallica
30-07-2022 18:14
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Skyline Offline
Phrygian Dominant

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Post: #4599
RE: Evelyn (Daytime Queen 2018) - S66 Dayshow Chat & Discussion (Only)
Bantams wanted chat and discussion and here we are Smile

nottooold gets through perfectly well, perhaps seek him for advice Wink

It's not one person dominating the phone lines, agreed it is difficult if someone wants to call again straight away, but I've been doing this for quite a long time and it's easy if you see the signs of a call ending and beginning Smile - No dramas mate Smile
(This post was last modified: 30-07-2022 18:38 by Skyline.)
30-07-2022 18:35
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Boomerangutangangbang Offline
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Post: #4600
RE: Evelyn (Daytime Queen 2018) - S66 Dayshow Chat & Discussion (Only)
(30-07-2022 18:35 )Skyline Wrote:  Bantams wanted chat and discussion and here we are Smile

nottooold gets through perfectly well, perhaps seek him for advice Wink

It's not one person dominating the phone lines, agreed it is difficult if someone wants to call again straight away, but I've been doing this for quite a long time and it's easy if you see the signs of a call ending and beginning Smile - No dramas mate Smile

Sorry, my mistake, chat & discussion is ok, but criticism is not. Rolleyes

I stand by what I've said, there was a regular caller that blocked the lines for others, fact.

I doubt that you've called the babechannels for as many years, & as often as I have. I'm fully aware of all the tricks to get through.


Muchi-wa shifuku dearu

...And Justice For All - Metallica
30-07-2022 20:40
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