The fact we are now down to two channels is profoundly depressing.
Babestation and Xpanded both have a completely different MO.
Channels having their own identity is fine as long as the motives are mutually beneficial. Back in time it was a channel dog eat dog mentality where it felt the rivalry was strong in particular between BS and Elite TV/S66.
Now it feels more like a combination of dog eats punter and eats itself alive at the same time in a ruthless, kamikaze, uncompromising form of self implosion.
It is primarily the nightshow product that has suffered imo to a point where I stopped bothering with it quite a long time ago.
Yes I'm old school. I liked the old times of call up a babe for a dirty chat, try and get them horny, naked and preferably both in a friendly spirited exchange.
The temptation to do that has irreversibly declined on nights.
Xpanded should be a logical home for nightshow calls but for me it just isn't anymore. It is consistently losing too many of its better babes to the cynical money grabbing BS to whom my attention will turn shortly.
For all of the BS shortcomings of which the list is endless the ability of Xpanded to exploit those is really pretty pathetic on nights at least.
The roster has dwindled to a scary degree, while the quality of show and motivation to call to my eyes at least is near enough zero.
For all the criticism BS gets for repetition I don't see Xpanded being any better.
The shows lack any imagination in terms of sets or outfits or ability to spark the senses and imagination. It's dull.
Too often XP has had to rely on very poor shows from home.
It's nightshows rely very heavily on just a few babes imo in just the same way BS does. Take Maria and Honey off XP and it's hopeless.
Take Beth and Lanta off BS it's hopeless.
At least for the TV side of things.
As for Babestation. Well where on earth do I start in such a reprehensible tale of woe. Wielding it's axe of tyrannical power like some deranged channel lunatic. So obviously intent on blatant scamming and money grabbing the whole nightshow product is a combination of the unimaginative, cynical, farcical and utterly incompetent. It has become institutionally poisonous and morally vacuous to an extent even I dared not believe possible.
Horrifyingly dehumanising on every level. There is no genuine channel care for it's babes or for the punters.
Instead a culture of selfishness, greed and self righteous narcissism has taken over the place.
A few babes desperately try and maintain a basic semblance of civility and dignity such as Beth, Lanta and Kartel only for some to jump on the notion that the channel has supposedly become 'Bethstation'.
A most unhelpful and disingenuous labelling technique akin to that of the word 'woke' being thrown around as a near insult and cause for derision.
BS making use of its highest quality performer is only natural.
A history making, award winning machine performer I might add

Beth achieved such success I believe because of an honesty of endeavour at odds with so much of the BS culture.
And who were the next highest ranked at the channel in the UK Adult Awards?
Atlanta and Kartel. Quelle surprise

Attitude is all. People see through stuff...... eventually.
Dignity, honour and integrity matters as it always should.
Channel bosses need to bear this in mind but I shan't hold my breath.
The nightshow product should not be a choice between the dull, the uninspiring, the repetitious, the callous, the scamming, the rip off or the downright incompetent.
To an extent this gradual demise has been intensifying for many years but the horror of the current reality is truly despicable. The mighty of quality have fallen. The product is a pale imitation of what it was and should be.
Sad times indeed.