^ Indeed. All such tip goals should read (and be read as) "Spend credits to help me make more credits". They are there for the BABES not the punter. They are not going to get you off. They are designed only to entice further spending OF THE SORT THE BABE PREFERS. Nor are they going to give you anything you couldn't get to see another way either.
The babe is ALWAYS going to go in perv and do her stuff anyway. That's the point. Just save your credits and dick thrashinng for THAT - if that's what you're into. If that's where you think the action is. If you buy into what these modern type babes insist the shows should be....
It's replaced (or is replacing) the babeshows anyway. The fulfilments of these goals are just poor, poor, substitutes for what we had before. Pretences to the aesthetics of babeshows of old, while in reality taking us ever further from them.
To guys that are into ACTUAL babeshows - you know actually and ACTIVELY
want to get off to them and look to spend their credits in order to achieve that (i.e not to end up in cam reducing the amount of hours given over to babe-ing proper*) - the tip goals of this sort are probably the BEST handy markers to who the villians are. Babes that use goals to lead into perv sessions are actualy the very ones to avoid spending credits on! She's not into giving you a babeshow. She's into disabling and dismantling what they were/are.
* You'll no doubt have come to the accurate conclusion BS doesn'tt want you around much if so!

You run against their tide too much and are basically an irritation to what they are trying to achieve... So much of what they put out thesedays is not FOR is it?However much it pretends to be. That is the truth. That is disenfranchisement. That is the (not so stealthy) perversion of the shows that's occurred gradually over the last few years.
The idea guys have the discernment and nouse to actually look to SPEND credits in this way is, in fact, an anathema to BS. They believe (or present the belief) that every punter can be lead - cuck-fashion - by the dick into spending just as they wish them to. They take all spenders for horn/affection-ravaged simpletons. This industry thinks that lowly of the average punter's intelligence. It's geared only to do so, and that's why the stuff we're offered is so skewed to this one type of bastardised output. They think they don't NEED to put forth much of what we had before.
Too many punters play up to the stereotype for that. We're our own worst enemies in that regard. We ask to be exploited and ripped off. We vote with our credits for less of what put this very forum on the internet! It's no wonder so many babes think we're all dumb loosers. We give the best impression of that a lot of the time! The dick presses the vital 'Enter' button for too many of us it appears!

And, unfortunately, that ain't likely to change any time soon. (Calling thecrap out loud and often might help a bit though!

Maybe one day we'll learn to simply take our money elsewhere - instead of compromising and rationalising self-defeating behaviours.)