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Xpanded Dayshow - General Chat & Discussion

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Rammyrascal Offline
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Post: #821
RE: Xpanded Dayshow - General Chat & Discussion
(23-10-2024 12:29 )CheekyKev Wrote:  Do you think Xpanded plan to have cam from home shows on their main stream for a whole shift?

How can I answer that when I don't have access to Xpanded'a financial records? I can't. Xpanded would do it I think if they felt/decided it makes more money compared to a show at the studios.

They have to make money most importantly

a member of the Piper Niven Cult
23-10-2024 22:48
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CheekyKev Offline
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Post: #822
RE: Xpanded Dayshow - General Chat & Discussion
^Your inexplicable need to put a positive spin on absolutely everything has tied yourself in knots again.

We all know that Xpanded aims to have at least one girl in the studio on every shift and using the cam from home on the main TV stream is fall back situation, not the desired choice for them.

Follow me on Twitter for babe shows GIFs and CAPs: @KevSmith7777
or on Instagram: @cheekykev3
24-10-2024 10:18
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Rammyrascal Offline
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Post: #823
RE: Xpanded Dayshow - General Chat & Discussion
^I'd rather be always positive than being pretty much negative all the time like you are Smile especially in regards to Xpanded

Also how do we know that Xpanded aims to have at least one babe in the studios doing a show? With a show from home as a fall back and not the desired option, Unless you or any of us work for Xpanded, we don't.

Plus Ashton Rae these days mainly does shows from home due to her commitments away from Xpanded & the long time travelling to Xpanded from where she lives

a member of the Piper Niven Cult
(This post was last modified: 24-10-2024 12:23 by Rammyrascal.)
24-10-2024 12:21
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CheekyKev Offline
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Post: #824
RE: Xpanded Dayshow - General Chat & Discussion
^I am not always negative about Xpanded. I like the channel and many of the girls that are on it. I just see both sides of every situation and I am more discerning than you clearly.

Seeing as 90% of the time Xpanded have a girl in the studio for their shows then it is very clear that they do not choose to have a cam from home show on the main stream, not sure why you keep arguing they do. Let me explain some basic business sense, you don't pay every day for a studio with cameras, lighting, producers, etc, just to decide to have a cam from home show instead.

Follow me on Twitter for babe shows GIFs and CAPs: @KevSmith7777
or on Instagram: @cheekykev3
24-10-2024 13:07
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ShandyHand Offline
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Post: #825
RE: Xpanded Dayshow - General Chat & Discussion
^ What is optimal, what is desirable and what is last resort can all be very different things. I think most of us see the difference. And see why the latter happens when it does. We wont be fooled by those that wish to dress that up for any reason.

(23-10-2024 20:46 )CheekyKev Wrote:  Sorry if I hold Xpanded to a higher standard than giving us cam from home shows that can be found pretty much anywhere on the web, therefore defeats the purpose of a TV show with decent picture quality, production values, etc.

Let's look at my old schooler's current expectations of XP shall we...

First off, expecting more from the shows than them becoming a stable for cams of various dubious image quality is perfectly valid IMO. We had nearly 20 years of the channels proscribing themselves as a premium product with premium TV-standard production values. Why expect us punters to accept any less now..?

Primarily, thereafter, we look to XP to 'do better' because BS, as industry leader, sets the tone. And, thus, they've epitomised the industry's lowering of its standards in recent years. We want XP to maintain what BS have lost.

What else does that entail? Well, besides decent production values, the shows were founded in one other thing: Their relationship with the restrictions placed upon them. Consumers and babes were forced to work with, and around, the regs as they looked to get what they wanted. What was possible viz-a-viz the restrictions formulised the very nature of the genre.

Thesedays however, it seems that most of this industry wants to take us ever further from that original formula - into a babeland full of endless paywalls and associated gimmicks. And you have to fear XP may go the same way - changing the very nature of 'the product' forever. What an ignominous end!

The things we wish to retain matter to some of us simply because they're the things that made the shows unique. And they are the things we're gradually losing. And you can't blame guys for being disatisfied with the lowering of standards that's come with these changes. Nor should we expect to be gaslit by those that wish to pretend the changes are insignificant.

Some of us remember; and we see what's happening for what it is. Everytime. We know why the shows hit the spot in the past and why they (often) no longer do. It's not so much that the shows are all "bad" now (there were always poor babes and poor shifts in the past, there are just more of them nowadays) but more precisely it's that the shows (at BS at least) no longer wish to be what we want them to be. The old desire to appeal to as many wallets as possible at once, has become the desire to find those individuals with the biggest wallets. And fuck the rest. And that has fundamentally altered what we see. Especially at BS.

XP is the old schoolers ' laat hope then. We want it to keep to certain core values. Even as it makes itself ever more web-orientated (nigbt shifrs in the day... sure; just find a way to do it that doesnt leave black screens everywhere).

We still believe it can be better than the lost cause that is BS. We hope that bucking the industry trends will be XP's path to prosperity. And that it's how they can take money from the industry leader... By being different from BS in every bloody way they possibly can!

Do tipping properly. Even do Gold Shows properly if you must (i.e. NOT as simple promos for subsequent paywalls). Just keep the central fta focus, keep it studio-based and keep the crowdcentric revenue creation ethic. Basically if BS have turned to it, don't do it that way! Wink

Babeshow n. - Live Adult Entertainment genre based around premium-rate phome sex chat lines. Scantily-clad female presenter induces callers and users to other inactive services from three-walled set in a TV studio. Largely softcore Tease format influenced by standards and strictures of free-to-air TV platform..
(This post was last modified: 24-10-2024 14:57 by ShandyHand.)
24-10-2024 14:43
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Zai47 Offline
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Post: #826
RE: Xpanded Dayshow - General Chat & Discussion
I don’t worry about xpanded. BS have the best girls by a country mile. I personally
Like BS especially Poppy May and Aria Rose.
25-10-2024 19:55
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skully Offline

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Post: #827
RE: Xpanded Dayshow - General Chat & Discussion
If members can't agree to disagree and move on, their posts will be either moved to the Twilight Zone or removed completely.

Debate/discussion is one thing, petty bickering and trying to have the last word is another, you can ignore comments you don't agree with.

If a comment is in need of moderator attention, report it, don't reply to it. Oh and stop the pointless quoting, it's annoying and unnecessary.


Ad eundum quo nemo ante iit.
Tha thu 'nad fhaighean.
26-10-2024 12:18
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Charlemagne Offline

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Post: #828
RE: Xpanded Dayshow - General Chat & Discussion
I've always liked the way that Xpanded have brought through fresh new talent.
A lot of the top girls started on their dayshows and then ended up as nightshow girls, and then sometimes move on to BS.
For example Nicole Snow, Sophie Hart, & more recently Roxyie

26-10-2024 12:32
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darren73 Offline
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Post: #829
RE: Xpanded Dayshow - General Chat & Discussion
Anyone know where Darcy has gone to

Forum awards picture posting winner 2014/2016/2017/2018/2019/2020/2021/2023/2024

Also Scarlett Jones PA on the forum
27-10-2024 17:16
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darren73 Offline
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Post: #830
RE: Xpanded Dayshow - General Chat & Discussion
Would be nice to know what is going on with this afternoons show no one has been on there in ages

Forum awards picture posting winner 2014/2016/2017/2018/2019/2020/2021/2023/2024

Also Scarlett Jones PA on the forum
27-10-2024 18:45
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