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UK Babe Channels Babe Of The Year 2022

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Yours Truly Offline
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Post: #251
RE: UK Babe Channels Babe Of The Year 2022
Some more credit for UK Babe Channels.

[Image: image-299A_63EBB082.jpg]
14-02-2023 16:04
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bigglesworth Offline
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Post: #252
RE: UK Babe Channels Babe Of The Year 2022
(28-10-2022 06:09 )ryuken Wrote:  I thought Joa Nova would be the most popular Ebony babe on the channels, not Tanya Renai.

Yes ryuken, so did I. But having seen Joa Nova a couple of times recently I can confidently say that the only reason she didn't fare a lot better in the 2022 voting is that she spent too much of the year hidden behind the S66 paywall.
17-02-2023 17:54
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seducedx6 Offline
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Post: #253
RE: UK Babe Channels Babe Of The Year 2022
(30-10-2022 08:00 )lovebabes56 Wrote:  I'd say vote with your heart not your head mate

I know I voted in one forum poll, but evidently not this one..
Nonetheless, I would say, vote with the head (glans [stroke] knob) of your penis, or with your clit, and your heart ♤ ♧ ♡ ◇

The hourglass is half-emptying..

"From one who is not permitted to find fault, [says the peasant representative] praise also is valueless; in absence of expression it is like a Chinese picture in which shade is lacking. [CW, Vol. 1, P. 1801 Marx cites this spokesman from the lower classes because his emphasis on opposites is pure dialectics: extremes can paint a picture, whereas compromise can only paint in grey."
I should add (24/12/2023) that I am still more extensively shadowbanned than I've ever been, despite paying for a blue tick for several months, see my pinned thread, profile and header pics

29/10/2024: because of my being locked out of my original account, I'm using seducedx6_live on Twitter/'x', see the pinned thread there.
I'm using a friend's account, midriffique, a tweet from which is already linked above, with whom I did do three-way tag team tweeting, whilst he's taking a longterm break from social media.

"An airbag saved my life"..
18-02-2023 01:48
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MacDanett Offline
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Post: #254
RE: UK Babe Channels Babe Of The Year 2022
Hello seducedx6. I think you should be sure to vote in this poll next time, as the awards here are something tangible, actual physical awards that someone wins.
20-02-2023 00:05
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seducedx6 Offline
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Post: #255
RE: UK Babe Channels Babe Of The Year 2022
I think I might not have been on the forum, too much, during the voting period, and there being so many polls, alongside other threads where I wanted to post, meant I responded to only one or few of the former.

My preferred women on the channels aren't necessarily those most favoured on the forum, or most current on the channels*.
Hence, I think newcomers was one of the few polls where I said anything, and quite early.

As per my previous post above, I would vote only according to who turns me on, in various ways.
Whereas I think some others might be more clinically calculating, based on who's popular, who they think is more broadly 'deserving', or some other, less immediately personal consideration.
I draw that conclusion from some of people's posts, during the rest of the year.
However, these would hardly be the only polls or surveys, which didn't necessarily reflect how some respondents really feel or think.

A lot of my comment posts are my offering a wider, (historically) longer view, which whilst still personal, are not the same as such votes.

*See list on my profile page, which might need updating or revising, nonetheless.

The hourglass is half-emptying..

"From one who is not permitted to find fault, [says the peasant representative] praise also is valueless; in absence of expression it is like a Chinese picture in which shade is lacking. [CW, Vol. 1, P. 1801 Marx cites this spokesman from the lower classes because his emphasis on opposites is pure dialectics: extremes can paint a picture, whereas compromise can only paint in grey."
I should add (24/12/2023) that I am still more extensively shadowbanned than I've ever been, despite paying for a blue tick for several months, see my pinned thread, profile and header pics

29/10/2024: because of my being locked out of my original account, I'm using seducedx6_live on Twitter/'x', see the pinned thread there.
I'm using a friend's account, midriffique, a tweet from which is already linked above, with whom I did do three-way tag team tweeting, whilst he's taking a longterm break from social media.

"An airbag saved my life"..
(This post was last modified: 20-02-2023 01:49 by seducedx6.)
20-02-2023 00:53
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aaron Offline
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Post: #256
RE: UK Babe Channels Babe Of The Year 2022
(20-02-2023 00:53 )seducedx6 Wrote:  My preferred women on the channels aren't necessarily those most favoured on the forum, or most current on the channels*.

Yes I can say the same. My own choices don't come close to winning, and never have, although I always vote for them anyway.

I have a simple method. I basically vote for those I've enjoyed the most. If they have done well for me they can rely on my vote.
21-02-2023 00:41
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seducedx6 Offline
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Post: #257
RE: UK Babe Channels Babe Of The Year 2022
See post 253 above..

There are other, possibly better, and more representative ways of determining such awards.

The BS tip leaderboard, is one obvious, if rather limited means, as it's skewed towards those who can afford to tip the most.

Annual prizes' resulting from weekly and or monthly votes, on the websites themselves, would make more sense.

Personally, I tend to think most annual awards are gratuitous, downwards from the level of Oscars, Brits, and the Grammys, with its numerous, minute categories.

However, I suppose it's a question of the difference between awards and rewards.

The hourglass is half-emptying..

"From one who is not permitted to find fault, [says the peasant representative] praise also is valueless; in absence of expression it is like a Chinese picture in which shade is lacking. [CW, Vol. 1, P. 1801 Marx cites this spokesman from the lower classes because his emphasis on opposites is pure dialectics: extremes can paint a picture, whereas compromise can only paint in grey."
I should add (24/12/2023) that I am still more extensively shadowbanned than I've ever been, despite paying for a blue tick for several months, see my pinned thread, profile and header pics

29/10/2024: because of my being locked out of my original account, I'm using seducedx6_live on Twitter/'x', see the pinned thread there.
I'm using a friend's account, midriffique, a tweet from which is already linked above, with whom I did do three-way tag team tweeting, whilst he's taking a longterm break from social media.

"An airbag saved my life"..
(This post was last modified: 22-02-2023 02:37 by seducedx6.)
21-02-2023 13:17
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barracuda Offline
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Post: #258
RE: UK Babe Channels Babe Of The Year 2022
(21-02-2023 13:17 )seducedx6 Wrote:  There are other, possibly better, and more representative ways of determining such awards.

I really don't agree with that. Looking at the results over the years I think the babe of the year votes have been pretty satisfactory and chosen very credible winners (and runners-up etc). For me the system truly works and the organisers and the good voters deserve a lot of credit.
24-02-2023 16:36
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seducedx6 Offline
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Post: #259
RE: UK Babe Channels Babe Of The Year 2022
^Your post prompts only more questions..

I think if you had read, carefully, all of my series of three posts, among the last ten here, from which you quoted part of the third, you might have formulated your point, differently.

"Credible winners", and "good voters", are especially ambiguous phrases.. by what standards, other than that you might agree with the membership of the former, and the views of the latter?
Who would be 'bad voters' (and un-"credible winners")?

I'm not questioning the conduct of the organisers.
However, rather than merely a vote at the end of each year, some form/s of voting throughout the year, alongside a measure of how many 'satisfied' callers and paying viewers there are, and what has turned people on, could make more sense.
Especially pertinent, would be the differences between what individual women do on tv, online, and in private.

What certainly doesn't make sense, is that anyone should necessarily feel resigned, to their preferred women not being credible contenders.

To elaborate on my previous posts, from some of the commentary throughout the year, some people evidently commend mere efficiency, i.e. some women who seem to be effective, 'satisfactory', or 'popular', regularly doing mostly the same routines.
As I suggested, I find that an oddly, rather impersonal attitude, more suited to those who manage the companies.
On occasion I have indicated, when women who don't especially interest me, have turned me on, nonetheless. But even when the women I'm most attracted to, underwhelm me, the individual women in those two groups, are unlikely to swap places.

As I said, the difference between awards and rewards, is probably crucial.
The divergences in other fields, between what 'ordinary people' vote for, and what people in the business vote for, is also central to my point.

From the perspective of these channels and websites' not only continuing, but finding ways of gaining new users, and onscreen personnel, I think ostrich-like complacency* is a non-starter.

*I'm not sure how 'complacent', ostriches are, but they're tall, with long necks, and go bounding about, and smaller animals run through their legs, and from their head height, some can't be seen on the ground, anymore than when their heads are in it...

The hourglass is half-emptying..

"From one who is not permitted to find fault, [says the peasant representative] praise also is valueless; in absence of expression it is like a Chinese picture in which shade is lacking. [CW, Vol. 1, P. 1801 Marx cites this spokesman from the lower classes because his emphasis on opposites is pure dialectics: extremes can paint a picture, whereas compromise can only paint in grey."
I should add (24/12/2023) that I am still more extensively shadowbanned than I've ever been, despite paying for a blue tick for several months, see my pinned thread, profile and header pics

29/10/2024: because of my being locked out of my original account, I'm using seducedx6_live on Twitter/'x', see the pinned thread there.
I'm using a friend's account, midriffique, a tweet from which is already linked above, with whom I did do three-way tag team tweeting, whilst he's taking a longterm break from social media.

"An airbag saved my life"..
(This post was last modified: 25-02-2023 13:09 by seducedx6.)
25-02-2023 02:13
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seducedx6 Offline
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Post: #260
RE: UK Babe Channels Babe Of The Year 2022
^I've rewritten that post!

The hourglass is half-emptying..

"From one who is not permitted to find fault, [says the peasant representative] praise also is valueless; in absence of expression it is like a Chinese picture in which shade is lacking. [CW, Vol. 1, P. 1801 Marx cites this spokesman from the lower classes because his emphasis on opposites is pure dialectics: extremes can paint a picture, whereas compromise can only paint in grey."
I should add (24/12/2023) that I am still more extensively shadowbanned than I've ever been, despite paying for a blue tick for several months, see my pinned thread, profile and header pics

29/10/2024: because of my being locked out of my original account, I'm using seducedx6_live on Twitter/'x', see the pinned thread there.
I'm using a friend's account, midriffique, a tweet from which is already linked above, with whom I did do three-way tag team tweeting, whilst he's taking a longterm break from social media.

"An airbag saved my life"..
25-02-2023 13:10
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