Been undecided and a little nervous whether to post as its rare for me to let a post flow purely from emotions

The news of the studio closure provided me with much sadness.
Having watched the shows for 7+ years Studio 66 was always the company I had the most heartwarming and closest feelings toward, my 2 all-time favs




Being (In my biased opinion

) The 2 greatest all round ladies to ever grace the shows, unlikely I'd have discovered them without S66 and more mind blowingly (cock blowingly too

) memorable shows over those 7+ years from babes ( in no particular order

) such as

Cara Brett,

Caitlin Wynters,

Paigey P,


Paige Green,

Alexa Brooke,

Rebecca Kelly,

Ruby Mae,

Emma C,

Heather Kay,

Stacey Robyn,


Anna A,

Lara Rose,

Louisa Fox,



Nikita Reign,

Tiffany Rose,

Kandi Kay,

Jamie Jones,

Emilie Rae,

Abbey B / Monroe. Some thanks to S66 for recruiting such a fantastic group of babes and the guys that were involved in some of their shows such as RAKE, Spike, Shandy, Dances etc
Possibly most of you would be surprised to know I'm actually an extremely shy fella (a few of you know some of the reasons why

) and I've never conjured up the bravery to call a babe tho it's a goal for me to perhaps work toward

A man ( a myth, a legend

) who definitely didn't have those shy tendencies and has to be mentioned here is of course Snooks

now how can I possibly pin down a most awesome show at the hands or most probably one hand

of Snooks, good odds it involves Clare probably a 'toss'

Up between the shower and office sets also the Alexa B efforts are up there for classics IMO

Staying on the subject of sets either the shower or the bar and stripper pole were the best for me.
A huge question to ask must be where did it all go wrong

there was of course the dramas when babes were joining the fast growing trend for Onlyfans and the complexities that followed with money %s that were taken. My main ideas for poor decisions which likely contibuted to the journey 'up shit creek' would be
1.S66chat, is there a single benefit from its entirety? Definitely not that I can think of, all of those hours could have been TV time for deserving babes in a regular format rather than connect 4, cocktail making and any other nonsensical output it provided
2.The new site updates, making the streams effectively pay to view no doubt it involves this stereotype and nigh on fascination that some babes have with "freeloaders"

an easy way to try tarnish all the viewers with that same brush, we aren't all twats that clearly lack the sense to think before they send a message

Me and HLO have discussed a number of times about the persistent 'premium' babes and I am totally confident that being on a main cam stream taking calls would be making more £, does it tie in to the freeloader fascination again
Having the promo ads rolling through the daytime TV hours for what seems like the last year I'd wager also lost much potential custom.